Who knows, for several days in a row, she dreamed of lovely children!

Ming Acacia suddenly realized that there seems to be something wrong?

Ghosts, with what in the dark to remind her, acacia is a premonition, went to the drugstore to buy early pregnancy test paper.

No, no, that day, Bai Qiyou just started, she called stop!

It can't be such a coincidence. No matter how tough his son is, he can't make those two moves. Let her fall in the trap, right?

It's not scientific at all!

She didn't take it as a successful shot, so she didn't do anything!

That's just a little bit!

Acacia fidgeting waiting, just a few minutes, a few minutes to know the answer.

But what if it does?

After all, nothing can be born. She just told Bai Qiyou at that time.

I don't think so?

Ming Xiangsi glanced at the pregnancy test paper, feeling flustered and numb, no, nothing.

It's not time.

These few minutes, wait like a few months!

Can't say why, Ming Acacia even faintly some expectations?

This damned reaction is very wrong!

She hasn't said to forgive Bai Qiyou!

Eyelid son a scan, Ming Acacia see changes on the test paper.

Heart pounding pounding faster beating, Ming Acacia afraid of their own mistakes, looking at the package again and again.

What can she say?

Should she cry or laugh?


There is a false pregnancy, psychological burden, it will also cause this temporary illusion!

What's more, the test results of early pregnancy test paper on the market will be biased, not necessarily 100% accurate.

Ming Acacia carefully feel the changes in their body, Leng Leng pondering, in the end there is no small embryo in the stomach.

After feeling it for a long time, she didn't notice any difference in her body!

No, it's too hard!

"Eat! What are you going to do? "

Moon sister-in-law see a gust of wind out of Ming Acacia, at the back of Ming Acacia shouting.

"Don't wait for me to eat, I'll go out!"

Ming Acacia used the early pregnancy test paper to destroy the body, driving to the nearby hospital.

A hospital has checked, she went to another, another out, Ming Acacia magic barrier, and then to the third!

With three different hospitals with the same results of the inspection report, Acacia unconsciously, put his hand on the stomach.

She's pregnant?

Bai Qiyou is just a little bit careless. Can she get pregnant?

Say it, Bai Qiyou will deny that the child is his!

Thinking about his physical condition, Acacia suddenly worried.

All in all, she lost her child, about four months.

Now it's a little dangerous for her and the baby in her stomach to get pregnant again.

I don't know why. She was very happy with the report.

She and Bai Qiyou have children again!

Whether it's a boy or a girl, she's happy from the bottom of her heart.

Mingxiangsi sorted out the mood, adjusted the state, put away the inspection report and went home.

When the car arrived at home, before it stopped, Acacia saw a new white car.

She didn't study all kinds of cars. At most, she knew a few that the public knew. After looking at the car logo, she didn't know what it was.

Park your car, get off, and then look at the beautiful new car, Ming Xiangsi into the house.

As soon as I got home, Bai Qiyou appeared in the reflection of acacia's eyes.

"Mom! mom! Cluck, cluck, cluck... "

Then, the girl saw her come back, wearing a small swimsuit, standing in the water, shouting at her happily.

Acacia black face, go forward, "what are you doing?"

What's the size of your yard?

You don't need to ask about the inflatable pool in front of you. You know it's Bai Qiyou who made it for your daughter!

My daughter is happy. How troublesome is it to clean up?

"Is there any place for people to walk? You don't look at it, either! "

Ming Xiangsi mumbles, mumbles, and walks into the room with her face pulled.

The girl immediately put away her smile and looked at her father anxiously.

Mom is angry!

Bai Qiyou stretched out his hand and hugged his daughter in the pool. "You can't play for too long. Come out."

My daughter hasn't played enough yet. She makes a lovely protest.

She's not rude either. She just stands there and makes a sound in her nose.

Yuesao came out of the room with a big towel and said to Bai Qiyou with a smile, "I'll take care of the baby. Just go in and coax her!"

It's obvious that Bai Qiyou is active recently, and Ming Acacia doesn't like to see him!

The girl took the opportunity to go to the toy in the water, immersed in her small world selflessly. Bai Qiyou stepped into the room and went to the side of Ming Xiangsi. He said seriously, "you can move at any time. It's a big area there." Ming Xiangsi suddenly thought that before, knowing that she had a son in her stomach, he specially asked Jiang Yuxin to design his own furniture for the child in the new house. The baby's gone, the house's still there. Bai Qiyou saw her face more and more ugly, also thought of this“ If you don't want to live there, change places... "" don't change. " Ming Xiangsi opens his mouth in a soft voice, and suddenly reaches out and hugs Bai Qiyou. She still wants to hold him! Sure enough, it's better to stay in his arms. Why can't you live with yourself? Even in the future, he will stand by her even if he will face the censure of her family, won't he? The sudden act of Acacia makes Bai Qiyou flattered. She seems to be very sensitive recently. Bai Qiyou knows very well and doesn't dare to say anything. She reaches out and follows her back. The stomach of Ming Acacia calls out untimely, white Qi you black face, "didn't eat at noon?" Yuesao said that she suddenly ran out. Bai Qiyou didn't ask her what she was doing outside. She respected her privacy. If she is willing to say anything, she will certainly take the initiative to tell him. In the sound of Acacia, Bai Qiyou said, "wait a minute, I'll take you out to eat." Turning to walk out of the house, Bai Qiyou goes to the yard to hold her daughter. With a daughter, a family of three to go out more love, Moyang they are doing so! Bai Qiyou takes his daughter to the house and goes to change her clean clothes. He doesn't let Ming Xiangsi do it. Acacia absent-minded in the living room pinch grapes to eat, has not thought about whether to tell Bai Qiyou she is pregnant“ What about Acacia Suddenly, an angry question came from the yard. Ming Xiangsi looks up and walks to the door. The Yuesao in the yard saw the old lady who was not good at coming, and then looked at the old lady's strong air. She boldly asked her, "who are you, please?" The moon sister-in-law inquires, the bright Acacia already walked to the courtyard. When Prynne saw Ming Acacia, her eyes were red and her heart was burning, staring at her flat abdomen. I still think about it, don't I? Do she have eyeliner in those small hospitals? Ming Xiangsi is beating a drum in her heart. Brandy's eyes are red. When she comes to Ming Xiangsi, she shouts hysterically, "you can't even keep a child! You said, "what's your use?"