"Qin Feng, don't scare Ruo rou. I was just studying with her about potential clients. What are you yelling about here?"

"What's more, I told you to collect money in the afternoon. Where are you going to fool around? Don't say you've been to wojia department store. I won't believe it. If you take the money from the company and don't do business, I'll report it to the supervisor tomorrow and let you..."


Qin Feng couldn't listen to him for a long time. His solution was simple and crude. He punched Wang Chao in the face, and his nose was crooked and stained with blood on Wang Chao's face.

He was so angry that his whole face twisted and pointed to Qin Feng and said, "grass, you dare to hit people, Laozi..."


In order to prove that he is dare to hit people, Qin Feng is a kick in Wang Chao's abdomen, directly kick him out.

The strength of this foot was strong enough. Wang Chao fell to pieces. He covered his sore stomach and looked at Qin Feng in horror. His arrogance and arrogance disappeared.

"You, you don't come here. I, I'm afraid I won't give the top a small report. You, you keep working hard and let's take it as if nothing happened." Under Qin Feng's absolute toughness, Wang Chao has begun to beg for mercy.

Qin Feng is not ready to let him off so easily. He is about to make a move. Xu Ruo Rou quickly stops him: "Qin Feng, please, don't fight me. Let's go quickly."

Qin Feng couldn't bear to look at that tender and frightened look. He took back his feet and glared at Wang Chao fiercely: "take good care of it. If Rou is Laozi's person, don't make her mind again."

The reason why Qin Feng is so angry is that Wang Chao bullies Xu Ruo rou. If he is targeted at himself because of his work, Qin Feng will not pay attention to such a villain.

Looking at Qin Feng's intimate embrace of Xu Ruo Rou, Wang Chao's whole face turned black, and his eyes twinkled with a violent spirit. He swore in his heart that he would kill Qin Feng.

"Qin Feng, thank you. I'll go back first." Out of the Royal Group, Xu Ruo Rou goes home first. Qin Feng rides on the 28 bars and rushes back to the Qin mansion.

When he got home, housekeeper Wang was arranging dinner. His father and Han Yingying didn't seem to be back. Qin Feng went to the third floor and went back to his room.

He took off his coat and changed into a pair of beach trousers. He jumped into the soft bed with his bare arms. In the afternoon, he was very interested in the synthesis system, but he was interrupted by Wang Chao. Now he quickly opened the supreme dandy system and began to study it again.

At the interface of synthetic system, the organisms that can be synthesized can be divided into three categories: Heaven, earth, and water. Among them, the most initial land creatures are: one with a price of 100 dandy points, aquatic organisms with a price of 200 dandies, and birds with a price of 300 dandies.

Qin Feng killed Liang Zhenwei and got 1000 dandy points. In the afternoon, he spent 50 dandies to buy Xiao Li's throwing knife and shot Haonan. Now there are 950 dandy spots left in his body.

In fact, he is greedy for the wind blade skill now, because after obtaining this skill, he can use internal Qi to continuously release the wind blade. Think of Xiao Li's flying dagger will cost 50 dandies. Qin Feng can't buy one for every person he kills. In the long run, it's certainly not worth it.

However, he was very interested in the synthesis system, and finally decided to use the 950 dandy points in the synthetic system experiment.

At the same time, I'm growling in my heart. How nice it would be to have more dandy

After thinking about it, Qin Feng decided to buy two original land creatures to play with. He suddenly remembered the cartoon cat and mouse he used to watch when he was a child. He spent 200 dandies on buying a yellow haired cat and a brown mouse.

"Ding Congratulations on the successful purchase of pets by the host. Is it free to synthesize now? " As soon as I bought the hand, the system's prompt tone rang.


At an order, Qin Feng saw a big melting pot in his mind. Two cute little animals were thrown into it. The melting pot spun quickly. Half a minute later, a brand-new animal was shining and rising slowly. Finally, he entered the pet rotten of the supreme system.

Qin Feng immediately opened the pet bar and looked at the newly synthesized land creature.

Pikachu --

Health: 1.

Combat power: 1.

Agility: 1.

Skill: wind speed. (as fast as the wind.)

Hidden skill: 100000 thunder and lightning. (hidden skills are triggered by probability, not 100% of them will appear.)

Spirituality: channeling. (can understand human language.)

Status: initial adoration state. (initial adoration state - primary awakening state - Intermediate awakening state - Advanced awakening state - Super awakening state - Supreme awakening state.)

It is suggested that the Pikachu obtained in this synthesis has acquired the cat's keen perception and the mouse's timid character randomly. Please don't intimidate the host easily. If you are scared to death, the system will not be responsible for it!


Seeing the name of the new synthetic pet, Qin Feng's eyes were almost blinded. Now he can see that Pikachu is a combination of cat and mouse.No wonder this guy looks like a mouse and a cat.

