Chapter 36 - Blood clone

After erasing all the evidence, instead of going back, Minato sat down and began to ponder.

He was glad that he was able to absorb different bloodlines, but it will be a hassle to train them all without being seen. He could have his clones train them in secret, but it will hinder the development of those bloodlines, they will not come instinctively. Clones are not resistant enough to stimulate a true battle.

Furthermore, if he trains in all of them, in battle sometime reflex take over rationality, and if one day he breathes magma while growing trees because of a reflex, he will truly be in a pinch.

What he must do is having clones capable of surviving on their own, till he grows strong enough to use all differents bloodline without fearing the consequences, so when he becomes at least strong enough to fend off a revived Madara. Only then, will the clones die and give him all the memories and experience.

"I must create a Kage Bunshin resistant and possessing only one bloodline. For the one bloodline thing, I can use the blood of the people I absorbed, because it's now a part of mine. But to link a Kage Bunshin with it and make it resistant, I would have to use Fuuinjutsu and a lot of experiments. Thankfully, I acquire a ton of blood from Kajura, so I will use it to experiment with this idea of mine"

If he successfully creates those blood clones, they will take the outer appearance of the person as who the blood belongs to, because DNA provides people appearances, with a Kage Bunshin inside of it.

"No, that won't do. I must have full control of the body. If it's controlled by the whims of a Kage Bunshin, who knows what it will do knowing that he could live eternally. I must add this when I draw the Fuuinjutsu matrix"

With those clones that look exactly like the people from which he absorbed the blood, it will not be suspicious if they display their kekkei genkai publicly, because people already knew that they have it. He just has to make sure that nobody knows that he killed them if he wants to replace them.

Like that, he could train those abilities in broad daylight without having to silence all the witnesses each time. Because, in the end, if he absorbed 50 bloodlines and must train all of them by himself, it will be far too suspicious and easy to be caught red-handed. Who knew what people will do if they know that he can absorb bloodlines?

"And for that, I must learn to separate my consciousness into multiples parts.

Let's see all the mind techniques in this world...Yamanaka's Shintenshin no Jutsu will not work, it's transferring one whole mind into an opponent body, I don't want to occupy just one 'body' at a time, I just want to control the other body like a puppet.

Orochimaru's soul transfer technique will not work because what I want is to only transfer a part of my mind. If I transferred my whole soul, it would be like switching bodies, and it's completely useless and disadvantageous for me. I can't possibly separate my own soul...Oh!

Fuka Uzumaki secret technique, the one with which she transferred her soul into her hair. If I remember right, she could place the soul of others under her control. And from what I gathered, Kage Bunshin possesses their 'own soul', if not they will not be able to think by themselves. So if I use her technique and take control of them, it could work

But she is not even born yet so I can't snatch it. And even then, she was only able to control one soul at a time. What I need is her Jutsu coupled with the ability to control multiple bodies at the same time of the Rinnegan.

For the former, I think it will be doable with Fuuinjutsu, after all, I doubt that it was her kekkei genkai but more a seal that she developed, and I'm sure that if she can do it, I can too. But for the latter, taking the Rinnegan now is far too risky, Zetsu will not sit by and do nothing, not even speaking of Madara that is still alive. Even after he died, if I take the Rinnegan, Zetsu will plot against me, and I have no viable way to track him down or kill him.

Maybe it's doable by Fuuinjutsu too, separating the mind into multiple parts? Well, it's not like I could do it for now so I will research it when I return to Konoha'

Making sure that he removed all the traces of what happened here, he began to make the trip back to the city. Even if Jiraya caught on him outside of it, it's not like he would suspect that he snatched a bloodline and that he is a body snatcher. He never suspected his own teammate, why would he do that for a child that is far less creepy?

When he was going to return, his Hyper Intuition hinted him on something. Following the feeling, he was startled, he was emitting some sort of ominous formless energy after having killed those guys. Searching through Minato's memories, he likened it to Killing Intent. Hurriedly retracting it, he breathed a sigh of relief. If he went to Jiraya like that, it would definitely have been suspicious. 'It's strange, Minato killing intent did not pass over to me, well, it's for the best. On the battlefield, I will surely emit some of it, and for a person that has live through a war, he has killed thousands of people. If I emitted this kind of scary killing intent, even Hiruzen will be wary of me'

Thankfully, it seems that killing intent can only be acquired by bathing into the blood of people. Even if he killed in his past life, it was not in a ninja way, but by vaporization. So no real traces were left on him. War never ends, even thousand of years after earth destruction, people still waged wars, and to come out of the top, Byron killed his fair share of people.

Midway on his return, Jiraya caught up to him, and look at him curiously "Where did you go gaki? I thought that you would be looking around the town?"

"I already look around, and there is nothing to see. The settlement is so poor that there are thieves everywhere, so I left the town because it was becoming annoying to beat them up" Replied Minato. If he didn't leave early, it would truly have happened so it's not like it's a complete lie.

"Well, I have all the information I need, and there is no material for research here. Let's go back to Konoha"

"Eh, so you went looking for research in the end"

"Hmph, a brat like you can't understand the grandeur of the task that represents my Icha Icha series..."

Jiraya then began to brag about all the sacrifice that he did for the man's gender, with Minato listening half-heartedly. Of course, they didn't drop their guards despite that, but fortunately, the return occurred with no misshape. It's then that Minato understood that just being the disciple of the Sandaime can scare the mass of mediocre shinobi, and that during the time he will be with Jiraya before the war, no mission will ever be dangerous if a super-strong shinobi doesn't pop out.

'At least, the travel was not for nothing. I earned a useful bloodline. And it's one I could train without being seen, controlling weapons of others could be super deadly in the war to come. And even if somebody finds about it, I could say it's my own kekkei genkai. But I will be stuck with it for publicly for the next few years, till I grow strong enough that nobody can threaten me and I can display all I know without repercussions, so better to do all I can to hide it'