The second floor to the fifth floor of HSBC are VIP customer area, office area, deposit service area, etc.

The criminal's range of activities is only outside the hall on the first floor, and there is an underground vault. Therefore, Zhuang Shikai didn't have to climb very high. Only five minutes later, he removed the baffle and jumped from the ceiling to the "electromechanical room" on the first floor.

"Patta." There was only a slight touch to the ground, and detective Zhuang's figure fell steadily on the ground. The action is the same as the plan, and there are no problems for the time being.

"Fortunately, I asked the bank executives and knew that the bank's internal control did not include the electromechanical room. Even if the doctor and the rabbit controlled the internal control, they could not find my existence."

The motor room is not only directly connected to the hall, but also has no monitoring. This is what Zhuang Shikai specifically asked bank executives to confirm after he envisioned the action plan.

Then he stepped to the gate of the electromechanical room. According to the drawing, considering the safety of personnel, the gate is equipped with a power assisted system. It requires a lot of force to open from the outside, but it is very flexible to open from the inside.

"Di." Zhuang Shikai took out his forbidden card and brushed it. He put his hand on the turntable and turned it hard! The circular turntable rotates rapidly, and the electromechanical door moves laterally to open, revealing a handsome man with a gun in both hands.

"Huh? Who is it The rabbit wore a beret obliquely and was in charge of the hall with a team of people and horses.

His brother was a doctor in the United States. Although he can't compare with doctors, he is also a leader in criminal groups. He has the ability to take charge of shooting and command.

In combat operations, he often acts as a deputy and leads a small team. This criminal action after being discharged from the army is also a joint action by the same people.

However, compared with doctors who like to dress up in western style, rabbits prefer to wear berets and military uniforms. When Zhuang Shikai appeared, he immediately raised his gun with both hands, quickly raised the muzzle and aimed at the gate of the machine room.

"Bang!" Zhuang Shikai pulled the trigger, a bullet came out of the chamber and ran through the Chinese face wearing a beret.

"Boom!" The rabbit held the gun in both hands, left a blood hole in his forehead, and fell to the ground in a straight military posture. After Zhuang Shikai solved a target, he rushed out without stagnation, rolled on the spot and squatted firmly in the center of the hall.

The rabbit is dead!

At this time, the shooting field of vision was wide. Zhuang Shikai touched the ground on one knee, his right leg was at a right angle to his waist, held the gun with both hands, shook left and right, and kept transferring the shooting point.

Every time he gets stuck at a shooting point, he pulls the trigger once and turns to the next shooting point again.

The whole process goes on without considering the number of bullets and avoiding bullets.

"Bang bang!" Only a short gunshot sounded, and bullets were fired in different directions.

The bullet rolled up the air flow, the trajectory was obvious and intuitive, and a group of mercenaries at the end of the bullet were flustered and in different postures.

Some people have just raised their guns, others are aiming, and some people have not even raised their guns. They are opening their mouths and their plump lips are shaking in the wind.

"Puff, puff, puff!" The figure of a string of bullets into the meat played quickly, and none of the six failed. The whole process was less than 30 seconds.

"Done!" Zhuang Shikai raised his right hand and made an OK gesture towards the window. Instead of taking care of the hostages at the scene, he continued to carry a gun along the corridor and rushed to the underground vault.

“yes!” The Commissioner of police is observing with a telescope. He saw Zhuang Shikai appear, shoot, kill the enemy and finally make an OK gesture.

He couldn't help but put down his telescope excitedly, clenched his fist and shouted.

At the same time, Leiluo, Lin Gang and others also knew the answer in an instant.

"The first step of the action succeeded!"

yes! Zhuang Shikai has not completely solved all the criminals, but killing the criminals in the living room and ensuring the safety of all the hostages is already a success!

Next, if Zhuang Shikai can continue to completely eliminate the remaining criminals, he will certainly amaze the performance of the whole audience. But it doesn't matter if you can't! Saving the hostages is tantamount to preserving the reputation of the Hong Kong Island police force.

Block up the remaining criminals in the underground vault, even if it takes human life to pile them! Can make a win! The second step, we can't finish it. The Hong Kong Island police force will go for him!

However, this is the worst case, "gun King Village" will not appear at all. Leiluo pulled out his gun around his waist and rushed to the bank hall in front of the police commissioner: "save the hostages! Keep the hostages safe! "

"Yes! Sir! " Lin Gang, Hansen, Li Shutang, Lin Guoxiong and others followed, with great morale.

Ge Bai looked at the scene, put down his telescope, stood in place and nodded with satisfaction.

The Royal Hong Kong Island police force is still very powerful. I still have the art of command. I have trained police officers very well. The selection system of Hong Kong Island agents is really superior.

The Hong Kong Island police force will certainly get better and better, especially under his leadership!

"Ha ha." Zhuang Shikai solved all the criminals in the hall. Without a souvenir, he quickly rushed to the underground vault.

seize every minute and second! Rabbits are just appetizers. There are people to kill!

As for the doctor team? Although they have weapons and personnel, the strength of the whole criminal team is far higher than that of ordinary criminals. For the current Hong Kong Island police, it is almost a dimensionality reduction attack.

No, it's not just Hong Kong Island. This "terrorist" is placed in all parts of the world. In fact, it is a force that the local police can't deal with.

But whether rabbits or doctors, they are too arrogant, confident and defiant.

Do not pay attention to the Hong Kong Island police, do not believe that the operation will fail! I always think they will become the biggest humiliation in the history of the Hong Kong Island police! After retirement, I'll make a fortune and go! What a pleasure!

Unfortunately, they may have two brushes, but they were so unlucky that they jumped directly under detective Zhuang's eyelids to show off.

So sorry, you can't even use three brushes.

Lord Zhuang's bullet doesn't have eyes, doesn't recognize people, and won't leave time for life to perform. This action is the performance of "gun King Village" alone! Only he is the protagonist!

Lord Zhuang attached great importance to them strategically, but he despised them tactically. He doesn't feel proud of picking a team. Anyway, unlimited bullets don't cost money. If you kill, you have to kill clean.


"Doctor, the situation upstairs is wrong!" Two criminals holding the door of the vault heard the gunfire upstairs, looked dignified and quickly reported to the doctor.

It's normal for the police to launch an attack, which has a plan in their plan, but in the plan, the rabbit team is enough to beat back the first two waves of attacks by the police without them at all.

But now the hall was full of short police shots, and even a string of rifle bullets didn't ring.

This strange movement of unilateral shooting shows a very bad result behind it. The four criminals who are packing money with their backs in the vault stopped at the same time, picked up weapons hanging on their shoulders and clenched their hands.

The doctor held the gun steadily in both hands, and his eyes showed excitement.

"Bang bang." A figure flashed, and two bullets quickly killed the criminal at the door.