Check out the attributes of the whole Pikachu, Qin Feng idea move, a palm size cute animal appeared on his big bed.

Qin Feng holds him in his hand and looks at it carefully. Most of his fur is yellow. His four claws and ear tips are brown. There are three regular brown stripes on his back. It looks very beautiful on the whole. He is sticking out his little pink tongue and licking Qin Feng's palm.

"Pickup, Pikachu!" Pikachu suddenly looked at Qin Feng and jumped up with excitement.

Qin Feng suddenly has a black line. This thing is not only the same as Pikachu, but also has the same mantra.

Looking at Pikachu's appearance, he should be hungry. Qin Feng finds a glass of milk. Pikachu immediately runs over and licks the milk with satisfaction on his face.

Qin Feng can only say that he is barely satisfied with the land creatures synthesized this time. Like the little Xiang pig, this thing can only be raised as a lovely pet, which can not meet the fighting ability Qin Feng needs.

Now that the synthesis system is in place, Qin Feng wants to synthesize a super pet with explosive combat effectiveness. How to say that the appearance also needs to be very frightening. If you can frighten others to death just from the momentum, it is the best.

Looking at the 750 dandy spots left in the system, Qin Feng looks at it again in the aquatic biology category. Now he has a rough understanding of the synthesis system. After synthesis, the two biological characteristics, character and ability will be randomly superimposed.

This time, he did not choose two aquatic creatures randomly and impulsively, but after some careful consideration, he finally thought of Xuanwu, one of the four sacred beasts in China.

Xuanwu is a kind of spirit thing composed of tortoise and snake in ancient Chinese myths and legends. It is also called xuanming, also known as Beiming. Like other three spirits, Xuanwu was also transformed from the twenty-eight constellations. In ancient times, it was believed that snakes were witty, nimble and good at collecting wealth, while the common belief was that the dream snake was a good omen for wealth; however, the turtle had hard armor on its abdomen and back, and its head, tail and limbs could be retracted into the armor, so it could endure hunger and thirst, and had a long life span.

For this kind of auspicious symbol of the ancient god beast, Qin Feng is very optimistic. If he can synthesize a Xuanwu, then after he wakes up again and again, the combat effectiveness will not be against the sky.

Therefore, Qin Feng found several snakes and several different kinds of turtles in the aquatic biology column. This time, it was very important for the selection of turtles and snakes because it was a super beast to synthesize the fighting power.

According to Qin Feng's idea, tortoise and snake, one attack, one defense. If the snake is quick and quick, it is suitable to attack. If the tortoise moves slowly, but its shell is hard enough, and its life is long enough, it is suitable for defense, so it is necessary to choose a turtle with a long life.

With a goal in mind, Qin Feng picked it up much easier. Finally, he bought a Bungarus multicinctus and a turtle.

The Bungarus multicinctus is one of the top ten venomous snakes in China. It has white and black rings on its back. However, sea turtles are turtles with a long life span and can live to over 100 years old. It is widely distributed in the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean and mainly feeds on seaweed. There is a pair of forehead scales on the top of the head. The limbs are like oars. The forelimbs are longer than the hind limbs, and each has a claw inside. The head, neck and limbs cannot be retracted into the nail.

"Ding Congratulations on the successful purchase of Bungarus multicinctus and sea turtles. Now whether to synthesize for free. As a friendly reminder, for every 100 dandy points spent by the host, the host can specify an animal attribute to keep

Hearing this prompt, Qin Feng didn't rush to synthesize. After thinking about it, he spent 200 dandy points, retaining the longevity attribute of the turtle and the venom attack attribute of the snake.

This time, Qin Feng's 1000 dandies are only 150 in a flash.

For this synthesis, he is very looking forward to: "synthesis!"

At the command, a melting pot reappears in my mind. This time, it took a full minute for the synthesis of the latest product to rise, a small monster with turtle body and snake head.

Xuanwu --

Health: 1.

Combat power: 1.

Agility: 1.

Skill: venom bubble. (the Bungarus multicinctus uses its venom to send out enveloping bubbles, which instantly paralyzes the enemy and causes range damage.)

Immortality. (turtle's unique skill, life span is infinite.)

Hidden skill: Tsunami roar. (turtle concealment skill, which can be triggered by probability, is not a 100% skill.)

Spirituality: channeling. (can understand human language.)

Status: initial adoration state. (initial adoration state - primary awakening state - Intermediate awakening state - Advanced awakening state - Super awakening state - Supreme awakening state.)

It is suggested that the basaltic obtained in this synthesis, because the host retains its own obvious attributes, has the super toxic attack of the Bungarus multicinctus, and the long life span of the sea turtles, it is a rare super favorite in the sea combat!


Seeing Xuanwu's introduction, Qin Feng was very satisfied. When his idea moved, Xuanwu fell on his bed.

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