Ten minutes later, Ma Zhiguo put his hands over his suit and coat, bent down and got into a police car.

Yuan Haoyun took the soldiers and horses of the political department to push the door and get on the bus, and loaded the documents, computers, materials and boxes into the police car.

Special Administrative Region government building.


As the last police officer of the political department pulled up the door, several police cars slowly drove out of the door of the government building, and the political department took away a chief of the Department of justice.

Act low-key and tough!

"Ouyang sir."

"Ma Sir was pulled away by the police." Wearing black silk and high heels, a secretary of the Department of justice pushed away the office of the Secretary for justice.

"Ouyang Jie," the legal secretary of the SAR government, raised his head, his face unchanged, and said in a deep voice, "I know."

"Let Ma Zhiguo cooperate with the police investigation." He put a newly signed document on the table.

“yes,sir。” The legal secretary picked up the document, held it on his chest and bowed and nodded.

"Dong Sheng." An adjutant stood in the chief executive's office, stood with his hands tied up and planned to speak, but Dong Sheng raised his hands and said in a loud voice, "watch the changes and support the motherland."

"The bottom thing makes the bottom corner win or lose."

"As long as everyone follows the rules."

The adjutant understood: "yes, Dong Sheng!"

The environment of the chief executive's office is open and bright, and the atmosphere is as calm as ever. The whole government building was a little restless because a section chief took it away from the police.

This dark current and vortex, coupled with the noise and noise in the streets, swept the Hong Kong Island with the smell of "dark clouds pressing the city".


The young boys shouted slogans.

Groups of uniformed police pulled up the cordon and guarded the street, all alert.

Inside the car.

Ma Zhiguo twisted his shoulders, sat in the middle of the back row, clamped by two police officers, put handcuffs on his front knees, and said angrily, "your police force caught me!"

"Can you take responsibility!"

Ma Zhiguo roared.

The two policemen suddenly pressed his arm and shouted, "don't move!"

The co pilot's "Yuan Sir" looked up at the rearview mirror, a sneer hung from the corner of his mouth, and said in his heart, "who am I afraid of?"

"Dada dada." The party returned to the police station and the General Administration, and stepped into the hall on the first floor.

At this time, a chief inspector just passed by the hall. They were not far away and winked at each other.

"Ah Jie!" Yuan Haoyun suddenly shouted.

"Yuan sir." Song Zijie was wearing plain clothes and nodded slightly.

"Take someone to the interrogation room of the political department. I'll treat my good brother to a full meal, won't I? Good brother! "

At the moment, yuan Haoyun's palm fell on Ma Zhiguo's shoulder, firmly pressed Ma Zhiguo's shoulder, turned to look at him with a grim smile, and his expression implied a threat.

Ma Zhiguo still doesn't know that he is regarded as an "abandoned son" and thinks that the ghost forces will protect him.

Hearing him raise his neck, he shouted, "yuan Haoyun! You dare to abuse lynching... You are a senior superintendent! "

Now the level of war is getting higher and higher, and the "senior superintendent" between the two sides is really nothing.

But how could yuan Sir be so easily bluffed?


Suddenly, Ma Zhiguo screamed, took a breath, softened his legs and almost fell to his knees.

Yuan Haoyun smiled and chanted more.

He squeezed harder.

Song Zijie understood with a smile: "don't worry, Yuan sir, the guys will arrange it for you."

He gave Ma Zhiguo a pitiful look and said, "it's not good to provoke anyone, but yuan sir."

"Thank you." Yuan Haoyun piled up a smile on his face to thank him, turned around and took Ma Zhiguo into the elevator, stared at Ma Zhiguo and grinned: "is that interesting enough? The political department doesn't have anything good to entertain you. I'll order a takeout for you. "

"Newspaper thousand layer cake, tiger stick fried rice, electric shock bread, water paper porridge..." yuan Haoyun reported the "dish names" one by one. Ma Zhiguo looked frightened and became more and more frightened.

"You'll like it." At the moment, yuan Haoyun put away his smile.

"Ding!" The elevator arrived.

Ma Zhiguo firmly grabbed the elevator door and refused to enter the interrogation room of the political department until several police officers of the political department pulled him out together and shouted, "go!"

"If you don't go, you'll be arrested immediately! Take measures against you! "

ten minutes later.

The political department.

Interrogation room.


Some people scream, heart rending, full of pain.

a director.


After lunch, Zhuang Shikai raised his hand to look at his watch, put down his chopsticks, stood up and asked, "have you brought Ma Zhiguo back?"

"Bring it back." Zhuo Jingquan replied, "guys, we are speeding up the trial and checking the material evidence of Ma Zhiguo."


"Is there a problem?" Zhuang Shikai frowned and suddenly asked.

He saw a little clue in Zhuo Jingquan's uneasy expression, as if something had happened and there were variables in the investigation.

Sure enough, Zhuo Jingquan's face turned white instantly, and a cold sweat came out on the surface of his forehead.

