"Bang!" Guan Li's nose was bombarded by his fist, and a crisp sound came from the bridge of his nose.

"Boom!" Then he was overturned on the private room wine table and swept down a large beer bottle in a very awkward position.

Beaten by feminism!

"Shua!" The black skirt killer at the door of the private room transferred the muzzle again.

"Wow." The "businessmen" sitting next to Guan Sir were not frightened. On the contrary, they were well-trained and took out pistols to aim at the killer.

These five "businessmen" are members of the police force! On site chaos is imminent!

"Turn off sir!"

"Protect sir!"

"Bang bang!" Five people drew their guns and fired first to suppress fire.

"Ding Ding!" The bullet hit the door frame, wall and black skirt. The killer took a step back and flashed the bullet from the perspective of the wall.

There are three contemporary naked agents, namely "Charlene", "Kate" and "Jing"!

This is because "Mrs. m" adopts the centralized training method of "raising insects" for the secret service organization, coupled with the training from childhood, so the number of naked agents of each generation is limited every ten years.

Soldiers are expensive, but not much.

Especially the agent killer!

Therefore, naked agents have been established for decades, but so far they are only the fourth generation.

They are famous in the killer world.

Where have the previous generations of agents gone? Hehe, according to Mrs. m, you can restore your normal identity and return to a peaceful ordinary life after completing ten tasks.

But who knows the truth?

At the door of the box, the black skirt agent is called "Kate", and the black haired agent accompanying the wine in the box is "Charlene".

This time, Mrs. m received an order, took the task of assassinating a Hong Kong police officer and personally brought people to Hong Kong Island to supervise the operation.

Because "Xialin" almost failed in the last operation, two agents were directly sent to carry out the operation, one was responsible for shooting and the other was lurking close... The "Xialin" who just shot and knocked down with one punch was the one lurking close.

As for the police force, they are fishing and enforcing the law

"Wow!" At this time, Xia Lin stepped on the table with a long leg, sexy thighs and high heels, and the scenery at the bottom of her skirt was infinitely good.


She twisted the arm of "Guan Li" in her right hand, planned to rotate vigorously, took advantage of the opportunity to break Guan Li's arm, then picked up the desktop fruit knife and stabbed her to death.

But at the moment, four or five black police guns have been dead against her head!

"This is a trap!" As an agent, Charlene immediately stopped her action and recognized the situation in the blink of an eye.

"Gunfire! hurry up! Hurry up At the entrance of the nightclub, on the rooftop, at several points, more than 20 plainclothes police officers of the anti drug group hurried, shouted loudly, and rushed to the VIP room with guns.

Although Guan Li did make some business investment and often appeared in the hotel, Zhuang Sir personally gave him a task, which is still a very risky task

How could he drink every day?

During this time, he lined up the Wine Bureau, adjusted the troops, and waited for the "spice girl".

Sure enough, "hot girl" came!

If you have a mental calculation, you will have two when you come. It can be said that you have a bumper harvest.

Of course, the secret service organization must have investigated the life background of "Guan Sir". Usually, "Guan Sir" does often patronize this nightclub when talking about business. It's also a little miss's habit

The most difficult to distinguish camouflage is the blending of truth with falsehood.

These people are in the trap!

"Love will be as sweet as a hungry wolf"

"If you come near and play with her, her face will appear"

"Love will be like a hungry wolf. How can you sleep with it?"

"She will take my severe injury as a souvenir"

In the box

The legend of the hungry wolf is at its climax!

The black skirt shot at the police again.

"Bang bang!"

The police bullets are one step faster!


Kate was shot in the shoulder, spilled blood on her long skirt and leaned back against the wall.

Charlene's expression changed suddenly, and she shouted loudly, "it's a trap! Go! "

It's better to die one than two!

They are the best sisters!

Kate clenched her teeth, filled with resentment, and resolutely turned back and left.

As she walked, she kicked off her high heels and took off her long skirt. The scene was very beautiful

Finally, she wrapped up the wound, changed her dress, and escaped through the broken window on the second floor.

"Turn off sir." In the box, five police officers did not go to pursue for the safety of the captain, and guarded with guns.

After Guan Li got out of danger, he held the bridge of the nose with both hands, pressed it hard, clicked, and put the bridge of the nose back in place.

"Hiss!" At the same time, he took a sharp breath of the atmosphere, with scars on his face, obviously in some pain.

However, Guan Li was barely a tough man. He didn't scream at the corners of his mouth. He grabbed the fruit knife in Xia Lin's hand, and slowly polished her thigh with the blade, all the way west along the long leg. Finally, the side peak pressed down the skin and squeezed out a blood thread: "according to the intelligence, you have three agents. Why only two?"

Xia Lin picked up a smile at the corner of her mouth and lifted the man's chin with her hand: "can you stand three people?"

"Dry!" Five policemen nearby shouted in their hearts! It's very exciting!

Guan Li stood up from the table, turned over and directly turned over the previous "superior" Xia Lin, put his hands around her waist, lay on the sofa and said, "do you know what song is playing in the room?"

