The business in the mainland is very open and can be done at any time. You can do it in several layers of waistcoats.

After all, he is a rich Chinese and it is convenient to invest in the mainland.

And last month's shocking kidnapping.

Although, facts have proved that there are robbers planning to kidnap the rich.

And luckily not to kidnap him.

The police also withdrew afterwards.

But this time, it still gave boss Li a big wake-up!

He now needs not only a place to make money, but also a force that can protect his life.

If there is no strong force behind it, not only can't fight others in the business field, but also life safety will be threatened.

If there is a strong force behind it, it can not only break the wrist with others in business, but also not afraid of the opponent lifting the table in private.

Now that the opponent doesn't lift the table, it just doesn't threaten the other party. It doesn't mean that the other party doesn't lift the table's qualification, ability and confidence!

Boss Li knows what this confidence means... It means to be invincible to his opponent, and it means that he will always be a foil

Therefore, in order to make more money and have more confidence on Hong Kong Island!

Boss Li finally makes a choice and contacts with the ghost forces again! Even if it is the legacy of the ghost guy, it is also a strong influence in economy and politics! You know, the ghost guy has controlled Hong Kong Island for 100 years, but he has retired for less than 100 days!


"Hehe, Mr. Li, thank you for your trust." Taking the ferry bus, Bi Kecheng held the club in both hands and said with a smile: "I do have some influence in the financial secretary, but this turmoil in the financial market requires the concerted efforts of the people of Hong Kong."

"I would suggest that the financial secretary set up a financial crisis steering group! It is composed of expert consultants dispatched by the Ministry of development, the HKMA and the Ministry of economy. "

"Crisis management in all financial markets on Hong Kong Island should follow the advice of the crisis steering group!"

Bi Kecheng paused and turned to look at Ye Baoyi: "I think Professor Ye Baoyi should be the leader of the crisis steering group."

The Hong Kong Island Development Department, the Ministry of economy and the HKMA are all important departments under the financial secretary.

The full name of the HKMA is the "monetary authority", which was established in 1993. Its head is the "commissioner of the HKMA", usually referred to as the "President". It is one of the top three figures of the financial secretary. Its responsibilities are similar to those of the central bank and is fully responsible for the formulation of financial policies, foreign exchange control and banking supervision on Hong Kong Island.

The "chief executive of the HKMA" is a famous executive with real power on Hong Kong Island!

In addition, the Ministry of development, the Ministry of economic affairs and the Ministry of finance are also powerful departments of the financial secretary of Hong Kong Island, with great terms of reference.

As a retired Financial Secretary of the British government, Bi Kecheng seems to regard the three major departments of the SAR government as his own home.

He made plans and deployed troops as if he were the financial secretary.

They also regard the SAR government as a colonial government.

But there was nothing wrong with the faces of boss Li, development minister and ye Baoyi.

"I agree with Professor Ye Baoyi's ability." At this moment, Minister Chen of the Ministry of development nodded and said: "Professor Ye Baoyi had an outstanding performance in financial trading when he was a government adviser. I believe he can deal with the upcoming crisis."

Boss Li also nodded and said, "Professor Ye is responsible for guarding Hong Kong Island finance. I think there will be a good result. This is what the people of Hong Kong Island expect. "

Ye Baoyi pushed the spectacle frame and said, "I will act according to the instructions of the government."

Bi Kecheng and Chen Shaoxi looked at each other and immediately said with a smile, "the financial market on Hong Kong Island has always pursued free marketism."

The economy of Hong Kong Island has been rising for more than ten years. So I think the Hong Kong Island government can set up a steering group to guide banks, securities, listed companies and investors to respond. "

"We can issue guiding policies to guide free capital and favorable policies to help investors deal with risks."

"However, the government must not interfere in the market and destroy the foundation of the free market on Hong Kong Island, otherwise it will cause greater harm to the market on Hong Kong Island."

Bi Kecheng narrowed his eyes, his tone was cautious and his words were sharp.

He is worthy of his role as the financial secretary of Hong Kong Island for more than ten years. He has a clear understanding of the current market situation on Hong Kong Island.

In response to attacks from western capital, assuming that Hong Kong Island does not need government capital intervention, there is only one way to lose!

And "freedom" is a very magical word. When it becomes a set of formalism, it is a formalism perfectly in line with the west, or a kind of formalism that the West wants the east to exercise.

When the West wants to give it sweetness, "freedom" will be recognized by the West. When the West wants to exploit it, "freedom" is a bitch who makes you fork your legs!

At a glance, Bi Kecheng can see the current capital situation of the Hong Kong Island market. If the government funds do not intervene and the Chinese funds do not invest, the Hong Kong Island finance will definitely collapse together with the whole Southeast Asia!

At that time, the interest groups behind him and the British capital in western capital will also reap great benefits in the financial storm.

Therefore, Bi Kecheng does not want to win the financial defense war on Hong Kong Island. But he can't directly say that he wants you to lose, because politics needs a "fig leaf", or an excuse to deceive people.

After the return of Hong Kong Island, no matter what happens, "freedom" is the best excuse. Once moved out as formalism, it will immediately be beneficial to the west, and many Chinese citizens and officials deeply affected by the colonial government will believe

At the moment, Bi Kecheng stared into Ye Baoyi's eyes. Ye Baoyi looked dignified and spoke slowly: "but I think a certain degree of government intervention can actually better ensure the financial stability of Hong Kong Island."

