Yi Tian, the imperial capital of the Yan prison Dynasty, was just passing by in a hurry. He had never personally experienced a handful of human and local customs like today.

After leaving from Panlong mountain, there was a letter of recommendation from the city master of Panlong city in his storage ring. It's not complicated to say that you're involved in the imperial court of Yan prison, but if you want to mess up, you still need a legitimate excuse. This letter of recommendation is to correct your name. Now you can walk in the demon world as an orthodox demon friar.

Originally, Yi Tian still had some doubts about this, but after Yan Tong's explanation, it was quite unexpected. After the defeat and retreat of the last spirit world invasion, the power of the friars in the demon world expanded rapidly, and the largest growth was not the seven races, but the power of the loose cultivation alliance.

Although there are no high-ranking friars in charge, the backbone forces in the alliance can not be ignored. Moreover, many of them were abandoned in the spirit world as the seven major ethnic friars. These demon friars who were regarded as abandoned children were later put back into the demon world through their own Huairou policy.

However, after their return, at least 70% of them did not return to their respective clans, but went to join the Sanshou alliance. There must be a steelyard in the hearts of these people. They must be bitter about being regarded as an abandoned son by the clan during the great retreat.

So this is the real reason why the loose cultivation alliance has been growing in the demon world in recent 100 years. Although there are no top friars, the integrated group of thousands of distracted friars and incarnation period is stronger than any of the seven families.

It's impolite to say that today's casual cultivation alliance was indirectly promoted by Yi Tian's unintentional move. At the same time, he is also happy to see its success, which is naturally conducive to the internal division of the demon world. I believe that the power structure of the demon world will be greatly improved when the next demon disaster war invades in ten thousand years.

However, this is inevitable. After tens of thousands of years of development, the original clan model seems to be more and more unable to keep up with the situation. Joint, unified and coordinated development is the way out of the demon world. Only when there is one or two integration periods in the free cultivation alliance, the friar must go up to a higher level and become the eighth important force in the demon world.

Yi Tian didn't want to get involved in the affair of imperial concubine Yan. His main purpose is not to jump out and attract people's attention. But I heard that Yan Lei, the emperor uncle of Yan prison, has mainly focused on this matter recently, so Yi Tian still thought it necessary to have a look.

It's not difficult for him to have private contact with Yan Lei, but it depends on whether he is willing to disclose the news of one eyed devil and one pupil from his mouth. At the same time, he had to hide his whereabouts, especially for the friars of Tianmo family, he had to vote for Li Baoxiao first, and then the other party would cooperate happily, wouldn't he.

Disguised as a friar in the later stage of Huashen, Yi Tian found a position in the transportation team of Yan prison imperial dynasty through Yan Tong's relationship, and returned to the imperial capital of Yan prison imperial dynasty with the transportation ship all the way.

Because it was the caravan of this dynasty, the formalities that should enter the customs were exempted. After entering the imperial capital of the imperial dynasty in Yan prison, Yi Tian directly got off the transport ship and flew towards the imperial position.

When he came to the Imperial City, Yi Tian quietly performed a Dharma formula, hid his body, and then swaggered towards the entrance of the imperial city. No one can find Yi Tian's accomplishments during his Mahayana as long as he doesn't want to reveal his whereabouts. The forbidden fences arranged in the imperial city look like paper paste in front of him.

I was proficient in the way of array boundary. Yi Tian easily broke through several defenses and came to the interior of the imperial city. Along the way, I found that the guard here was tight, and there were many secret outposts in the humble corners around the imperial city.

After passing through several halls in the Imperial City, you will find that the number of guards along the way has become more and more. The strength of the monks responsible for guarding has also been raised from the period of God to the level of distraction.

After walking to the core area of the Imperial City, Yi Tianshen thought slightly poked out and found that there seemed to be two spiritual pressures fluctuating in a partial hall in the distance. The strength of one of them went directly to the middle of the combination, which should be Yan Lei, the imperial uncle of the Yan prison. The other one was also very familiar. It was the original master of imperial concubine Yan. At this time, her cultivation was not the initial distraction seen by outsiders, It has reached the medium-term level.

