Qin Ruan raised his head and asked the two Yin guards for advice: "I don't know how much life she needs to pay, how to expel the baby puppets in her belly?"

Yin difference: "half Yang life, the baby puppet in the abdomen just needs us to hook it out."

Qin Ruan stepped aside and said, "I'll trouble you both."

"You're welcome."

Yin Cha came to Lili with empty steps.

Lili faced the Yin difference for the first time and didn't faint. It was because of the experience in these two days that she practiced her courage.

As soon as Yin difference approached her, her body retreated freely and hid behind Qin Ruan.

Qin Ruan looked back, his eyes were slightly cold: "if you go back on your word, I don't have time to waste with you here."

"No, no, I'm just afraid."

Lili pulled Qin Ruan's clothes and looked at her pitifully.

Her poor appearance is different from yesterday's arrogance.

Qin Ruan pulled her hand away from her again.

Her voice was cold: "you have only one chance."

Lili, who wanted to find her shelter, couldn't move.

She wants to live. She hasn't had time to enjoy her youth. How can she be willing to be robbed by the baby puppet in her belly.

The Yin difference approached again. Lili didn't avoid this time.

She witnessed Yin difference holding a chain close to her slightly bulging abdomen.

The chain crept into her belly strangely, and Lili felt all her internal organs being stirred.

The pain swept through her body in an instant, spread to all parts and bones, ravaged Lili's internal organs, and made her cry.

Her pale face was twisted to the extreme, and her teeth showed ferocity and terror.

His mouth also gave out a cry of sadness and pain.

The sound is harsh and tormenting the eardrum.

Yin difference moved quickly. He pulled the chain in his hand and pulled it hard, and the baby's cry rang out.

"Wow, wow --"

"Wow, Wow -"

The baby's cry rang through the whole dormitory, tearing his heart and lungs.

Ling Xiaoxuan, sitting not far away, couldn't hear it at all.

She stared vaguely at the place not far away, surrounded by black fog. She was still a little strange in her heart. Why didn't there be any movement today.

The Yin difference hooks out the baby puppet in Lili's abdomen, and the chain wraps it for several circles.

The little guy also flew frantically towards Lili and wanted to rush into her stomach again.

Yin difference's hand moved slightly, and the chain pulled back the baby puppet's body.

The baby's sad cry continued to sound, almost tormenting people's ears.

Qin Ruan Xiu frowned tightly and looked at the baby puppet bound by chains.

He was a little, white and lovely, just like a normal child.

If you ignore his bloodthirsty red eyes and show Lili a sharp and dangerous tooth, you will really treat him as an ordinary baby.

Lili fainted instantly when the baby puppet was detached due to severe pain.

Qin Ruan looked at the scene coldly and pursed his lips gently.

Yin Chai bent over her: "Miss Qin, we'll take this little puppet away."

"Hard work, you."

"You're welcome."

The two Yin guards dragged the baby puppet and disappeared into the darkness.

The baby's shrill cry gradually decreased until it disappeared and could no longer be heard.

However, in a few seconds, the surrounding black fog dispersed and the dormitory was restored to its original state.

The light outside is reflected into the dark room through the curtains.

Ling Xiaoxuan finally saw Qin Ruan's figure. She asked tentatively, "is it finished?"


Qin Ruan went to the balcony and opened the curtains.

The bright light covered by the curtains fell into the house, and the darkness was dissipated by the sun.

Ling Xiaoxuan stared at Lili who fell on the floor of the house and frowned, "what's the matter with her?"

"I fainted. I'll be fine when I wake up."

Qin Ruan went to the balcony and enjoyed the sunshine.

She doesn't like sunshine. Recently, she always feels deeply in the dark and becomes a little greedy for the warmth of sunshine.

Ling Xiaoxuan got up and came to her with a tone of disgust: "what do you do for her? It's selfish and cruel. It's a waste of feelings for such people to help her."

Qin Ruan smiled and said, "cause and effect. If I didn't save her in the library, I wouldn't have to intervene in her life and death. Since I intervene, how can I have a result."

"Are you all right?"

Ling Xiaoxuan lowered her eyes and stared at her flat belly.

I don't know if dealing with those things will affect her baby.

Qin Ruan put his hand on his stomach and his eyes were soft: "it's all right. He's very good."

When I was pregnant with him in my previous life, I had no reaction and had a good appetite.

She always knew that the child was very good.

"That's good." Ling Xiaoxuan sighed, "you should pay attention in the future. You are also a mother."


Qin Ruan's eyes lit up slightly.

This title is strange, but it sounds very expectant.

In eight months, the child will be born.

A little man will call her mother with a soft waxy milk sound.

Just think about it, Qin Ruan's heart is soft.

She narrowed her eyes and nodded to Ling Xiaoxuan, "I will."

In order that the child can be born smoothly and the other party can call her mother, she will not risk herself.

Ling Xiaoxuan put her hands on the balcony railing, looked at the students downstairs and asked, "is there no class this afternoon?"

Qin Ruan leaned back against the railing, relaxed and lazy.

She looked up at the balcony upstairs and said faintly: "no class, it's going to be a holiday. She will be free in the next few days."

"Any plans?"


Ling Xiaoxuan narrowed her smiling eyes and suggested, "let's go shopping together?"

"What can I do?"

Qin Ruan didn't want to move. It was too hot and sweaty.

"Go on, go on. By the way, let's have a look at baby products. I don't know whether you are pregnant with a female baby or a male baby. I must..."

Before he finished, he stopped abruptly.

Qin Ruan looked back and looked at her suspiciously: "what do you want?"

Recalling the words to be exported, Ling Xiaoxuan looked angry.

To Qin Ruan Wen, with a smile in her eyes, the tangle between her eyebrows and eyes dispersed, and she bowed her head and smiled.

When Ling Xiaoxuan looked up again, the bright smile on her face was the same as before.

"I must be his godmother!"

She said it.

If Qin Ruan Huai was not the child of Third Master Huo or the fourth generation of golden grandson of the Huo family, she would not hesitate and speak out openly just now.

Third master Huo's status is so noble that his child was born with a golden spoon.

Once the child in Qin Ruan's belly is born, it will be valued by the three generations of the Huo family and is a more valuable existence.

If she wants to be the child's godmother, it's as difficult as heaven. It's too much to talk about a dream with a fool.

Qin Ruan glanced sideways at her and said with a smile: "what's the matter? After the child is born, you can teach him to call you godmother."

"Really?" Ling Xiaoxuan was delighted at the speech.

"What are you doing?" Qin Ruan's tone is loose and sexy.

Ling Xiaoxuan frowned: "will the third master disagree?"