"Puff, puff, puff!" A bodyguard fell on the floor.

As the leader of the operation, Chen Jiaju also has the professional inertia of the police.

When he found that the castle issued an alarm, his first idea was to let his companions go first with the national treasure, so as not to cause any harm to the national treasure.

He put his duty first!

But Li Fu and Xu Xi are special forces soldiers and 701 super instructors. There is no retreat in the dictionary!

"Bang! Bang! Bang! " At the end of the first wave of shooting, Chen Jiaju and Li Fu moved laterally and exchanged positions.

They exchanged positions as they fired.

"Click!" Finally, hide in each other's two columns and press the switch to drop the magazine. Then he took out another magazine, quickly stuffed it into the handle, pulled down the barrel and continued to move and shoot.

They are well-trained and cooperate with the tacit understanding. They come out again, shoot again, exchange positions again, and should face the enemy on one side.

Li Fu and Xu Xi have the same style! Kill all the other side!

There's no bodyguard across the street!

They never set off an alarm!

Xu Xi is a perfect sky landing. He almost empties half of the enemies in the castle. Then he holds a submachine gun, dodges skillfully, shoots accurately, and faces the enemies on one side alone.

Even if the enemy surrounded them in all directions, they were not afraid!

Because they have the confidence to open up the situation and dry up their opponents!

This is strength!

"Bang!" Chen Jiaju pulled down the exquisite trigger of the pistol, shot a bullet from the barrel, burst out of the muzzle with the power of gunpowder, and rushed to the top with the sound of the wind.

The brass bullet crossed an arc, whew wiped off the stair handrail, rubbed the soil layer, and burst into the bodyguard's chest, causing the tall ghost bodyguard to fall to the ground immediately!

"Hoo." Chen Jiaju breathed a long sigh. His eyes showed pride. He turned to Li Fu and said, "it's done!"

Li Fu received his eyes and nodded without changing his face.

At this time, the two turned to look behind them and scolded in one voice: "fuck!"

After Xu Xi shot the bullet in his hand, he ran a few times and rushed to the corner. With a slap, his military boots stepped on the wall in the corner.

Xu Xi seemed to walk on the ground, stepped on the wall of the stairs at an angle of 90 degrees, rushed up the third floor extremely quickly and jumped into the stairs on the third floor.

He jumped into the stairs, looked at his ignorant opponent, raised the butt of his gun, and smashed the ghost guy in front of him.



A crisp sound.

A scream of decisively falling to the ground.

The ghost bodyguard tilted his head, rolled his eyes, broke his neck and rolled down the stairs.

"Let's go!" Xu Xi looked back at the two downstairs.

Li Fu and Jiaju nodded in amazement.

Although they can also make many difficult movements in their actions, these difficult movements still belong to the category of "science". Is it the result of "skill" with the help of various terrain and equipment, as fierce as Xu Xi? Sorry, he can't do it!

After a "more successful" transformation, Xu Xi's excavation of physical potential is indeed a little stronger than ordinary people.

Unfortunately, he is no better than plug-in players.

"Dada dada." At the moment, more than 40 bodyguards of the castle were killed. Li Fu and Jiaju climbed the stairs with cultural relics. The three "bounty thugs" swaggered out of the main door and quickly fled the scene.

Outside the castle, there is a red sports car. Brother pony is wearing a windbreaker and holding a cigarette. He sits on the front of the car with one hand in his pocket and is looking at the scenery

The convertible of the red sports car opened. People who didn't know thought he was on vacation!

Li Fuyang threw two black bags into the back row, supported the door, and jumped into the car with one step.

Chen Jiaju also opened the license plate, took out a bag, threw it into the car and sat on it.

Xu Xize calmly opened the front passenger car, sat on his legs, patted and closed the door.

"Pony! Drive! " Chen Jiaju patted the door and shouted.

Brother pony glanced back at him, exhaled a long white fog and said, "what's the hurry? I just heard the gunshot. You've all taken care of your bodyguards. You're afraid of a bird! "

The pony is really calm.

But after all, he threw in his cigarette, opened the door, got into the sports car and started to leave.

"You can't get money to be a driver like this! Any Hong Kong provincial flag soldier is more dedicated than you! " Make complaints about the home.

"Boom!" The pony stepped on the accelerator, exploded, and drove away from the scene arrogantly and quickly.

"Shut your mouth! Chen sir! Where are the provincial and Hong Kong flag soldiers like you? " At this moment, the bounty mobs rushed to the next battlefield.

As for the alarm caused by Chen Jiaju's action, it was not Chen Jiaju's carelessness, but after Chen Jiaju found the animal head, he found several lost stolen goods in the castle

Pharaoh's scepter of ancient Egypt! crown! The statue!

These are world-famous treasures stolen a few years ago. It can be seen that the owner of the castle is a professional "speculator". He not only collects Chinese national treasures, but also TM dares to buy stolen goods?

Since it's stolen goods! Hehe, I have nothing to say after stealing you! You can't call the police!

If you don't take it, isn't it a natural thing?

So Chen Jiaju communicated with Li Fu for a while and immediately took out three "ancient Egyptian suits". Unfortunately, after taking out the ancient Egyptian suits, the alarm of the ancient castle was triggered.