Quietly walked up to the gate of the main hall and saw a dark red halo shrouded in prohibition. At this time, most of them had important business discussions inside. Yi Tian pulled out his hand slightly from the corner of his mouth to offer a black aura attached to the body surface. Once the palm touched the dark red prohibition halo, there was no ripple, and the whole body fell into the prohibition.

When he came to the inner center, he only heard the voice of two people arguing from the hall. Yi Tian was not as quiet as the inner center. At this time, Yan Lei, the imperial uncle of Yan prison, was sitting in the right position. There was no doubt that a woman in palace clothes was sitting at the bottom left of him.

After listening quietly for a little while, I realized that the two uncles and nephews were discussing the "martial arts competition and family Recruitment" conference. Imperial concubine Yan was unwilling to do this. At the same time, she also made it clear that as the crown prince, she could not marry the Tianmo family.

However, Yan Lei is deeply distressed, in which the pros and cons are important. It is precisely because the forces in the demon world have to reshuffle after the defeat of the demon clan. Although the Tianmo family has been frustrated many times, its strength still exists. In addition, the two Mahayana friars on the top are in charge. It's only a matter of time to recover.

But now the Yan prison emperor is not. The Yan prison demon emperor's strength is strong, but there are few longevity yuan left. It is estimated that it will be exhausted in less than a thousand years. It is precisely because of the delay in improving cultivation to the next stage, now the Yan prison imperial dynasty seems to be at the height of the sun, but in fact it is about to turn from prosperity to decline. In the whole clan, except for the two fit friars, there is no sign that a third person can appear for the time being.

Most of these descendants have not experienced cruel power, and they have long lost their heart of struggle when they are idle in the imperial city all day. Although Yan imperial concubine worked hard all the way, that's why she was liked by Tianmo clan. In fact, the Tianmo clan has been suppressing the other six clans for tens of thousands of years.

For the race with poor strength, it adopts a positive printing trend, while for the powerful race like the flame prison demon family, it adopts a Huairou policy to divide it into several forces with secret support from the royal family.

It's easier to attack the fortress from the inside than from the outside. That's why Dugu Canglang of the demon family came to propose marriage and contacted the lost princes in many ways. Although the devil emperor in the flame prison could not stop him, he was standing behind Dugu Canglang in terms of strength.

His words and deeds naturally represented Dugu's lonely will. Even if he was put down, other disciples of Tianmo family came to pick things up after that.

It was after seeing this clearly that the flame prison demon emperor made such a bad decision to hold a "contest to recruit relatives" meeting, hoping to use all forces to compete with the Tianmo clan. The intention was also obvious. It would be better to squeeze Dugu Canglang down directly.

But no matter how to say, Princess Yan must marry this time, which is also the focus of today's uncle and nephew's words. Yan imperial concubine doesn't want to be manipulated at the bottom of her heart, but the meaning in Yan Lei's words can't be denied, and she can't refute again.

Yan Lei said coldly, "my niece is not what I said. It seems that Dugu Canglang is threatening this time, but he also has natural defects. Too weak cultivation is our greatest opportunity, so my eldest brother will make this decision."

"Then you will spoil my lifelong happiness like this?" imperial concubine Yan also competed with each other.

"You're not young anymore. You're nearly 3000 years old. In my opinion, you're an old leftover woman. In fact, the eldest brother has long intended to choose a husband for you, otherwise you'll be criticized when you take charge of the court in the future," Yan Lei Haosheng dissuaded.

"Hum, those poor losers and low-level friars still want toads to eat swan meat," said Princess Yan with disdain: "I already have a suitable candidate in my heart. Won't you give me the chance to choose independently?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Yan Lei said with a solemn look: "Don't think we don't know the person in your mind, but what kind of status and accomplishments he is. I should be respectful when I see him. Do you expect me to propose marriage for you? Besides, don't you see that people already have Taoist partners. Their strength is equivalent to mine. Don't you make trouble for me?"

Hearing this, imperial concubine Yan flashed a glimmer of crystal tears in her eyes, and then said like playing a small temper: "Anyway, I just don't marry. In the end, I'll send someone to stir up the situation. If it's a big deal, I'll end up in person. Only a few of these people have the same strength as me. Moreover, when I see the Lord, I will naturally have some scruples. I can't give full play to my cultivation."

