Yuuki dodged Pokkle's initial attack. He wasn't that good at hand to hand combat and he couldn't use his bow and arrows in this fight. Yuuki was faster than him.

Yuuki quickly dodged his initial attack and punched him in the gut.

Yuuki felt a blow returned a numb pain spread across her side. Yet she quickly ignored it and blocked the next punch by catching Pokkle's arm. It hurt so much less than she thought it would.

They continued to exchange punches and kicks, Yuuki seemed to have the upper hand, dodging and blocking more of his attacks.

Yuuki looked at him, she was really out of breath. This was taking forever.She really wished she could perform an arm lock like Hanzo.

They continued to fight for another hour and soon they were both utterly out of breath, both of them were wounded but Pokkle injuries were more serious with a particularly nasty bruise on his jaw.

Pokkle looked troubled, he obviously didn't want to keep on fighting but didn't want to give up so easily after just having lost to Hanzo.

After another half hour of fighting Yuuki had several gashes and bruises on her body but Pokkle was looking way worse for wear. He looked at Leorio, who he would have to fight next and hesitated for a second before finally saying that he gave up.

Yuuki sat down, exhausted. Fighting for that long really took her breath away. She should work on her stamina.

I'm really weak huh, I could barely even beat Pokkle and he was fighting without his bow and arrows, the weapon he was strongest with.

Yuuki looked up at the next match. It was Killua vs Illumi. Yuuki looked at Killua with worry, should she interfere in the match or warn him somehow.

She really didn't want him to end up killing someone and besides, if he got sent back to his house Gon would definitely make her help rescue him. That was months of precious time she could be using her new hunter's licence to explore or learning nen.

Yuuki looked on as Illumi threatened to kill Gon. She was gradually getting angrier and angrier.

"You don't have the qualifications to make friends!" Illumi said to Killua, "You don't need any!"

Right, Yuuki thought, I'm going in.

"Yuuki, what are you doing?" Kurapika asked.

"If you walk any further, Killua will be disqualified!" The man refereeing the match said.

Yuuki stuck out her tongue at him, "If I don't do this he will be anyway," she said.

Yuuki brushed Illumi's hand off of Killua's head and tapped it, "Stop being an idiot, idiot."

Killua still stood staring at his brother in fear. Illumi had turned his gaze to her.

"Hello?" Yuuki said waving her hand in front of his face, "I know you aren't going to fight him so you should probably give up."

"Well whatever, come on!" She said grabbing his wrist and pulling him out of the room and into the corridor.

Illumi looked in shock as his brother got pulled out of the room. His look quickly turned to anger and he turned to follow them but quickly Hisoka grabbed his arm.

"I wouldn't!" Hisoka said, "No damaging the unripe fruits."

"I'm sorry I probably got you disqualified Killua!" Yuuki apologised.

"That's fine." Killua said, "I can't believe how much my brother gets in my head."

"It's not your fault," Yuuki said, tapping him on the forehead. "Let's go visit Gon! He's probably not awake yet though."

Yuuki and Killua sat down next to Gon's bed.

"Anyway, are you an idiot?" Killua asked angrily, "My brother could have killed you, in fact, I'm surprised he hasn't come and done it!"

"Ah!" Yuuki said, "You're right!"

I wonder why he didn't follow us, Yuuki thought, did Hisoka stop him like he did when Illumi wanted to go after Gon? Yuuki shuddered at the thought.

"I'm surprised you aren't still angry at me," Yuuki said.

"What do you mean why would I be mad at you?" Killua asked before his face flashed in realisation, "That's right! What's the deal with the tag stealing?"

"Well I needed to pass..." Yuuki said.

"I would have helped you get three tags if you had asked," Killua said.

"No you wouldn't! You would keep looking at me suspiciously or whatever. Besides I wanted to feel like I earned it!" Yuuki said.

"By sneakily tricking me?" Killua asked.

"See you get it!" Yuuki said. "Earnt!"

"I get why you had to trick me though, there's no way you could beat me in an actual fight!" Killua announced, "You could hardly beat the weak looking guy."

"Yeah, that's true!" Yuuki said looking down, "I'm still pretty strong for a little girl though, you're just a monster! How do you do it?"

"Well I've had a lot of various training but for body strength it was mainly weight training, you know heavy doors, heavy cups, heaving everything really," Killua said.

Oh yeah that's right, Yuuki thought, Gon had to do something like that to open the testing door. I probably should've done that too. Idiot.

"There you guys are!" Kurapika said, coming into the room. "Leorio they're in here!"

"Hey Yuuki," Kurapika said, "We have to go to another room for a meeting."


"You passed the exam, remember?" He said.

"I passed too!" Leorio said, "Although I didn't have to fight for it thanks to Killua getting disqualified."

Yuuki looked at Killua before glaring at Leorio.

"Oh right, sorry Killua!" Leorio said.

"It's fine!"

The tall examiner from the first round, Satotz, walked in, "You three should get going," he said, "I'll send Gon through when he wakes up."