Chapter 1920

After a while, Zheng Yuan's body was full of colorful light.

This is the unique seven rainbow Fairy Light of the eternal fairy in the legend.

Rainbow fairy light is divided into three colors, five colors, seven colors and nine colors.

The more colors there are, the more powerful the rainbow fairy light is.

Jiucaixianguang is extremely rare.

Heaven and earth have their own history, only the monster king has nine color Fairy Light.

Even the four immortals, Tianlong, Zhuque, Fenghuang and Qilin, have only colorful lights.

What Zheng Yuan owns is ten color Fairy Light.

Ten color Fairy Light, but never appeared, even the legend did not.

It is generally believed that jiucaixianguang is the strongest Xianguang in the world.

Zheng Yuan can be said to have made history, shaking the ancient and shining the gold.

Soon, he felt the power of terror all over his body.

It's as if any punch can make a big hole in tiangei.

He officially became the immortal.

Zheng Yuan couldn't help jumping up and roaring up to the sky. His voice was like the sound of a dragon, soaring into the sky.

When his mood calmed down, Zheng Yuan sat on the ground with his knees crossed, opened the thunder storage array, absorbed all the thunder sources that had been stored before, and began to stabilize the cultivation of eternal immortals.

In the blink of an eye, three months passed, and Zheng Yuan's immortal spiritual cultivation was completely stabilized.

There is no hierarchy for immortal spirit. The strength of immortal spirit is determined by immortal light.

"Monster king, your time of death has come." Zheng Yuan burst out laughing.

He doesn't worry about the resurrection of the demon king now. He just worries that it won't resurrect.

Because if we don't revive now, we have to spend more time.

The last thing he likes to do is wait.

Zheng Yuan stopped practicing, used a clear water formula, summoned clear water to wash his body, and then put on a clean suit of fairy clothes.

After that, he left luoshenshan.

Zheng Yuan drove Skybird westward.

Now he plans to go to heaven and earth fairy palace to see Meiji, and then help her unify the fairy palace, so that he can cope with the coming super beast tide.

His task is to deal with the monster king, and the super beast tide can only be dealt with by Mei Ji and others.

Zheng Yuan just left luoshenshan for a while, suddenly noticed that a flying immortal came to the south.

To Zheng Yuan's surprise, it was Qingming's spaceship.

At the moment, Qingming's face was very pale, his chest had been injured, and his white robe had been dyed red by blood.

Zheng Yuan flew over, easily broke through the defense array of Qingming spaceship, and came to the deck.

Qingming is startled to see someone break into her spaceship.

Without saying a word, she clapped her hand.

Zheng Yuan's right hand gently a probe, then her wrist to buckle: "Qingming, don't be nervous, it's me."

Qingming then saw Zheng Yuan's appearance. She could not help but let go and said happily, "benefactor Zheng, it's you."

As soon as she finished, she couldn't help spitting out a big mouthful of blood.

She had been seriously injured, all in one breath to support, and now this is a relief, immediately unable to support.

Zheng Yuan quickly came forward to hold her, and then let her sit on the ground with her knees crossed.

Then, she put her right palm on her back to help her cure.

After becoming an immortal, his immortal Qi has therapeutic effect.

No matter how many injuries you suffer, as long as you are moistened by the immortal Qi, you will soon recover.

After a while, Qingming's injury was almost cured.

Qingming was very grateful and said, "thank you, benefactor Zheng, for helping me heal my wounds."

Zheng Yuan asked, "Qingming, who hurt you so badly? You are a disciple of Shenghua fairy palace. No one should dare to do anything to you. "

Qingming said: "it's the people of the imperial religion. They are all the pursuers of the monster emperors. They have been hiding in the dark all the time. But since a period of time, the three realms have been attacked by a strange thunder, and these evil spirits and crooked ways have started to run out and make waves again. Now the fairy palace is in chaos. "

Zheng Yuan a little curious asked: "thunder attack three?"

He was quite surprised in his heart. Could it not be caused by his eternal thunder attack?This is too evil, too overbearing!

After a pause, Qingming continued: "they thought that the thunder attack was caused by the resurrection of the demon emperor, so they were very excited and madly attacked our Shenghua fairy palace, trying to take away the heart of the demon emperor who was guarded by our Shenghua fairy palace for generations, so that it could be completely resurrected."

At this point, Qingming sighed dejectedly: "if the demon king is really revived, then the people of the three worlds will suffer again."

Zheng Yuan comforted: "Qingming, don't worry. Even if the demon king revives, it won't make any waves."

He is now full of confidence in his own strength and believes that he can fight against the monster king.

Qingming sighed: "the imperial religion is much stronger than we thought. Originally, our Shenghua palace was full of powerful people, and there was also a strong defense immortal array, but I didn't expect that they broke it in the end. My master was also seriously injured. She tried her best to help me to find a way out and let me go to Qiankun temple for help."

After a pause, she looked at Zheng Yuan and said, "benefactor Zheng, can you accompany me to the heaven and earth fairy palace?"

Zheng Yuan said: "of course, I had planned to go to heaven and earth fairy palace, but now I don't have to. Let's go to Shenghua fairy palace directly."

When Qingming was about to say something, she saw a blue spaceship flying over.

"Little nun, it depends on where you run."

Three middle-aged men stood on the bow deck of the blue spaceship.

Their faces were pale, their eyes were red, and their faces were gloomy.

Qingming sighed: "I didn't expect that they would catch up so soon. Benefactor Zheng, they are the people of the imperial religion. "

Zheng Yuan saw at a glance that the three goods were the mid-term cultivation of the emperor level immortals.

The emperor's religion is really strong, so there are three emperor level fairies.

But now Zheng Yuan is not scared.

Not to mention the middle stage of the emperor level fairy, even if the Shang level fairy is perfect, he is not the same thing.

"Boy, it's none of your business here. If you don't want to die, go away quickly." Standing on the far left, a middle-aged man with a big head stares at Xia Chen and scolds coldly.

Zheng Yuan light way: "sorry, I don't like to roll, I just want to see others roll."

"Boy, it seems that you are toasting instead of drinking?" Standing on the far right, a burly middle-aged man's face darkened.

Zheng Yuan said casually, "I don't like to drink a toast or a penalty."

"Boy, you are arrogant. Do you know what will happen if you fight against our imperial religion?" The little middle-aged man standing in the middle snorted coldly.

Zheng Yuan looked calm and said, "I don't know. I don't want to know. I just don't know what will happen to me if you mess with me. That's dead without a whole body?"

He said, calling out a small broken knife, a knife to cut in the past.