"There is a vacancy in the position of vice minister in the Ministry of development..." suddenly, Minister Chen said aloud: "I have been looking for a helper who firmly believes in free marketism..."

"I want you to help me." Minister Chen said in a deep voice.

Ye Bao nodded: "but the lack of freedom in the financial market is not just a financial crisis."

"That will interrupt the development of the whole Hong Kong Island!"

"Therefore, the freedom of financial markets must be well guarded!"

Bi Kecheng, Chen Shaoxi and boss Li all smiled.

"Minister Ye, I believe you will make outstanding contributions to the economy of Hong Kong Island in the SAR government." The bus arrives at the ferry point.

Bi Kecheng grabbed the club and got out of the car.


Ministry of development, Ministry of economy, HKMA.

Most of the heads of departments under the financial secretary were reappointed by the SAR government after the reunification.

But is that a good thing?

not always!

The Hong Kong Island police force, the eight major disciplined services and the chief executive have only been replaced, and the heads of departments have not been replaced.

This represents the full trust of the SAR government!

The Hong Kong Island police force and the eight disciplined forces, as the most powerful armed forces on Hong Kong Island, are the most determined patriotic departments. The British forces within the departments have long been cleaned up, and the British side can not penetrate into the disciplined forces at all. Naturally, there is no need to change the chief.

However, the administrative departments of the Hong Kong government, such as the financial secretary, the Education Bureau and the Department of justice, are some of the departments that have the most serious penetration of British forces.

The Special Administrative Region government can appoint all departments and bureaus in advance, and arrange officials who have been tested and have already expressed their attitude to be the leaders of all departments and bureaus.

But what about the departments under the bureau?

It's OK to replace the department chief, but who can guarantee whether the replaced department chief has previously had contact with the British forces? Or do you have secret transactions and transfer of interests with the British side?

These things can not be found out in one and a half years, but all departments need candidates who are familiar with the work and can stabilize the overall situation.

Have these people ever been trained by the British side?

Are they two faced?

Hehe, it's hard to tell.

You see, isn't department chief Chen playing with Bi Kecheng? Therefore, at present, Hong Kong Island is in an era of changeable clouds, complicated and confusing, and many hidden mines are buried.

These mines will be buried deeper and deeper. They may not be dug clean in a year or ten years!

But you have to step on it one by one!

If they do not explode on Hong Kong Island, they will not be able to achieve complete stability and development.

Most of these hidden thunder chessmen are buried in the two major departments of the "Financial Secretary" and the "Department of justice", because these two major departments have great influence and are patriotic forces led by the Hong Kong Island police force, which are difficult to break through before the return of Hong Kong, so that the governor of Hong Kong can better leave hidden children.

For example, the Ministry of education, ICAC and other departments have given the police a pear. The British influence has long been lost and there is no soil to bury the dark son.

As for other departments, there are also some, but the level of other departments is too low. They are all gathered under the two ghost guys led by the "second division".

You know, the financial secretary and the Secretary for justice of the British government are still staying on Hong Kong Island in the form of "visa". They do not belong to the British royal family, have no criminal record and have even made "contributions" to Hong Kong Island. The SAR government cannot expel them from the perspective of international reputation. Unless they get evidence of a crime.

"The financial secretary loves to play ball, and the Secretary for justice loves to ride a horse."

"Pa!" Bi Kecheng swung the ball and made a hole in the second stroke.

Boss Li stood by and said in his heart, "the football association and the Jockey Club are the two major forces left by the British forces."

"These two forces cooperate with each other, but they are completely different. They want to avoid being caught up, take root in Hong Kong Island and affect the political situation. Although they can no longer affect the regime, they can also affect the situation... "

At the moment, he glanced at Chen Shaoxi: "after all, I only saw one development minister this time. Which special administrative region minister will play in the Football Association next time? You know, if you want to determine the policies of the financial market... A minister is certainly not enough. There must be someone around the financial secretary. The director of the monetary authority may even be a ghost. "

"Besides, it's just a football association. There's a horse club next door!"

Boss Li's eyes brightened: "there are more chips here than I thought. I don't seem to have made the wrong bet! "

Although these forces can't see the light, those who can't see the light are good!

He can be a twenty-five. Superficially with the mainland, privately with the British side. As long as these British forces are not dug up, he will always be able to eat two meals! Of course, even if the British forces are dug out, he also has the way to transfer assets and run abroad! After all, he's a ghost!

At this time, ye Baoyi had left the field ahead of schedule.

After playing, Bi Kecheng turned back and handed the pole to boss Li. He took off his gloves with both hands and said, "do you buy an empty bill?"

"Yes." Boss Li simply replied, "I have also received some Hong Kong dollar chips. I will smash the plate with Wall Street at that time."

Boss Li wants to join the ranks of being an airport island!!!

Although the market value of his company will plummet after the successful short selling on Hong Kong Island, the decline in market value is harmless. International short sellers can make a lot of money. That money can also transfer assets abroad.

In this world, some people take office by patriotism, some betray the country, some make money by ability, and some make money by collaborating with the enemy! These are two very different lives!

2 August 1997.

The financial secretary of Hong Kong Island, the Ministry of development, the Ministry of economy and the Economic Management Bureau jointly established the "financial crisis steering group".

Hong Kong Island finance professor "Ye Baoyi" as the chief financial team leader!