"Here we are." Eight people lined up to stand at attention and salute, but Zhuang Shikai stopped with a look in his eyes.

"Well, there are envelopes on the table. Take one by yourself."

Zhuang Shikai walked past a row of people with his hands on his back. After listening, the eight people stepped forward and reached out to pick up an envelope.

In the envelope is three months' advance salary, which is regarded as the fund for their activities. Lest eight people can't afford to eat even if they haven't paid homage to their eldest brother and made money. It would be a shame for him to be a big man.

When Liang Xiaotang eight people touched the envelope, they knew what was inside.

Zhuang Shikai continued: "from now on, you will officially graduate from the police academy! I know you have three students and the first one, but that doesn't matter. Now you are the first undercover of operation Crouching Tiger! "

"From today on, you can no longer wear police uniforms and call sir."

"You are street people who dislike dogs, and you are hooligans who endanger social security."

Zhuang Shikai walked in front of the eight people. They all held envelopes in their hands and put them on their abdomen. They looked serious and listened to the instructions of the officer.

Through three days of confinement, these eight people have already worn away the pride and childishness of some police cadets. Zhuang Shikai asked Kaohsiung to give them a downfall, that is, to give them a little taste of pain.

Besides, where is confinement for a few days? Then enter the society undercover, will encounter more cruel, cruel suffering. Now the expression and attitude of the eight people have been so interesting.

Zhuang Shikai stopped in front of Liang Xiaotang, stared at him and said aloud, "you! Responsible for sneaking into the four families' Chaozhou porridge ', start with Ma Ziqiang of Chaozhou porridge. "

"Yes." Liang Xiaotang answered.

He came first and was named first.

Zhuang Shikai then went to the second, third and fourth person.

"I'm in charge of his family. I'll take charge of it. I'll take charge of it."

"Guan Li, you are responsible for sneaking into the four families" Arsen "and trying to keep up with his head Ma linkun."

"Zhang Lang, you are responsible for sneaking into the hands of" brother Sheng "of the four families and trying to keep up with his head horse Li Yunfei."

Zhuang Shikai first ordered the four of them, and then said to the following four: "Wu Zhixiong, you go to Hongxing! Wu Zhiwei, you go to the East Star! "

"Ma Jun, you enter the loyalty letter! Cao Dahua, you go to and Liansheng! "

Zhuang Shikai thought for several times before he made up his mind about which club to join. He dares to guarantee that after eight people enter the club, they will be like fish in water, hehe hehe.

"Yes!" The eight people answered, wrote down which club they should enter, and began to figure out how to enter the club. Everyone is not a fool. Their brains are flexible and they can figure out what to do next.

Zhuang Shikai was silent for a moment. He stood in front of the table at the gate of the temple, carried his hands, looked up and said, "I bought a coffin for you all. If you want to contact me in the future, write a letter and save it in Tian Hou Temple and put it in the coffin."

"If you have something urgent to meet me, go to the a goods factory to buy a bag and say you want limited mainland goods."

"Remember to say that the leather is good, the design is beautiful and the price is excellent. In a word, it is beautiful."

"Without this sentence, the store manager won't contact me."

"An undercover diary is written once a week and handed in once a year. You can do it." Zhuang Shikai had a low voice and only his back.

Whether it was the coffin or the message from the A-store, he arranged it in these days. Of course, Cui didn't know the meaning of the message. He just lied to Cui that she really had this product in the factory, but the price was very high and didn't put it on the shelf. If someone came to buy it, just call him.

Of course, young lady Cui listens to the boss and keeps these explanations in mind. At the same time, the eight also wrote it down carefully. After all, this is a life-saving thing.

As for the purchase of the coffin, everyone now knows the risk of going undercover, and they don't care about it one by one. Moreover, the officer bought the coffin in advance. At least they have a place to live after their death. The representative officer will not forget them.

It's really sad if you don't even have a place to live after death.

The temple of Empress Dowager became fragrant and rose to the sky. Eight people looked at the statue of Empress Dowager in the temple of empress dowager, and a sense of mission came into their hearts.

They are not only fighting for wealth and salary, but also working hard for the whole society of Hong Kong. In terms of contribution to society, it is several times better than the uniformed police who only know how to collect money and take advantage of it on the street.

Zhuang Shikai opened a bottle of Baijiu before the table, and he poured out a bottle of wine. He poured a cup of wine on the table, then handed the eight cups of Baijiu to the cup. He finally took a cup of himself and stood in front of the eight people. He said, "fortune telling me, I will be a thousand bones, but I don't believe it. I think it is life and death that is determined by oneself."

"Four words for you! Man will conquer nature“

"I wish you all a smooth sailing in the club. Cheers, big guys!" Zhuang Shikai drank the glass of Baijiu in a mouthful.

The eight raised their hands together, drank the wine in the cup, and finally showed the bottom of the cup.

"Please!" Zhuang Shikai held his glass high and suddenly smashed it on the ground. Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Then, eight people picked up their backpacks and envelopes, turned away and walked down the steps.

Uncle Jian didn't send them this time, and the eight leaders will officially embark on the tour of the club. I don't know where they can go and what they will do in the future.

But what is certain is that empress Tian Tian has eight more faithful believers who will accompany them in the tormented night in the future.

"Empress Tian Tian worked hard." Zhuang Shikai watched the eight people leave, saying in his heart that he also walked down the steps and left the temple in Uncle Jian's car.

The last time may gave him the peace talisman, the effect seemed good. So far, Zhuang Shikai has been safe and smooth with the wind and water, which also made him feel good about Tian Hou Temple.

Therefore, we will choose the Tin Hau Temple as the place to chat with the undercover, rather than the Wong Tai Sin Temple and the church.

By the way, the church must not be chosen. The dog place in the church fights with guns every day. It's good to donate some money occasionally and do charity. If you meet and chat in church, you will not be killed by a black gun, but will also be stabbed to death by a knife.

Three hours later, in front of the Tin Hau Temple, temple workers who had already received tips cleaned up the scene.

A pudgy and arrogant man with his men stepped into the hall, kowtowed to the sky like three white and nine kowtows, donated merits and virtues, and then came to the old blind fortune teller next to the door, picked up the sign box and shook out a sign.

"Old gentleman, help me have a look."

The old blind man groped for the life sign with his hand, and finally sighed: "boss, your life is full of murderous spirit. It's a life style that will make thousands of bones wither."

"Ha ha, a general's success will wither all bones."

With a sneer, the man turned and left the hall, and the next man put down a Hong Kong Note for the old blind man.

Two hours later, a woman in a white suit, oblique bangs, hot red lips and Earrings walked into the temple.

She took people to worship empress Tian Tian, turned around and asked for a sign. The old blind fortune teller groped for the life sign and finally said, "boss, your life is full of murderous spirit. It's a life style that will make thousands of bones wither..."