"Officer Zhuang."

"Men on Hong Kong Island."

"Is your mouth as sweet as you?"

Yang Jianhua's eyes were calm, but there was still a smile in his eyes.

"Ha ha."

"I'm just telling the truth."

Zhuang Shikai nodded, his tone and attitude were very sincere.

Yang Jianhua should not have noticed that

Flowers don't look good.

At best, it is heroic and valiant, which is very consistent with Yang Jianhua's personality.

Don't blame him.

This is the best metaphor officer Zhuang can find.

Yang Jianhua immediately patted his palm and said happily, "officer Zhuang, I'm looking for you. In fact, there are some things I want to help through you."

At present, the identity of the Chinese in the Hong Kong police force is very strong.

And it has full influence in business and finance.

He is also the only big man active today in the era of the four detectives.

Once one of the four detectives.

Therefore, Zhuang Shikai is on the list of "key figures" in Hong Kong Island. He has complete files in the State Hong Kong and Macao Office, the foreign affairs office and the intelligence section.

Because national events are arranged in advance.

The time has reached the 1980s, and it is close to the return schedule in the 1990s.

On the one hand, the domestic side is in fierce negotiations with the British side, on the other hand, it is necessary to contact leaders in various fields on Hong Kong Island.

Moreover, these leaders must be Chinese and supporters of Chinese interests.

Because support for the interests of the Chinese is, to some extent, support for the reunification of the motherland.

These people are the opponents that China must fight for.

After all, the region is managed by people.

The development line of a society ruled by law, which is strongly advocated by Hong Kong Island, should always be dominated by the rule of man.

The rule of man is the rule of law.

People, very important!

So after Yang Jianhua happened to meet Zhuang Shikai, he decided to take the initiative to contact the people on the "key list".

Anyway, these people have to be contacted all the time, but the intelligence section has contacted many people.

For example, business and political figures, but because Zhuang Shikai was in charge of the violent organization, they had to be very careful in contacting, so they didn't speak for the time being.

As the saying goes, it's better to hit the sun than choose a day. Yang Jianhua thought it was a good opportunity, so he took the initiative to explain his identity and prepared to talk to Zhuang Shikai.

With her position as chief of the intelligence section, she is also qualified to act as an intermediary to test Zhuang Shikai's attitude in time.

Think about it. What an appropriate atmosphere for two people to talk about the reunification of the motherland and the national ideal in a foreign country and starry night?

Besides, Zhuang Shikai has just saved her.

As for why Yang Jianhua disguised himself as a war reporter and whether he was carrying out any intelligence tasks. This has nothing to do with Zhuang Shikai. She won't take the initiative to talk and Zhuang Shikai won't take the initiative to ask.

Zhuang Shikai's actions are also the same as those written in the materials, showing an identity with the motherland.

Yang Jianhua took the opportunity to ask Zhuang Shikai for a favor.

Use this little thing to open the prelude to their cooperation and the combination of the two places.

By the way, in combination with practical difficulties, let Zhuang Shikai express his state with action.

Talk about a red star. What are you going to do with both hands? Who can trust you if you don't do something?

When Zhuang Shikai heard that Yang Jianhua was busy to help, he immediately said the potential meaning and said aloud, "if chief Yang has anything to help, just say it."

"Zhuang is duty bound to do whatever he can."

Zhuang Shikai hammered his chest again.

Yang Jianhua said aloud: "recently, the Sino British negotiations have been opened privately, and the talks between the two sides are very intense."

"The bottom line of the British side is to hand over the jurisdiction in 1997, but the garrison will not withdraw. Our attitude is that we must withdraw our troops and return our sovereignty in an all-round way. Not an inch less! Not a second late! "

"Of course, what the upper level talks about is the matter of the upper level. Now the British side has united with EU countries to hold an economic blockade against us. "

"We can't transport the materials needed by many countries."

"You should know that the country is undergoing reform and construction, and the lack of materials will lead to stagnation of development, which is unfavorable to the national situation. And the price of materials can't be too expensive. Domestic foreign exchange reserves... You know“

Yang Jianhua observed Zhuang Shikai's eyes and said here.