“sorry,sir!” Zhuo Jingquan bowed and apologized: "many offshore accounts previously monitored by the police are not Ma Zhiguo's money, and the money in the offshore account has been transferred, which can no longer prove to be related to Ma Zhiguo."

"Didn't you contact Interpol to freeze?" Zhuang Shikai asked.

"It's late." Zhuo Jingquan replied, "in addition, in many spy incidents previously monitored, the contact committed suicide in the detention room! Material evidence in Ma Zhi's country... "

"Oh." Zhuang Shikai sneered, walked back to his desk and asked, "have the physical evidence been destroyed?"

"The possibility is great." Zhuo Jingquan bowed his head and preached.


"Please be accountable!"

Zhuo Jingquan sincerely took the initiative to apologize.

"It turns out that Ma Zhiguo is an abandoned son!" At the moment, Zhuang Shikai squeezed his pen, meditated secretly, and immediately judged the layout of the ghost man with his keen political sense of smell.

The other party has shot a sharp arrow! Layout has been expanded!

This judgment requires no evidence.

The other party cleared the espionage evidence related to "Ma Zhiguo" and let the arrested horse commit suicide. It took a lot of work.

Let the police force make a mistake!

In this way, the other party can make use of public opinion to publicize and officially sit down in the name of mastering power and eliminating dissidents in the police force.

At that time, the effect of public opinion will be amplified, and people will be sent to deal with, win over, negotiate

Congressmen's position will change!

Naturally, the draft cannot be passed!

In other words, the evidence exposed by Ma Zhiguo at the beginning was deliberately exposed to the police by the ghost guy. The police have been involved in the game without intention.

It's hard to get out!

"Lord Zhuang!"

"What to do now!" Zhuo Jingquan took a deep breath.

In fact, the ghost guy can successfully invite the police force into the game.

At least "Tang Yingshi" can successfully grasp the work style of the political department, the police force and even Lord Zhuang, and lay a foreshadowing in advance according to Lord Zhuang's personal work style.

In addition, whether it is to give up Ma Zhiguo or send "dead men", it is a bloody battle.

First of all, Ma Zhiguo's own position is very critical. According to the British design, even if the plan is smooth and Ma Zhiguo successfully gets rid of his crime, he will be washed away.

Ma Zhiguo's personal career will also be greatly reduced or even interrupted.

No bureaucrat infected with espionage can be safe. Unless he is the president of the United States.

Secondly, the dead who can commit suicide for the overall situation are more "expensive" than the dead who can work hard for the boss.

Therefore, the confrontation between the two sides has been very tragic and wonderful without firing a single shot.

"Dada dada." Yazi knocked on the door gently.

"Director!" After getting the director's consent, she quickly walked in with a folder and reported: "the first round of hearing of the Legislative Council is over."

"The Legislative Council will choose to solicit public opinions for one month during the advanced behavior period, temporarily shelve the voting on the draft, and hold the second round of hearing and voting at the end of the month."

"Received." Zhuang Shikai looked serious and preached to Yazi according to the table.

Today, early in the morning, after the baby appeared on the street, he knew that it was difficult to pass the law in the first round of hearing, which was almost impossible.

Now, the first round of hearing is over, and the draft is indeed on hold.

Next is the public solicitation of opinions and the second round of hearings. In terms of the current situation, it is not optimistic!


"24 hours later, as soon as the police's legal investigation time is over, contact the reporter for publicity."

The horse club.

When Tang Ying stepped on the stirrup, pulled the reins and rode her horse on the grass.

"At that time, you will contact the congressmen in private to win the support of most congressmen."

"I believe that with Ma Zhiguo as an example of" eliminating dissidents ", the vast majority of members dare not support the police force."

Tang Ying said confidently.

Tang Xianli rode a horse a little slower, followed by "Tang Sir" and replied, "Sir, I believe the national security law can not be passed, but do you want to avoid the police from fighting with guns?"

The gun is the greatest strength of the police force. If the police force loses at the strategic level and jumps over the wall with a gun, it will be another dangerous situation.

Tang Ying stroked her horse's hair and said confidently, "don't worry, the police won't jump over the wall!"

He glanced at Tang Xianli and said, "the police force is not a dog, it's a man! The Vietnamese we invited can also eat dry meals. If something really happens, it's no problem to take us out of Hong Kong Island. When the assassination activities of the police force are made public, Zhuang Shikai will step down! "

"Ha ha." Tang Ying shook his stirrup and urged the horse to kick, dada. The horse accelerated and ran forward. He smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to that day!"


In the director's office, Zhuang Shikai looked calm and calm.

He took out the wisdom of strategizing again, narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice, "there are many ways in my hand. The key is to have the best way!"

"Yazi, book a ticket for me!" Zhuang Shikai raised his head and suddenly opened his eyes: "I'm going to New York to attend the international security forum in three weeks!"

"I'll teach the ghost guy what is called Chinese art of war with a move of 'retreat for progress' Today, since the ghost guy forced the police force to an unfavorable situation with a "psychological attack", Mr. Zhuang decided to use a "retreat for progress" to reverse the situation! And this move can definitely eat the dead guy without any smell!