The lights in the meeting room are on.

More than 20 guys from the serious case team sat in the conference room, holding paper and pens one by one, sitting upright and recording the details in the workbook.

At this time, uncle Biao was taking back a thin rod from the projection screen.

"Uncle Biao" pressed the telescopic thin rod into the palm of his hand, pressed the long thin rod into a small section, looked at the guys and said aloud: "I have introduced the main members of Zhu Tao criminal group to you one by one."

"Now hand in your communication tools“

In the 1980s, projection equipment was initially used in road work.

The meeting room of the police station is specially equipped with one.

”Yes! Sir“

Just now, uncle Biao immediately called the police officers of the serious crime unit to the meeting room after receiving the order from the officer.

The police officers at work sat in the conference room for half an hour before they could even have lunch. Now they have to hand in communication tools and prepare for action.

Yazi, who had just stood by, immediately came forward with a wooden frame. Chen Jiaju, Wen Jianren and other team members all took off the call machine at their waist and put the call machine into the wooden frame.

In this era, call brands are similar, and police officers will write their names as white notes and stick them on the call machine, so as not to be used as identification and avoid confusion at ordinary times.

Therefore, there is no need for unnecessary sorting. A call machine with a name attached is placed in a wooden frame.

The guys turned in the call machine with normal expressions, because most police officers are used to it.

Only Wen Jianren was nervous when he threw it into the call machine. He carefully glanced at his colleagues around him and secretly sweated for himself.

He thought it was an ordinary information meeting. Unexpectedly, it was an emergency action meeting directly, and the theme of the meeting was to arrest the target character "Zhu Tao".

"Zhu Tao" is his boss!

This made Wen Jianren secretly frightened, but there was no way to report. He had to hand in the call machine as usual and decided to find an opportunity to do things in action.

Soon, Wen Jianren took back his eyes, adjusted his attitude, and calmly faced the guys around him again.

On the projection screen on the wall, there is a picture of "Zhu Danny".

Just now, uncle Biao introduced all the key members of Zhu Tao Group before taking action.

Including Zhu Tao, his nephew "Zhu Danny", lawyer "Cao Charlie" and others

However, a pretty girl who should work under Zhu Tao did not appear on the projection screen because a pretty boy got ahead of him.

At this time, uncle Biao saw that the guys had made good communication tools and immediately said in a loud voice, "now each of you has an envelope in front of you, which says your instructions in this operation. You can open it."

"Each of you has different instructions. You must keep each other confidential. Just do your part according to your own instructions! No one is allowed to ask each other! "

"Read the destruction instruction!"

There is an armrest table in front of each police officer's table.

At this moment, there is an envelope on the table.

This is the "first level confidentiality" in Zhuang Sir's mouth, and it is also the highest confidentiality measure that can be made within the police station without using information technology.

"I'm wordy."

After uncle Biao finished, the guys began to open the envelope. There was a sound of tearing notes and smoking in the office.

"Be responsible for pretending to be a cleaner at the trading place and waiting for the opportunity to catch..."

"Be responsible for pretending to be citizens at the trading place and evacuating residents..."

"Be responsible for leading the team to squat at the target location and intercepting the downhill Lane..."

After reading the instructions on the white paper, the guys tore the white paper into pieces and put it back into the envelope.

"Now the pig hunting operation officially begins!"

Zhou Huabiao swept his eyes and said in silence.

The guys immediately got up and shouted, "yes, sir!"


"Check the headset! Check the guns! " At the door of the gun room, the guys of the serious crime group who received the action instructions stood all over the corridor, scattered in groups, twitching the guns and checking the guns one by one.

There are also guys who help each other wear bulletproof vests and debug the headset channel alone.

The serious crimes unit is equipped with the best equipment in the whole police station and has the right to provide guns 24 hours a day. In case of major operations, they can also receive a full set of communication equipment and bulletproof vests.

At this time, Wen Jianren checked the matching gun, snapped the magazine, inserted the matching gun into the gun bag, and seemed to inadvertently say to the side: "big mouth! This time I'll take someone to intercept the driveway. And you? "

"Wen sir, this operation cannot disclose the instructions." Jin Dazui of the serious crimes unit hesitated, and his first reaction was to say no.

Wen Jianren pretended to disdain and said, "cut! Can there be an insider in the serious crime unit? "

"This operation was ordered by Zhuang sir."

"It's impossible to fail!"

Jin Dazui thought a little and felt like this principle. Even when he said aloud, "I'm responsible for being a cleaner on the mountain."

"Oh..." Wen Jianren gently lengthened his voice and immediately stopped asking.

The members of the serious crime team spent three minutes to complete the preparation. The crowd surged and hurried out of the corridor.

Hula, the police officers of the serious case team got into the car neatly. Zhuang Shikai was wearing a white uniform. Accompanied by Yazi, he walked calmly out of the gate of the police station and stepped into the command car of the police station.

