Yang Jianhua's eyes to Zhuang Shikai were a little frightened. She only saw her expression freeze, but her head was running crazy.

This is a choice involving the national strategic level! Although she exceeded expectations and did not have a plan, she was able to give the best answer according to the spiritual instructions of the senior management.

Holding chopsticks, Yang Jianhua replied, "the post-1997 Hong Kong society needs every patriot to set an example and patriots from all walks of life to contribute, but there is no need for criminals!"

This is Yang Jianhua's answer!

It is also a choice made in accordance with the spiritual instructions after the report.

Zhuang Shikai suddenly relaxed and smiled gently. He put the orange on the table, wiped it with a paper towel, and then stretched into the inner bag of his suit and took out a stack of photos.


He threw the photo on the table.

"This group of people was invited by Lu Minghua."

"Although there is no complete evidence, it has been wired."

Zhuang Shikai said, "I am applying to the court for an investigation order and will thoroughly investigate Lu Minghua."

Generally speaking, such high-level political skills are difficult to catch real evidence. Once the investigation is started, it is tantamount to murder. Even if there is no evidence, it will be tried on other charges in the future.

More or less, grab each other's tails.

Not corruption.

Sometimes even "dereliction of duty" can kill people.

Because at this time, the crime is no longer the key, the key is the political struggle behind... The crime will become a reason.

Yang Jianhua looked at the photos on the table one by one. The more he looked, the more frightened he became.

"Is Cao Nan Lu Minghua's man?"

"Do you know Cao Nan?" Zhuang Shikai smiled.

Yang Jianhua nodded: "Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department has been staring at him for a long time."

"That's easy."

"Cao Nan, a group of people have rushed to the street. You are going to seal up the assets."

"As for Lu Minghua..." Zhuang Shikai said with a smile, "I will deal with it according to the rules of Hong Kong Island."

Yang Jianhua nodded: "for criminals! We always punish severely! "

"This is respect for the comrades in the team!"

"Including you!"

Yang Jianhua then stared at Zhuang Shikai: "you'd better not commit a crime."

As soon as Zhuang Shikai's expression stagnated, he immediately picked up his chopsticks and said with a smile, "you don't know how clean I am when I eat. In those years, the ICAC couldn't find my fault. I really have two sleeves and clean air."

Yang Jianhua also picked up chopsticks, but glanced at the gold watch on Zhuang Shikai's wrist. Zhuang Shikai quickly pointed to the gold watch and said, "don't look! This is left to me by my old bean. Who wants me to fight with who! "

"Ah! You don't look at my luxury car, let alone my suit. It's not illegal for Hong Kong Island civil servants to make money. "

"I made all this out of my head."

Zhuang Shikai smiled as he ate.

From a certain point of view, Zhuang Sir is really a man with clean hands and never embezzled. Otherwise, if Lu Minghua could catch the handle, wouldn't he have been accused to death?

Lu Minghua doesn't need to knock on the side, suggesting that there is no balance after 97. I hope the motherland will protect him.

Of course, don't mention things too long ago.

Those are the past times.

What about the near future?

Smuggling for the country is not against the law. It is a blood transfusion for the country and a patriotic businessman.

Some private trials are really illegal.

But what is the trial of Ma Jun, yuan Haoyun and Zeng Xiangrong about Zhuang Shikai?

Don't say it's not 97 yet, even if someone stabbed it after 97. This kind of small problem is troublesome to find someone to carry the pot. As long as it doesn't involve major right and wrong, Zhuang Shikai can't be moved at all.

After all, Zhuang Shikai is at the top of the red list! Serving the country only has merit and no black spots. It is not something that politicians can compare with.

On the contrary, Lu Minghua's contribution is only a little, mainly his political status, which can not stop the major issues of right and wrong, nor can it stop Zhuang Shikai.

I d have high requirements for the purity of the team.

Zhuang Sir didn't join D and cooperated as a "friend", not to mention Lu Minghua?

"I didn't say you broke the law."

Yang Jianhua said with a smile, "I'm just reminding you."

"From a friend's point of view."

On the table.

The two laughed and chatted.

The atmosphere cheered up again.

Yang Jianhua took the food and ate. He suddenly raised his eyebrows and asked, "officer Zhuang, what if I choose to keep Lu Minghua? How would you react? "

"You are the big boss of the patriotic chamber of Commerce. Now the DCP of the police force and the Chinese speaker are not so easy to give up?"

Zhuang Shikai had finished his meal and was leaning back against his chair and smoking.

He took a deep breath of smoke, exhaled, raised his hand to Yang Jianhua and said, "you are not qualified to keep Lu Minghua! It's not you who are qualified to keep Lu Minghua! "

He pointed to himself again: "it's my motherland!"

