Boss Li was worried when he heard the speech: "Taoist Wu, how can you..."

"Jie......" Taoist priest Wu laughed strangely.

Soon, he said in a vicious tone, "you can't give it. I'll ruin your family!"

Boss Li was speechless for a long time.

After a while, he said with a dry smile: "here, I give it. Taoist Wu, as long as you can kill Rong Changting to me, I'll give you ten times the commission!"

"Easy to say!"

Taoist Wu showed a satisfied smile on his obscene face.

As long as he is given enough money, he can spend a lot of money to raise weapons that are more lethal than human face snakes.

Boss Li's attitude was tougher than before: "Taoist Wu, the bidding on my side is about to begin. Please give me a letter. When can I kill Rong Changting?"

The dark Taoist priest looked at the mess on the table in front of him and said slowly, "call me the money and I'll kill him for you tonight!

Next, I'll meet the people around each other in person to see who killed my human face snake and broke my array. I'll kill him, peel his skin and remove his bones! "

Boss Li was subdued by the hatred in his voice, and his nervous swallowing could not be covered by the sound tube of his mobile phone.

He shivered and asked, "are you sure Rong Changting will die?"

Taoist Wu said coldly, "are you doubting me?"

"No, no, no... I don't want to prepare for his death in advance. I've been looking forward to this day for too long."

"I've never lost my hand for so many years. You can certainly get the news of his death before dawn!"

"Good, good... Taoist Wu has great power. I believe you will succeed."


Taoist Wu snorted and smiled, hung up his cell phone, got up and came to the dirty and old wardrobe.

He removed a jar as big as a child from it.

Looking at the jar in front of him, Taoist Wu's eyes flashed: "I'm going to kill tonight! Give it to me! "

Yin evil, strange, bloodthirsty voice sounded in the quiet room.

The tone is gloomy and strange, which makes people uncomfortable.


Qin Ruan didn't know she was missed.

Rong Changting woke up. What caught his eyes was a bloody and dirty three tailed gray fox.

Seeing its existence, Rong Changting never followed his atheist attitude when he first met Qin Ruan.

"Jijijiji -"

The three tailed grey fox shouted at Rong Changting twice, and his tail was thrown.

It approached Rong Changting carefully and licked him gently on his wrist.

Rong Changting pursed his dry lips, and his hoarse and tired voice sounded slowly.

"Thank you."

He remembers all his previous memories.

Even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, those pictures all lingered in his mind.

He was like a bystander, who saw the ugly faces of those people clearly.

When death approached, the gray fox in front of him saved him.

Without it, he would have gone to the underworld to report.

The three Tailed Fox seemed exhausted. After expressing his intimacy to Rong Changting, his body slowly disappeared in front of the table.

"Little fox?!"

Rong Changting was in a hurry. Regardless of his weak body, he leaned forward and groped on the table with his hands.

His face was pale and anxious, and his hands were trembling slightly.

Qin Ruan explained to the three tailed grey Fox for the guardian spirit: "he was badly hurt and went to rest."

Rong Changting looked at the girl he met for the second time. His face was full of fear and fear, and a trace of confusion appeared.

He asked softly, "why did it save me?"

Qin Ruan pursed his lips: "that's the guardian spirit of your Rong family. It will only appear in the large family sheltered by someone in the six realms. In the unique blood inheritance, the family blood withered or abandoned by the way of heaven is not enough to support it.

I don't know why I'm around you. Maybe there's something superior in your blood. "

Hearing the speech, Rong Changting was surprised and shocked, and then his face showed clearly.

Qin Ruan did not explore his identity, but mentioned Rong Jing..

"Now that you're awake, go out and meet your son. For you, he went to hell and almost died."

"Where is he?!"

Hearing that his son was almost born, Rong Changting quickly stood up.

Because he got up too quickly, his too weak body almost fell down. Fortunately, he held the table, so as not to be embarrassed to the end.

Seeing this, Qin Ruan sighed and stepped forward to hold him.

"He's right outside the door. Let's go."

They trampled on the ashes of the snake in front of the man and walked towards the door.

Rong Changting naturally knows how they died.

Stepping on the ashes of these evil deeds that make people fear, his heart is still worried.

The ugly appearance of the human faced snake and its frightening ferocity haunted his mind.

Not to mention the strong smell of rotten meat in the air, he kept thinking of those dense black figures.

The feeling of being tightly wrapped by a human face snake can't be waved away.

Rong Changting shook his head and tried not to recall those scary memories. He focused on worrying about his son outside the door.

The bedroom door was opened and huochuan immediately appeared.


Qin Ruan saw that he looked worried and smiled, "I'm fine."

