The group ran around for hours. They now stood back at the arena.

"We're totally lost!" Leorio yelled.

"It's fine!" Yuuki said, looking at the clock on the wall 63:45:27, "We still have plenty of time left."

She hoped they would hurry up though, the quicker they passed this phase the bigger advantage they had in the next phase. They probably wouldn't come in last place though.

After another two hours of running around, they finally had reached the last door.

Yuuki looked around the room at the various weapons on the walls. She wondered if she should take one as she currently didn't have a weapon. She decided against it however as most of these weapons were very large and it would probably make it harder to move around in the forest during the next round.

With so much time left they chose the long and dangerous path without much discussion. Yuuki suggested they used the weapons to dig a hole in the wall to the next path like Gon had suggested in the anime. It wasn't necessary but Yuuki would rather pass as fast as possible.

They walked down the path to the stone room at the end. A loud voice announced, "Candidate 406 passed fifth, time taken11 hours 48 minutes."

Gon passed sixth, Kurapika seventh, Killua eight and Leorio ninth. Yuuki looked around the room and sure enough sat Hisoka, Illumi in disguise, Hanzo, joining them was Geretta. Yuuki looked at Gon, I guess he would still have to go through some trouble. Well, that is if they still drew the same people.

Yuuki joined the group and sat in a corner. She wondered who she would get for the next test, she had prepared for this before leaving and had tranquillisers in her backpack so she could easily take a tag. She also removed her tag from her jacket, she put it in her bag for now but would move it later.

Killua, Gon and Yuuki messed around for a while trying out Killua's skateboard and Gon's fishing rod.They then sat down, resting their backs against the stone cold wall. They had managed to get quite a disturbing view, staring directly at Hisoka who was shuffling his cards.

"I wonder what he's doing," Yuuki said.

"What do you mean?" Gon asked.

"I mean he's always playing with his cards, I get they're a weapon and all but he's always playing with them, what kind of card games can you play with just one person anyway?" Yuuki asked.

"Solitare?" Gon said.

"He's obviously not playing that though, just shuffling them menacingly," Yuuki said.

"Maybe he just likes shuffling cards, " Killua said. "Who cares."

The door opened again and everyone turned. It was Tompa. This complicates things Yuuki thought. If there are more people here that means everyone will probably draw different people.

Yuuki was kind of annoyed that Tompa had managed to pass the third trial because it just proved further that he was just messing with the candidates.

Yuuki looks up at the time 47:34:12, they still had so much time left, she was very bored. Maybe she should just sleep, she found it hard t go to sleep in a room full of dangerous people though.

Yuukk turned to look at Gon and Killua talking enthusiastically. Kurapika was reading a book and Leorio was sleeping. Yuuki got her notebook and started doodling again. She drew the beast she had seen in swindler's swamp before quickly tearing the page out. The drawing didn't look right.

Time continued to pass and the room filled with more and more people, food was brought through and Yuuki got to experience the wonder that was Illumi with needles stuck in his face eating, it was very weird.

Five minutes were now left on the clock. The final guy passed through into the room, before he quickly collapsed. He had died.

"Time up, end of phase three, participants passed 26, including one dead!" The loudspeaker sounded.

The group of participants left trick tower and gathered outside.

"Congratulations on passing the third phase," The examiner for the round said, "the next round will take place on Zevil Island."

He pulled out a box.

"Everyone draw a number in the order they passed the third trial!"

The participants went up one by one to the box. Soon it was Yuuki's turn. She put her hand in the box and grabbed a card. After she joined the crowd once more she turned the card over and read the number.

The number on the card was 99. Yuuki turned to look at Killua.

Oh no, she thought.