Chapter 1048

As soon as speaker long finished, he asked with one voice: "where do Americans get information?"

How do they know the names of our 27 soldiers?!

This is also the problem of the speaker with his fist in his hand Said, he put the list of the 27 soldiers in front of his thoughts, "look, do you need to fight this lawsuit?"

Looking at this list, I immediately realized that it was the 27 special operations division members who were in the central control room that day!

She knew all those people. They were uncles and brothers who watched her grow up.

It is unrealistic and absurd to see these familiar names become "defendants" in American courts.

She calmed down and read the indictment of the Department of justice at a glance.

The indictment is very thick. I only read the summary at the top.

According to the US Department of justice's indictment, they charged the 27 soldiers with 31 charges, including obtaining passwords with phishing software, intruding into the computer system of secret laboratories in the United States, embedding viruses, stealing advanced technical data, using virus instructions to destroy computer software and hardware, as well as infringing personal privacy, stealing business and trade secrets, and demanding sky high compensation.

The court of prosecution is the Western District Court of Pennsylvania, and the 27 Chinese soldiers are wanted immediately.

The indictment also included a warrant issued by the Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) with clear photos of the 27 officers.

"The United States has used a politically correct person as its attorney general, so his professional quality has to be relegated to the second line. How else can such a ridiculous indictment come out? It is estimated that the judicial profession in the United States has been pretending to be deaf and dumb for a long time, which is really humiliating. "

"You mean they shouldn't sue?"

"Of course not. First of all, according to the procedural justice of American law, the means of obtaining evidence must be legal and open to have legal effect. Look at the information of these soldiers. They are all top secret in our country. How can the Americans get it? Do they dare to say how and how they get the information? "

"Miss knocked on the thick indictment," they certainly dare not say. Because those who have eyes can see that their access to this information must be illegal. Either they got it from spies, or, like the cyberwar they accused us of, they hacked it out of our systems. "

"You mean, because the way they got the evidence was illegal, it didn't work at all." Speaker long is also a student of law and has a good understanding of legal issues.

"Yes, American courts should not have filed a case at all. But we also see that the United States Court has also filed a case. " "We must forgive their ignorance and arrogance. You must know that the United States has gone mad under the banner of political correctness. For political correctness, they can sacrifice fairness, efficiency, quality and conscience. So the last U.S. government couldn't. It was full of people with intellectual disabilities whose IQ was not online that came up on the basis of political correctness. "

However, in this US government, the president addicted to Twitter has not yet completed the replacement of government officials. Many senior government positions are still the same as those of the previous one.

The attorney general who sued the soldiers of the Chinese Empire was appointed by the last president.

Speaker long nodded, "read it well. You draw up a refutation email for me and send it to me. I will forward it to the Ministry of justice and the Ministry of foreign affairs of the interim cabinet, and general Ji will also send a copy there

Thinking of the nod agreed, back to his office to draft refutation mail to go.

She wrote this kind of e-mail skillfully, and soon criticized the other party's indictment with reasonable grounds and stances. She criticized everything from legal theory to law, from logic to common sense.

The email of less than 300 English characters is already a very wonderful debate essay.

President long read the email, clapped his hands and immediately forwarded it to general Ji, the Ministry of justice and the Ministry of foreign affairs for reference.

Both admiral Ji and the Foreign Ministry responded to the unreasonable demands of the United States on the basis of a refutation email written by a legal person.

Only in the Ministry of justice of the Chinese Empire, the e-mail forwarded by speaker long did not receive much attention.

Because the Minister of justice was brought out by Prime Minister Tan DONGBANG, he has always followed his example.

Tan DONGBANG's position as prime minister is in danger, but the justice minister has not given up on him, just like a lackey of the prime minister.

As soon as he received the indictment from the U.S. Department of justice, he immediately went to find Tan DONGBANG for advice.

Tan DONGBANG called Cai Songyin to listen to the report of the Minister of justice in the prime minister's office and read the summary of the indictment with him. He was excited.

Is this a promising thing?!

Tan DONGBANG eagerly looked at Cai Songyin, "Song Yin, what do you think this thing should do?"

As soon as Tan DONGBANG spoke, Cai Songyin understood what he meant.She looked at the indictment and pondered in secret. Should not the Prime Minister of Tan DONGBANG be doomed?!

If we stir up this matter, we may still get a share of the vote in the provisional election

Holding a thick stack of indictments, Cai Songyin said, "I'll go back and think about what to do."

"OK, OK, go ahead and think about it." In fact, Tan DONGBANG also has his own ideas and wants to try, but Cai Songyin has accumulated great power for a long time. He always subconsciously seeks her opinions at the first time, especially on major issues.

Cai Songyin left the prime minister's office of Tan DONGBANG with the indictment and went back to his small building.

When Tan Guiren came back from the parliament building in the morning, she found her father, Tan DONGBANG, in a meeting, and her mother attended the meeting. As a result, she did not see anyone. After returning, she took a nap and heard the servant say that CAI Songyin had come back from outside.

She put on her clothes in a hurry and got stuck in the door.

Seeing Cai Songyin, Tan GUI flew over like a butterfly, "Mommy."

"Darling, why don't you sleep more?" Cai Songyin stops and smiles at Tan Guiren, who pours into her arms.

Holding Tan Guiren in her arms, Cai Songyin said kindly, "why don't you sleep a little more?"

"Mommy, I've been sleeping better." Tan Guiren held Cai Songyin's arm. "Mommy, I want to tell you something. Minister Hong is a thoroughly bad man."

Cai Songyin: "it's just

"Baby, don't worry about these things outside. You just care about your violin Cai Songyin plucked Tan Guiren's head black and straight, "how was your stay in the army's literary and Engineering Corps?"

"Not bad." Tan Guiren spread the words, put down a big stone in his heart, "Mommy, I'll go to the regiment to practice piano in the afternoon, and I'll come back in the evening."

"Go ahead. I'll let Lao Chang take you there."

Lao Chang is the driver of CAI Songyin's family.

When Tan Guiren left happily, Cai Songyin had a chance to take a specific look at the indictment of the US Department of justice.

She looked at the indictment from a different perspective. Cai Songyin looked at it from the perspective of big news and entertainment.

As she expected, there were too many things to be hyped about in the indictment.

In four days' time, Tan DONGBANG will take part in the general election again.

They must seize the commanding height of a wave of news!

This is the third shift, and it is still the third shift today.

Good night, my dear friends! , the fastest update of the webnovel!