"You want to be good, but have you ever thought that the great devil Dugu lonely will leave behind his great grandson," Yan Lei said unhappily.

Yan Fei's words were like a ball of anger. Naturally, she knew that all her small tricks were in vain in the face of absolute strength.

Since Dugu Canglang dared to take part in the competition this time, he was already ready. Moreover, the demon emperor of the flame prison had already explained the rules when he held the "martial arts competition to recruit relatives". The coming period of cultivation was to deal with Dugu's loneliness. But people with a clear eye knew that the main players coming to the competition this time must be those friars in the distracted period. Dugu Canglang was not afraid of it, which showed that he was confident I'm not afraid to use Yin moves in the imperial court of Yan prison.

Just saying this, uncle Yan prison's face suddenly trembled slightly, and then turned to stare at the void in front of him. Then his face showed a solemn color and reached over to protect imperial concubine Yan behind him.

At this time, his complexion was severe and his momentum was not weak, but there was a trace of cold sweat overflow on his forehead. Although imperial concubine Yan didn't know where she was, she also knew that it was certainly no small matter that could make Yan Lei's complexion change greatly. Moreover, she had never seen uncle Huang have such a face since she remembered. I'm afraid Yan Lei could still be calm when facing the friars in the integration stage of Tianmo clan.

Shao Qing only listened to Yan Lei sigh: "it seems inappropriate for you to sneak into the imperial city of Yan prison like this, elder Dugu. Since I and elder brother agreed to solve this contradiction and dispute by means of martial arts competition, I naturally have no intention of going back."

Yan Fei, who was standing behind her, turned pale at this time. She naturally realized the seriousness of the situation. At this time, her teeth clenched her red lips and said nothing, but her face was tense, staring at the helpless color.

After three breaths, a virtual shadow slowly appeared in front of the two people, and then realized the face of a monk of Tianmo family by virtual transformation. It was just as if the person in front had never met.

The Yan imperial concubine behind her also showed surprise in her eyes, which seemed a little unbelievable.

Shaoqing yanlei dared to ask again, "elder is not Dugu lonely, is it the devil saint?"

"Oh, what makes you think of me as a demon saint? Am I very similar to him?" Yi Tian joked.

The voice of the words just fell in front of him, and dramatic changes took place on the two faces. Yan Lei was shocked and couldn't speak. Because Yi Tian just changed his appearance and spiritual attributes, but his voice didn't change at all.

After listening to his words, Yan Lei reacted first, but his eyes were full of unconvincing colors. Although the person in front of him was a monk of Tianmo family, he was definitely not a big Tianmo Dugu lonely. After thinking about it, Yan Lei opened his mouth and asked, "dare you ask, but is Yi Daoyou face to face?"

"It's been years since I left the Qionghua Pavilion. Uncle Huang is fine," Yi Tian joked.

Hearing this tone, Yan Lei finally settled in his heart. Then he opened his eyes and looked at it for a long time before he said, "why can't I see your strength? And at this time, the oppression you give me is no worse than the loneliness of the great demon Dugu Aotian, and even slightly better than the upper half of the chip."

"I see. Now I have some eyes on Dugu's lonely strength," Yi Tian thought about it.

Then his eyes turned to the Yan imperial concubine behind Yan Lei. After looking at her, she saw that her face was full of shocking colors, and at the same time, she was also vaguely happy.

Slowly walked forward and found a position opposite Yan Lei. After sitting down, Yi genius stretched out his hand and waved to them to sit down and chat first. But Yan Lei in front of him seemed rather cramped. Instead, imperial concubine Yan came forward and sat down next to her. Then he glanced up and down several times before slowly opening his mouth and asked, "is this your real body? Or was it the appearance of your flame prison demon family?"

"In fact, they are both," Yi Tian said. "In fact, I could only become a demon monk with similar attributes to the original spiritual body because of practicing martial arts."

"What degree have you reached now?" Yan imperial concubine tried to ask.

This is also the concern of Yan Lei, the imperial uncle of Yan prison. He hurried back to the main position. At the same time, his eyes seemed to be listening to his reply.

"Didn't uncle Huang tell you just now? I don't think I need to repeat it again," Yi Tian said with a light smile.