"What?" Guo Rou was shocked.

She has a big mouth. She hasn't closed it for a long time.

Guo Rou can't even imagine that if Gu Yan didn't come to the army and didn't take the college entrance examination, she would go back to her hometown and marry such a scum

How miserable her life should be!

Gu Yan guessed what she was thinking from Guo Rou's worried eyes.

Gu Yan shook his head slowly and said, "you don't have to worry. Look at me, it's not very good now. Since ancient times, evil has been rewarded. Blacksmith Wang, such a heartless scum, will surely be punished by the law! "


Two people because of special reasons, back to bed late, but after making clear the reason, Han Jiao did not embarrass them, let them go back to the dormitory to have a rest.

After Gu Yan had a sleep, he woke up a little tired.

She looked at the upper berth beside her and found that Zhang Cuihua had not come back.

I can't see that Zhang Cuihua also has such a heavy love and righteousness.

She Gu Yan hooks the corner of her mouth and uses her powers to get rid of her tiredness. Then she goes to the reception room and dials Xie Luan.

It's Xie Luan who answers the phone.

Hearing Gu Yan's voice, Xie Luan is very happy.

Gu Yan can hear the joy in her voice through the telephone line.

I don't know if it's an illusion. Gu Yan always feels that Xie Luan's mother is not happy in the Bai family. Although the character of the Bai family is not bad, at least Mr. Bai and Bai Jianjun will not sit in their present position if their character is not good.

But to their families It's a bit of an oversight.

Gu Yan loves his mother Xie Luan, so he says, "Mom, do you have time today? I want to invite you to my new home. Of course, the new home is not ready. I don't know how to put some furniture better. Can you help me? "


This must be OK!

As Xie Luan became more and more healthy, she felt that the atmosphere of the home was too low.

It's so depressing.

Xie Luan wants to go out for a walk.

It's a pity that Changle recently went on a mission and went to other places.

Usually Xie Luan goes out, it must be accompanied by Bai Changle.

Gu Yan didn't want to go to Bai's, but she didn't trust Xie Luan alone, so she said, "Mom, then you clean up, and we'll go to the gate of the courtyard later, right?"


Xie Luan happily hung up the phone. As soon as she looked back, she saw old man Bai coming out of the building slowly.

During this period of time, Bai Laozi has never seen Xie Luan's smiling face. Today, when he saw that she looked good and the smile on her face had not been taken back, he could not help but ask softly, "Xiao Luan, whose phone did you just answer? How could you be so happy?"

Although the old man's eyes looked forward to it, Xie Luan put away her smile and said softly, "it's Xiao Yan. She asked me out to go shopping."

The white old man absolutely does not admit, in his heart that kind of bad feeling is called jealousy.

Gu Yan didn't recognize him.

Gu Yan still doesn't want to recognize him.

The white old man lowered his eyes, the expression on his face became more and more serious, but Xie Luan didn't think so much. He immediately went upstairs to change his clothes and clean up.

When Xie Luan finished packing and went downstairs, he found that master Bai was still standing in the living room.

White old man a face of desire to say and stop, there is a word has been wandering in the heart for a long time, but can't say.

At last, it suddenly changed direction.

Originally, xiaoluan, you are not in good health. Let me accompany you to see Xiaoyan.

Finally, because of face, because of entanglement, it became, "xiaoluan, you just recovered, you should pay attention to some when you go out."

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