Charlene looked directly at Guan Li's eyes, her emotions turned in her eyes, but she didn't answer.

Guan Li replied: "Legend of hungry wolf!"

"I don't have to deal with three people, just one of you!" Guan Li snorted coldly. He didn't know whether there was a palpitation in his heart.

Several police officers looked at each other, and one of them took the lead and said, "close sir, shall we go out for a few minutes?"

"No!" At this time, Guan Li stood up decisively, picked up the suit coat next to the sofa, shook his hand and criticized him: "take the criminal away!"

“yes,sir!” Several police officers breathed a sigh of relief, came forward and handcuffed Charlene and turned her out of the box.

After all, the police force is not a club. If Guan Li is a club leader, it doesn't matter to play casually.

But as a police officer, he should know his duty!

After several people took the criminals out of the private room, a team of police officers of the anti drug group in plain clothes came forward and said, "close sir, another criminal jumped out of the window and escaped!"

The inspector leading the team lowered his head.

Guan Li frowned, "I see."

Although it makes him very unhappy to let go of a goal, his action can't be perfect again and again.

Besides, it's enough to catch a living person.

It doesn't make much difference whether the remaining people catch one missing two or one missing two. They will be caught sooner or later!

Two days later.

Guan Li stands in the office of the assistant director of the region.

With the report in his hand, he read the information seriously and respectfully.

"Well." Zhuang Shikai listened to the latest information about the spy case, nodded slightly, looked at him and said, "Charlene, Kate, Jing, Mrs. M."

"The first three are naked agents, and the last is the leader of the organization."

"Three of the agents are survivors of ten years of devil training from childhood to unknown desert island. Mrs. m is a 47 year old American spy, Asian, long-term assassin and professional killer broker."

Guan Li nodded: "yes, sir."

"And Xia Lin and Kate have a good relationship. Jing is brainwashed and loyal to Mrs. M."

"At present, we have mastered the portraits of Mrs. m and others, and issued wanted notices throughout Hong Kong. They can't escape from Hong Kong Island at the airport, ferry and community wharf."

"There is not much room for them to breathe."

Guan Li was very confident, as if he had a winning ticket.

From the information on the documents, the advantages of the police force are also expanding rapidly, tightening the neck of "Mrs. m" step by step.

Hehe, other forces in the world dare not give false orders to secret service organizations for fear of being exposed and retaliated by secret service organizations.

Some regional police stations and the National Police Force dare not play like this!

But the Hong Kong Island police force is strong and arrogant. They dare to break the rules, issue false orders and deceive agents into going to the sea.

Come and bite me!

However, Zhuang Shikai realized the meaning of Guan Li's words, but he didn't like it: "the subjective emotion is too serious!"

He knew how to take care of the face of his subordinates. For the time being, he didn't point it out, but waved his hand and said, "well done, just do as you want!"

"Yes! Sir! " Guan Li looked happy, raised his hand and saluted, turned and left.

The action plan he reported to Zhuang Shikai shows that Xia Lin has promised to cooperate with the police and contact "Kate" through secret channels, which will lead Mrs. m and the No. 3 Spice Girl "Jing" to a specific place, which can be solved by the police.

He promised that Charlene's condition was to let Charlene and Kate leave and let them return to normal life.

Zhuang Shikai was determined to kill the "Mrs. m", the evil ghost in the world, who abducted and trafficked people, trained agents.

But killing a Mrs. m doesn't need too many brothers.

You don't need to take in a chief inspector of the anti drug team!

"Jiaju, come in." Zhuang Shikai pressed the telephone key to preach.

Two minutes later, Chen Jiaju opened the door and stood in front of Zhuang Shikai.

"Recently, the police force has a target named Charlene. It seems that she was born on Hong Kong Island. Take a group of guys to investigate her background on Hong Kong Island... Try to find her mother!" Zhuang Shikai preached aloud.

Chen Jiaju nodded and said, "do it now!"

"Well." Zhuang Shikai nodded and Chen Jiaju left the office. Zhuang Shikai chuckled: "others have been trained by Mrs. m for so many years. Anti interrogation must also be a training subject. Do you cooperate with the police in only two days? Tut! Why should I give you the foundation! "

Zhuang Shikai believes that even if Xia Lin really wants to escape Mrs. M's control, she can't cooperate with the police, let alone betray her good friend "Kate".

Some of Charlene's words are true, but some words show that there is a problem.

Even if she works with Kate, she can't work with the police!

"Although you don't see your head falling, you can kill ordinary people with a sword around your waist..." Zhuang Shikai shook his head: "if you hadn't fought for me several times and had outstanding ability, the anti drug group needs you, I TM would never save you!"

Zhuang Shikai's face showed coldness: "even some children are still obsessed!"

In fact, for men, it's no problem to have children and a wife.

To tell you the truth, men live all their lives for more women and more beautiful women?

But it's a big problem for Guan Li!

He can't support his career, family and both!

Zhuang Sir cannot die.