-1 Hi there, new novel, news, real life shits


Hi, my friends,

After two weeks of pause in writing, I have several news for you. Some may be sad and some good.

1. Slowed release rate because I have exams

I wanted to go on hiatus because I will be graduating soon, but I can't do it to you, so I will be slowing the release rate to two/three chapters per week. The slowed release rate would start at 1. April and end at 1. June, whole two months. I am very sorry about this, but it is still better than complete Hiatus.

2. New novel, Darkness of the Legends


After reading a ton of fanfictions on DxD on Fanfiction.net I have created one of my own.

Note this!!!! - completely random releases as this novel is sub-project until I complete the First Volume of Goat. This means that I would be releasing chapters randomly when I want because the main novel I am focusing on is GOAT. But sometimes I need to write something else to refresh the mind.

Basically, this novel, would be a huge slice of life, romance, harem, epic fights and traveling through the world and so on. Little opposite of GOAT.@@