Chen Jiaju and others took three ancient Egyptian suits after Tu Guang's castle guards. It's just because of the limited manpower, otherwise there are too many things that can go smoothly, and the whole ancient castle will be empty for him!

These French nobles are not only surrender experts, but also cultural relics dealers. They are proficient in the way of survival. Of course, you can't stay outside the castle for a long time. Even if you kill all the guards of the castle, the people of the Paris police have rushed to the castle. Blackhand against the private and war against the official are two concepts. They can not cause diplomatic accidents, otherwise they will lose a lot of money.

However, the attitude of pony can reflect the disdain of the "bounty thugs" to the Paris police

A month later.

Repulse Bay.

Manor mansion.

The mansion is brightly lit, and the nine animal heads, mainly dragon heads, are all placed in the center of the long square table.

Zhuang Shikai, may, sharina, Chen Jiaju, Xiao Ma, Xu Xi, Li Fu, Luo Ge, Mr. Huo and Li Guorong all gathered around the long table.

Tall red wine glasses are placed on both sides of the square table, facing one in front of one person, and some cigars, ashtrays and cakes are also placed.

In addition to the heads of horses, cattle and tigers sent back to the motherland, the remaining twelve animals have gathered together.

Zhuang Shikai picked up a red wine glass and looked at the animal head in front of him. He couldn't say anything happy in his eyes, but he was quite satisfied.

Everything that should be back is back!

There's nothing to be happy about.

But it should be, the Chinese should rely on their own hands to get back their own things!

Zhuang Shikai raised his glass: "Chen sir, pony, you are lucky and bitter."

"Also thank Huo Sheng, Guo Rong and Luo Ge."

"Thank you for helping the motherland find a face!"

Everyone at the scene raised their glasses together and said solemnly, "Zhuang Sheng is polite. These are what everyone should do."

Everyone looked at the returning animal head and felt something in their hearts. They all admired Zhuang Sheng's means.

Zhuang Ziwei and Zhuang Ye sat in the living room watching TV.

What animal head?

They have no interest at all.

Even feel ugly!

The crowd looked at the beast head for a while. Then, Long Wu came in wearing a suit, bowed his head, leaned close to Lord Zhuang's ear and said, "big boss, people from the mainland are coming."

"Yes." Zhuang Shikai nodded, raised his hand and drank all the wine in the glass. He looked around and said, "please wait for me upstairs."


"Zhuang Sheng."

Although Mr. Zhuang has openly seen the mainland, he should pay attention to confidentiality in private communication and give corresponding privacy.

Otherwise, even if everyone can trust it, the mainland will think you don't pay enough attention to it and cause some unnecessary small problems.

Then, Chen Jiaju, pony, Mr. Huo and Luo Ge all picked up their own red wine, shook their glasses and walked in groups to the upstairs teahouse in order.

The servants quickly came forward and removed the fruit tray and cigars.

Otherwise, a group of people put the animal head on the table, drinking and tasting the national treasure to the people in the Mainland

Tut tut!

How sorry!

"Mr. Zhuang!"

At this time, when everything was ready, Yang Jianhua, the fifth general of the dragon who had to be ordered, invited Yang section chief into the door. As soon as Yang Jianhua saw the nine animal heads on the table, he showed joy and said hello to Mr. Zhuang.

Zhuang Shikai, alone with his glass, came forward to shake hands with Yang Jianhua and said, "section chief Yang."

"Twelve beasts are back!" Yang Jianhua is upright and holds Zhuang Sheng's hand heavily.

Zhuang Shikai sighed: "Shikai has lived up to his mission!"

"I've finally got all the national treasures together!"

"Don't worry!"

Yang Jianhua said firmly, "the country will not forget your heart."

"They are all back..."

Master Zhuang just sighed.

Immediately, several domestic cultural relics experts followed Yang Jianhua into the door, nodded to Mr. Zhuang, picked up a magnifying glass and came forward to check the authenticity of the national treasure.

This is a routine check.

About ten minutes later, several cultural relics experts put down their tools and came to the two: "section chief Yang and section chief Zhuang, every one is genuine!"

"National treasure, the national treasure that records the humiliation of our Chinese nation, is back!"

Several cultural relic experts, with tears in their eyes and a genuine Beijing accent, shouted excitedly: "the traces of war on the national treasure are like the voice of the nation crying. I seem to hear the cries and wails of millions of Chinese people a hundred years ago!"

These national treasures are in the fat and cream of the people, and the old summer palace built for "luxury and pleasure" was lost in the historical war of the eight power coalition's occupation of Beijing

The emotion contained in it.


Several cultural relics experts shed tears.

Zhuang Shikai shook hands with them one by one, felt their inner emotions, and looked at them and said, "from now on, the returned twelve beasts will witness the rise of the Chinese nation!"

"Because we are in a new era and create a new world, we will give them new meaning!"

"Yes! Yes

Several old experts in cultural relics wiped away their tears and nodded: "our great motherland will create history, change the world and give cultural relics, history and new significance!"

"Well! Well

When Zhuang Shihua calmed down, he turned to them.

"Section chief Yang."

"Your team has been arranged?"