Alexa said : " Our next direction would be Bloodid, the master of the blood would be there the portal will create in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 risk dimensional loss is almost zero; risk of crushing a living being is 0.00001% the trip will end in 3 min 3 s "and as usual this minutes are minutes of familiarization, Bloodid was an arid country with a red land full of peak-topped mountains , where the vampires lived Hexous bit his finger and ordered the others to drink a little bit, Everyone looked at him like a pervert, Hexous become red and shouted : " It's in your interest to drink my blood because drink the blood Of a specific family of 5 noble families is considered taboo for vampires", Klov asked him : "From which family you're from those 5 families, and who are those 5 families?" Hexous replied: "It doesn't interest you from which family I'm but the other question I will answer, there are: "the Titans, The gods who are also 5 family the gods of the middle and those of the north and the East and West and South, Angels, Demons and finally Heroes. " Klov rubbed his forehead and said:" OK, I give you the questioned and you answer me in 3 seconds ' Hexous hid his face and smiled then turned his mine in a serious fashion and said: " Let's go ! "Klov begins:" Who is your favourable meals" "My mother Lasagna" "What is that?" "Ok, which do you like the most your mother or ..." "My Mother" "The one that you love the most here" "Goro" " You belong to any family" "Heroes" , Hexous put his hands over his mouth and then he said : " I'll kill you if you dare to talk about it again, focuses you on your goal and let me" Klov joined his two fingers and said : " But you said you prefer Goro and it shocked my ego" Hexous smiled and said : "of course because he is quiet, safe, and smart" Goro coughed and made a sign with his thumb to Hexous to follow him, Hexous followed him behind a big rock, Goro hit him and said : "listen to me I don't know how you can lie like that, but I told you to never talk about my IQ"Hexous stood, rubbed his cheek where he was hit , his face became all black and he said : "Think Twice about what you just have done !" After a moment Hexous and then came Goro, appeared after a moment of the appearance of Hexous hiding his arm, Hexous said in a normal voice: "Who want to go with me to hunt a vampire who has the power to control the blood and the bodies? "All raised their hands except Klov and Yohan, Hexous coughed and said to them: Tsuyoiki you stay here, so for Kinzo and Narios, Tsuyoiki annoyed said to him: "because we didn't drink your blood you don't let us participate? Hexous breathed a big breath: «My blood is also like a poison for the other members of the noble families" Kinzo and Narios were open-mouthed and looked at each other, saying: "We are from a noble family? Tsuyoiki, who doesn't seem to be convinced, said, "And why do you order Sabil to go without giving him your blood?" Hexous smiled and said, "Because she belongs to ..." Goro interrupted him and said:" Stop!" Hexous added: "you too, Goro, you'll stay here! Goro bowed his head and replied: "I respect your actions as Captain but please try to keep our secrets, until the right time, and that all members are present" Hexous makesthe pink fire appears again, cast it on Goro, saying : " Hell Fire " and ordered the others by saying : " Let's go " Sabil drinking his saliva, told Klov with gesture to look after Goro and approached him and said: "Hexous I know you're upset, but don't you think you exaggerated a little bit ? "Hexous pretended not to hear, Klov approached to examine Goro, Goro pushed him and said: " That kid does things that don't have an importance" *arose * "I'm going to follow him before he doesn't make something idiot." Klov rubbed his hair and said to Yohan, "Are those two lovers?" Yohan normally says: "No, why? Is because he wants to protect him even if he hit him with his fires?" Klov pointed his index and said: " Let me correct for you that misunderstanding, the Captain broke all the bones on Goro arm's when he was really pissed off, but after their quarrel, when he came to his senses, he noticed what he did and that Goro arm was broken, he treated him with the help of'' HEAL Fire and not HELL Fire '' but this is not the place where the story finishes healing someone with the Heal Fire the wound will go from the injured to the healer but multiply by the time passed after the injury, that also explains the other time when he came all bloodied on the back of Goro I think he launched this kind of fire on Handebell" Narios that was open-mouthed questioned with a lot of curiosity : "And you, how did you know all that?" Klov smiled and rubbed his nose "I have shame to admitted but, but it's almost impossible to read the bastard No. 1's brain, but the Bastard No. 2's brain is easy to read ".