He put out his cigarette in the ashtray at hand: "if my motherland wants to choose to keep Lu Minghua, then I will respect the opinions of my motherland and have no complaints."

Yang Jianhua was stunned and asked tentatively, "really no complaints?"

"Yes." Zhuang Shikai sincerely said, "because I believe in the motherland! If the motherland wants to keep Lu Minghua, it must make great use of Lu Minghua. Since Lu Minghua has his political mission, why should I interrupt the strategy of the motherland? "

Zhuang Shikai was not joking, but really thought so and would do so.

The most important reason is that no one can fight against the machines of big countries!

It's better to carry it from the heart than from the heart.

There are feelings, but there are also personal feelings.

Zhuang Shikai touched his chest again and said, "it's just that my heart will be cooler."

"Ha ha." Yang Jianhua asked with a smile, "is it cool now?"

"It's hot!" Zhuang Shikai rubbed his suit chest, stood up and said, "well, it's windy and heavy rain and asked you to come out for dinner. I'm also embarrassed. I'll treat you to a good meal next time."

"The boss pays!" Zhuang Shikai took out a small amount of cash, took out one at random and put it on the table.

"Thank you, Zhuang Sheng. Thank you, Zhuang Sheng." The boss quickly bowed his thanks.

Before Zhuang Shikai left, he looked at Yang Jianhua and said, "this city! No one is more patriotic than me! "

"PATA!" He opened his umbrella, went to the car, opened the door, closed it vigorously, and immediately started the car to leave and return to the Repulse Bay mansion.

"The terrible man is the leader of the country." Yang Jianhua sighed slightly.

However, the rule of law needs the rule of man. In the final analysis, politics is a man's game.

Zhuang Shikai still has the capital to play.

"The storm is almost over."

Yang Jianhua looked up at the sky.

A player is going out.

That night, Zhuang Shikai went home to have a nap, had dinner with his wife and children, and then asked the servant to deal with the household hygiene, so as to avoid spiders, cockroaches and other things.

Ah Mei knew the news of a gun battle in the urban area on a stormy day and asked a few more questions.

Zhuang Sir explained a little, then asked him to continue eating.

He didn't tell may about his promotion to DCP, so that may might have association and unnecessary worry.

When it's officially announced

We'll see!

He just said he was dealing with a gun fight.

Just dealing with a few little bandits.

So may didn't know the story that her husband took advantage of the storm to snipe two waves of people, then swept her opponent and promoted to the top.

I don't know the political risks.

She could only follow her husband's instructions, wear a silk nightdress and go to the bathroom to drain water.

And Victoria's Secret (red lace).

He handed over a document.

"Guys, stand by."

Ma Jun preached again.


Zhuang Shikai took the document, browsed the name and red chapter, smiled and asked, "where is Lu Minghua?"

This is a light sheet of paper.

It's the life of a politician!

"Sir, Lu Minghua got up at 5 a.m. to go fishing and drove to Huangshi Wharf in Kowloon district."

"He is fishing in Butterfly Bay at Huangshi wharf."

Ma Jun preached.

People from the criminal department, the intelligence department and several departments monitored the movements of Lu Minghua, Yang Jinrong and a cadre of land troops and horses 24 hours a day.

I have a good idea of Lu Minghua's position.

Zhuang Shikai put away the arrest warrant, folded it, stuffed it into his pocket, stood up and said with a smile, "it's raining outside and you're still in the mood for fishing?"

The rain is actually much less now.

There was only light rain in the morning.

The storm will end.

The citizens went to work again, and the streets became lively

"Is he alone?"

"He's alone!"

Ma Jun replied.

Zhuang Shikai nodded slightly, walked out of his desk, walked to the door and said, "order your troops! Follow me to Yellowstone wharf! "


Ma Junsu responded.

Five minutes later, the criminal division left the General Administration with six cars and 20 police officers loaded with guns and weapons.

Zhuang Shikai drove alone.

About half an hour later, the motorcade arrived at Huangshi wharf, Butterfly Bay and Tui Heung Road near Huafu village.

The township road is full of yellow mud with ponding. The stone slopes on both sides are full of weeds and scattered with many large and small stones.

It seems to be a good place for fishing. There should be many fishermen at ordinary times. However, because the storm has not completely ended, it is still sparsely populated this morning and there are no passers-by.

More than 20 meters away.

Down a slope.

There was a man in a yellow assault suit, a hat and a plastic fishing gear box at hand.

I saw him squatting beside a big stone, staring at the water.

"Zhuang sir."

An intelligence inspector approached.

"There is no one else within 500 meters."

The inspector of the Intelligence Division said.

Zhuang Shikai raised his hand: "you stay here and I'll go alone."