Chapter 1939

Thinking of it immediately turned to see the kettle on the side of the induction cooker.

However, Huo Shaoheng's speed is faster than her. She has come to her side step by step, turning off the induction cooker and lifting the kettle at the same time.

He shrunk his neck with a smile Well, I didn't pay attention to it for a while. I forgot to boil the water. "

Lu Jin also said, "it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. You see the kettle has an automatic alarm device..."

Huo Shaoheng glanced at the father and daughter, and asked to think about it: "where is the tea cup?"

Thinking of the busy pointed to her just prepared cover bowl tea cup, "here."

Huo Shaoheng took the kettle and made four cups of tea skillfully.

I feel embarrassed to use the tray to carry out.

Lu Yuan frowned and asked Lu Jin, "what were you doing just now? Why don't you turn off the fire when the water is boiling? "

Lu Jin said with a smile, "I forgot the kettle when I talked to my girl."

"Can you forget that, too?" Luyuan shook his head, "OK, you come out. After that, your father and daughter can't stay at the same time with a stove. It's too dangerous."

Lu Jin wanted to retort, but couldn't find the right words, so he had to follow the road behind him.

Thinking of sitting beside Huo Shaoheng, he picked up his cup and blew it. He asked, "Huo Shao, what did you talk to Lu just now?"

Huo Shaoheng glanced at her, "what should I ask you to say to your father? I don't even know when the water is boiling

Miss just want to nestle in the past coquettish, the corner of the eye glimpses the road is far and near have come, had to give up, said angrily: "tell my father where they live, Huo Shao, I want to buy Gu Yanran's house there."

Huo Shaoheng was slightly shocked Isn't that already in your name? Why do you want to buy it? "

Thinking of the shaking his head, "that's not my house, it's a little read. I can't take possession of her property. "

Although she has handed over most of her family property to the state, she still has a part in her hands.

These properties, trust funds, stocks, bonds, antiques and deposits alone are astronomical.

Several houses under Gu Yanran's name were "returned to their original owners" after the court pronounced a verdict, and the ownership was transferred to the name of care.

Now that I know my life experience and take this money again, I feel restless.

Huo Shaoheng understood her concerns, and he didn't care much about the money. He pondered: "yes. But how do you do it? "

Sell it to yourself?

Anyway, the secrets of the other world can't be made public.

There can be another way of saying about the life experience, but it must not come from the opposite world.

After thinking about it for a while, he said impatiently, "I'd better donate it to charity first, and then give a sum of money to buy it from charity."

Huo Shaoheng smiles and shakes his head, "what you think is too complicated. Why don't you give your father some money to buy that house from you. Then you give the money to the charity fund you set up. "

"Good! That's OK! " Thinking of the happy nod, "this is more reasonable."

It makes more sense than selling it to yourself.

Lu Jin said, "how can I want to read the money? I can borrow it from the bank... "

"Dad, don't refuse. I'll lend it to you. When you have money, you can give it back to me. " Thinking of the smile with curved eyebrows and eyes, made a OK gesture, "so happily decided!"

Lujin wanted to say something. Luyuan shook his head at him and said kindly, "I still have some money. Just now Shaoheng said that my mother also left me part of the inheritance, which is now in his hands. He will be transferred to my name. I'll pay for the house. "

Lu Jin turned his eyes and said, "well, let's buy one for each. I'll borrow money from Nianzhi to buy her suit. You buy Gu Yanran. I heard that these two sets happen to be upstairs and downstairs. "

"If it's convenient, you can find a place to add a staircase between the two houses, which will turn into a luxury suite with two floors!"

Thinking of a cough, toward the road near squeeze eyes, said with a smile: "this is not good. Dad, it's more convenient for you to follow Mr. Lu alone. Besides, it's all elevators. It's very convenient for you to visit each other on the first floor and the first floor. "

Lu Jin understood, laughed and said, "well, I'll listen to my girl, we'll be one person and one floor."

Lu Yuan pretended not to see the thought of Lu Jin and said with a smile: "this is really convenient. I don't know if Nian Zhi is free today. Take us to see the house? "

Thinking of the stand up, "no problem, let's go to see."

She looked down at Huo Shaoheng, sitting on the sofa, "Huo Shao, is the house cleaned?"

I'm not here for a year. If no one cleans it, I don't know how much dust there is.

Huo Shaoheng smile and nod, "there are people cleaning."He raised his hand and called Yin Shixiong to come over and said, "Daxiong, you can take two Mr. Lu to read the two three ring apartments. By the way, you can take them to apply for ID cards, open bank accounts, and buy some daily necessities and clothes and appliances."

The road is far and near with nothing. I come here empty handed.

But neither of them was worried at all.

Problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

Besides, Huo Shaoheng has just given Lu Yuan a black card.

Whatever you want.

In fact, he also wanted to follow the past, but Huo Shaoheng said: "read to stay, I have something to ask you."

She just stayed.

Yin Shixiong smiles and greets Lu Yuan and Lu Jin and says, "two of you come with me. I just called. The police special agent will handle the ID card and household registration for you today."

This is not a general "special operation". It is a joint instruction of general Ji, speaker long and Prime Minister Bai. We must make Mr. Lu Jin have Chinese nationality.

Lujin was also reluctant to take care of it. She wanted to ask her to go with her. Luyuan understood what Huo Shaoheng meant. She pulled Lu Jin and said, "you should quickly tidy up your house and arrange a room for Nianzhi, so that she can live with you with justice."

Lu Jin regained consciousness and nodded abruptly, "OK, OK! I'll get ready in a minute

The top priority is to make money.

Is it to speculate in stocks, or to gamble, or to buy horses?

These are the quickest ways to get money.

With its super powerful computing power, all of these are no exception.

Lu Yuan shook his head in tears and said, "are you still in a hurry? When you get your house ready, print out a copy of your storm gun drawing, apply for a patent, and then sell it to the military department. You can sit at home and count the money. "

Lu Jin scratched his head and said, "ah? And patent applications? I was going to give them as a gift to meet them... "

"That won't do." Lu Yuan walked side by side with him, and said lightly: "no one will cherish the free gifts. What's more, it's free at the beginning. It's a bad start. Do you expect to receive money for future products? "

“…… Not really? " Lu Jin blinked. "Don't you have a good relationship with them? Besides, Huo Shaoheng is still their leader... "

"Never test others with interests, whether they are a person or an organization." Lu Yuan said meaningfully, "it's better to have both money and money in business. And don't make them feel that good things come too easily. Although I am one of them, I don't want the whole military department to lose the ability of self innovation because of your plug-in. "

In the final analysis, the military department must have its own talent echelon plan to maintain its vigorous vitality.

Lu Jin, a genius who can't be found, would rather let him be a teacher and teach people how to think.

It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish.

Luyuan is not as smart as Luyuan in business. Luyuan is also the main decision-maker in the business of the group.

Lujin is a major shareholder, but it only cares about product quality, does not do business management, and does not care about sales.

"I'll listen to you." Br >

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