Zhuang Shikai showed a thoughtful expression and nodded slightly: "I understand."

"What do you want to transport?"

Zhuang Shikai has no transportation company.

However, he has a large amount of foreign exchange in his hand, and he has a good relationship with the bank and can get a lot of funds.

In addition, there are many tax policies on Hong Kong Island.

If you need foreign exchange to buy things, you're looking for the right person.

Moreover, in recent years, his companies and factories have carried out export trade.

In particular, wave shoe factories have occupied a market in Europe and America and are inseparable from ADI.

It also registered a "Shixing group" as the parent company and a holding company for some small businesses.

It's a smart choice to ask him to help purchase and transport materials.



"And some high and new technologies."

Yang Jianhua really opened his mouth with strategic materials.

Moreover, these things are not only urgently needed in China, but also within Zhuang Shikai's reach.

It seems that she is also ready to make a great contribution by Zhuang Shikai.

"No problem."

"I'll try my best."

"I can't say how much I want, but it's no problem to get some back every time."

Zhuang Shikai said cautiously, considering his tone.

Yang Jianhua immediately showed his joy and said, "thank you, officer Zhuang."

"I will send a chartered ship to contact you about material transportation, and several other companies will cooperate with you."

"As for the amount settlement... We are willing to settle in RMB or precious metals..."

That is to use RMB or gold and silver to calculate money.

There's no way to help the country purchase materials. There's no reason to ask Patriots to pay.

The settlement of state investment should be justified.

However, patriots also charge a cost price.

It's not about making money.

Zhuang Shikai pondered for a moment, touched his chin and said, "the country is not rich. Convert it into 80% with precious metals... The remaining 20% are all our own. Just leave me a few pieces of land in the center of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen..."

"I also want to make a contribution to change! I also want to have a home in my motherland! You should understand me? "

Zhuang Shikai blinked at Yang Jianhua. A picture of a wanderer's deep feelings for his family immediately showed in his eyes with a low tone.

These strategic materials are very expensive. Just settle them in RMB.

It's impossible not to collect money.

Otherwise, we will have to support the motherland to bankruptcy in two years.

Who will look up to you when you have no money or power?

So it's good to use precious metals.

At that time, let the landlord stir fry. Maybe he can sell it at a 20% discount and earn two layers after copying.

As for those plots?

In the eyes of the motherland, it is an addition.

But in Zhuang Shikai's opinion, it is a big sweetheart!

At this moment, the change has just begun.

That promotion speed can't take off in the future?

Moreover, even if the development strategy Department knows the value of the plot, it can not chill the sincere heart of patriots.

Sure enough, Yang Jianhua clapped his palm and said happily and excitedly, "no problem."

"Officer Zhuang runs for the country. The country should give you a place to take root."

"You are so righteous and noble..."

In fact, Zhuang Shikai is "a strong nationalist" and "a potential Patriot" in the data files.

Because there are overlapping areas between nationality and patriotism, there is a great possibility of development and progress.

Therefore, Zhuang Shikai was a more positive figure from the beginning.

However, the file is also labeled "capitalist".

But the regions are different. We should consider the actual situation

Just as chaotic small areas are more likely to give birth to "nationalism" and less likely to give birth to "patriotism"

Patriotic capitalists and black hearted capitalists are two different things

At the beginning, Yang Jianhua also felt that Zhuang Shikai might be biased towards egoism, but as soon as Zhuang Shikai said "20% discount", she was deeply touched immediately.

As for what city plot, she ignored it.

In the past, civil servants distributed houses, each tube building, and everyone was in the center of the city. They had no concept of land price.

Zhuang Shikai held his chin and pretended to think deeply: "then... Please make a demand list for me as soon as possible. I will return to Hong Kong in three days and contact you on Hong Kong Island..."

"Yes, officer Zhuang!" Yang Jianhua was also a little excited about the success of this contact.