Yuuki wondered what she should say. I thought it would be amazing in my past life. That didn't really work well. It doesn't need to be a good reason, I mean Leorio's was literally money.

"My dad is a hunter and I want to know what my dad's work is like!" Said Gon.

"You shouldn't have answered that!" Leorio said.

"Yes, that man is not an examiner," Kurapika said.

Maybe Yuuki should just give the same answer as Gon. Her dad was a blacklist hunter after all.

"My reason is the same as Gon, my dad is a hunter!" Yuuki said.

"What really Yuuki?" Gon asked, "I didn't know that."

"Yep, he's a blacklist hunter!" She proclaimed.

"Why did you tell him too?" Yelled Leorio, "Don't you have any team spirit?"

"What, Gon already said his answer, I might as well say mine too," Yuuki replied.

"You just shouldn't!" Leorio continued to argue, "It's a matter of honour!"

"I agree with him, " Kurapika stated.

"Hey, am I not older than you kid? It should be Leorio-san!" Leorio yelled.

Kurapika ignored Leorio and continued to speak, "I don't wish to lie to you and my reasons for being a hunter are personal. I do not wish to speak them in front of people I have just met. It is impossible for me to answer."

"In that case..." The captain said, "You guys should just get off my ship!"

Leorio and Kurapika gasped.

"Do you guys not understand? The Hunter exam has already begun!" The captain boldly proclaimed.

Kurapika and Leorio still looked confused.

"There are as many competitors as starts in the sky, it is simply impossible for the examiners to judge all of them." the captain explained. "So the exam committee hires people like me to get rid of the weak ones, diminish the numbers."

"Apart from you four, everyone else has already been withdrawn from the exam! If they can't even handle a storm there's not a chance they would pass the hunter exam." He said, "So think about it carefully. Whether you make it to the exam is up to me!"

Kurapika looked very reluctant but he began to speak, "I am the only survivor of the Kurta clan. My whole family were killed by thieves five years ago. I want to become a hunter to capture the Phantom Brigade."

"Just to avenge yourself?" Leorio asked, "That's stupid! Me, I want money! With money, you can buy everything!"

"Except for class Leorio," Kurapika said.

Leorio looked angry, "Leorio-san! Come to the deck, I'll spill the last blood of the Kurta clan!"

"Take back what you said!" Kurapika yelled angrily.

Yuuki observed his face, she could see his eyes beginning to turn scarlet. The anime and manga really couldn't show how beautiful the colour was. She could almost even understand killing to obtain them.

"Come." Leorio started walking out of the room.

"Right behind you!" Kurapika snarled.

"I'm not finished!" The captain yelled, "Do you guys not want to pass the exam?"

"Let them fight!" Gon said. "If you want to know someone start by finding what makes them mad! My aunt Mito said that. Besides, they both have good reasons to be angry, it's better to just let them fight!"

Yuuki wasn't so sure about that. They did end up making up in the end but resorting to fighting when you got mad wasn't the best idea. Leorio shouldn't really be that mad either, although he looked a lot older he was still a teenager. I guess it was about respect.

"Are you sure Gon?" Yuuki asked, "We could stop them."

"Yeah, I'm sure!" Gon said.

"Okay but if it gets too bad I'm going to stop them and you are going to help," Yuuki stated

They aren't friends yet so I'd don't really have a reason to argue with Gon about them fighting.

"Captain!" A sailor came down, "The wind is a lot stronger than we expected!"

They went above deck, sailors were running around frantically and yelling at each other. Kurapika and Leorio simply stood there, staring each other down in the wind and rain.

"Tell me your excuses and I'll take them Leorio!" Kurapika yelled, his eyes bright scarlet.

"I have no intention of taking back what I said!" Leorio yelled back.

They both drew their weapons and charged at each other but before they could fight a sailor flew past them to the edge of the boat.

The sailors began to yell and Kurapika, Leorio and Gon all ran towards him. Kurapika and Leorio tried to grabbed his legs but missed. Gon jumped off the edge and grabbed the sailor and Kurapika and Leorio grabbed his legs and pulled him back on the boat.

Yuuki knew this would happen but her heart still skipped a beat. She was worried for Gon.

"Good job kid! " The sailors laughed and said.

Yuuki ran up to Gon and fiercely karate chopped him on the head, "Why are you an idiot!" she yelled.

"She's right, the ocean currents are very strong, its very dangerous!" Kurapika said worriedly.

"If we hadn't caught your feet you would have drowned for sure!" Leorio yelled.

"But you guys did catch me right?" Gon laughed and said.

Both of them smiled.

"Forgive me Leorio-san!" Kurapika said.

"I'm the one who should take back what I said, you can call me Leorio Kurapika," Leorio replied.

The Captain laughed loudly. "I'm in a good mood today, I'll take you to the port closest to the testing place!"