"Wow!" Zhou Huabiao pushed open the door and Zhuang Shikai stepped into the car. Zhou Huabiao immediately saluted: "Zhuang sir!"

"Wow." Yazi closed the door with his back hand. Zhuang Shikai sat in a chair and nodded, "let's go!"

The police convoy drove out of Wan Chai and headed north for the new territories.

Yazi sat in the command car with a folder in his hand.

Yazi was wearing leather clothes, shorts, sexy leather boots and a leg ring tied to her thigh.

This is Yazi's usual dress. It's sexy and hot. With a high ponytail at the back of his head, there's a youthful beauty.

When Zhuang Shikai saw Yazi wearing leather clothes and shorts to work the other day, he immediately knew why Yazi asked him if he could wear casual clothes to work.

Because Yazi's casual clothes are too personalized

At first he had a collar around his neck.

More fashionable than later fashion girls.

However, leather clothes and shorts are all black, sexy, but not coquettish.

Zhuang Shikai thought for a moment and asked Yazi to take off his collar, considering his welfare. He didn't care about other costumes.

After all, the police station brothers also want welfare.


At this time, the police convoy arrived at a house village in Tai Wai, North New Territories.

The police vehicles are all parked behind a hillside. They have changed their license plates and completed camouflage cover.

The police officers got off separately.

Start acting on instructions.

"Group A has reached the target."

"Group B has reached the target!"

"Group C has reached the target!"

The police officers of each group arrived at the position one after another and laid a big net on the scene.

Wen Jianren is secretly anxious for Zhu Tao while acting, but he can't do anything.

Because the drug trade is risky and profitable. Therefore, drug groups are different from societies. They don't easily develop younger brothers, and often take family relations as the basic plate.

The trust formed by blood ties is almost the strongest trust in the world.

It will not change without great impact.

As a result, drug makers on Hong Kong island formed a situation of four families.

Of course, "etheric society" is special. The warlord drug lords in the golden triangle and other places are another case.

Zhuang Shikai sat in the command car and saw four different pictures projected on the computer screen in the command car.

One in Wucun village, one at the entrance of Wucun village, one on the hillside and one on the driveway.

These four pictures are fixed monitoring equipment installed by police officers after entering the village.

These monitoring devices are relatively expensive. Their appearance is only the size of a black box. After connection, they will be detected differently. Unfortunately, there are only black-and-white pictures, and the pixels are poor and can't be moved.

"Zhuang sir!"

"All police officers have reached the designated position."

After receiving the news, Zhou Huabiao took the walkie talkie and turned to report to Zhuang Shikai.

This is the first action since director Zhuang took office, and it is the big dealer "Zhu Tao" against the four big dealers.

Therefore, it is a very reasonable attitude for Zhuang Shikai to sit in the command car and personally command at the front line.

Zhou Huabiao also said that he was very solemn and was reporting meticulously.


"Let all departments wait patiently."

Zhuang Shikai looked down at his watch and raised his head to preach.


Zhou Huabiao immediately picked up the walkie talkie to convey the officer's instructions.

At this time, it was noon outside the car, and the sun was hot and strong. The police officers disguised themselves as squatters, sweating and sighing.

Zhuang Shikai sat in the car blowing the air conditioner, secretly feeling a little distressed, man.

Yazi suddenly brought a drink: "Zhuang sir, frozen lemon tea."

"Well?" Zhuang Shikai's eyes were surprised and more distressed, guys.

"How hot!"

"Boss, have a cup of herbal tea!"

Two hours later, Chen Jiaju really couldn't stand it. He touched his forehead with his palm, put a fine sweat, and walked to a herbal tea stall in Wucun village. Sit down and preach loudly.

"OK!" The bald man who set up the stall said hello and picked up an iron spoon to scoop tea for Jiaju.

Suddenly there was a sound in the police officers' ears.

"Attention of all units!"

"The target character appears!"

Uncle Biao sat in the command car and preached.

I saw two cars parked at the door of Wucun. Zhu Tao left a silhouette looking left and right and walked into Wucun in a white suit.

Zhu Dani, with five or six suit gunmen, wearing sunglasses and carrying suitcases, escorted Zhu Tao into the village.

"Spread out and have a look!" Zhu Tao walked into Wucun along the path. When he arrived near the trading place, he waved his hand and preached aloud.

He took Zhu Danni and two bodyguards into the room and began to contact the buyer.

"Yes!" Several gunmen in suits responded, all with their hands around their waists and guards wandering along the nearby path.

This time, because Zhu Tao will go abroad after selling this batch of goods, this transaction is tantamount to a clearance sale.

The trading place is in the warehouse.

The old townhouses in these villages are the warehouses of Zhu's drug cartel.

Their drugs are all hidden in it.