Huochuan breathed a sigh of relief and got out of the way for her to come out with Rong Changting.


Rong Jing's hoarse sad voice sounded.

The other party has cleaned up the body and cleaned up the dirty blood smell and the smell of rotten internal organs in the human face snake.

However, his face was still a little too pale. I think he was shocked.

Rong Jing rushed up and hugged Rong Changting's body tightly, crying.

The cry of grief for the rest of his life made people feel his fear and panic.

Rong Changting has not been held by his son for many years.

Suddenly he was hugged by Rong Jing. His pale face flashed for a moment.

After a while, he whispered, "it's okay, it's okay, what do you look like a big man crying? You don't have any masculinity."

Rong Changting has a gentle voice, but he still falls with a few scores.

But compared with the past, I don't know how many times this is gentle.

"I'm scared to death!"

Rong Jing cried with a runny nose and a tear.

Without the end of his wanton enjoyment of drinking with women outside.

At this moment, he restored the child's nature.

He is just a young man in his early twenties. After this experience, his mind will naturally change greatly.

Rong Changting also felt his son's attachment to him. He wanted to hold Rong Jing, but he was weak.

If Qin Ruan hadn't helped him, he would have fallen to the ground when Rong Jing rushed over.

Qin Ruan interrupted his father and son's warm relationship: "you father and son are slow first. Things haven't been solved yet. Seize the time to make other preparations. There may be a hard battle to fight tonight."

Rong Jing lies in Rong Changting's arms and looks at the mess in the bedroom. Those strange shadows inside have disappeared.

His face turned white again: "isn't it all solved?"

"It's not that easy."

Qin Ruan's tone showed his impatience to troublesome things.

She just hit the watch on Rong Changting's wrist, causing the person who secretly cast the spell to be backfired.

With the other party's insidious and cruel means to kill Rong Changting, I think there is a later move.

Qin Ruan looked at Rong Jing and said, "your father is weak. I'll see if there's anything else in your family that shouldn't exist."

The famous watch on Rong Changting's wrist can be manipulated, and other places may also have problems.

She needs to check again before she can feel at ease about the next tactics.

The battle between people may be more dangerous than facing puppets. She should be careful.

Rong Jing took his father from Qin Ruan and asked, "what are you looking for?"

"Yes, your father's watch was tampered with. Just in the house, he was almost strangled by himself."

"Who gave that watch?"

In the front words, Qin Ruan explained Rong Jing, and in the back words, he asked Rong Changting.

Rong Changting's face was chatty and said uneasily, "it's from a lover."

Qin Ruan looked motionless and even calm. She nodded to show that she knew.

"Mr. Rong, you'd better check who bought your lover. Do you remember your first car accident?"

"Remember." Rong Changting nodded.

"It wasn't an accident. The man who drove into you wanted to hit you only after he received the money. What's the purpose? You know what happened today."

"Someone wants to kill me?"

Qin Ruan's lips were slightly drawn, and there was no smile at the bottom of his eyes: "it's not very obvious."

Rong Changting's eyes became sharp. He searched his enemies in the business world in his mind, and finally let him lock in a few people.

Qin Ruan didn't have time to waste. He turned away and looked around with beautiful eyes.

Huo Chuan followed her closely.

Rong Jing watched them go downstairs and said, "Dad, let's follow and have a look."

There was also fear in his tone.

How can Rong Changting not understand his son: "afraid?"


Rong Jing didn't refute. He was really afraid.

I'm afraid those shadows and snakes will appear in the dark again and swallow him and his father.

He didn't want to experience the fear of being swallowed by the big mouth of the blood basin.

"You go, I can't stand it."

Rong Changting's vitality was greatly damaged. He didn't even have the strength to walk.

Even if he wanted to go downstairs, he had more heart than strength.

Rong Jing said without hesitation, "I'd better accompany you."

Rong Changting stared at him in surprise, pale and smiled: "help me to your room and stand with soft legs."

"OK -"

The father and son moved slowly and left the smoke field behind them.

What happened tonight will be remembered for the rest of their lives.

Some things are really only experienced, can we believe it is true.


Qin Ruan stood in front of the display cabinet and stared at the blue and white porcelain vase at the bottom. Her eyes were slightly heavy.

The blue and white porcelain bottle has strange patterns. The bottle body contains a faint evil spirit and is not very lethal. However, if you live with it for a long time, your body will certainly be affected.

Qin Ruan pointed to the blue and white porcelain vase and said to huochuan behind him, "smash it."

"Yes, madam -"

Huo Chuan looked around and saw the baseball bat in the corner of the display cabinet. He walked over and picked it up.