"Do you think I'm OK like this?" Even now, the bearded man still looks confused. "Where did these people come from? What's the matter? What about the children? What about the winged angels?"

It's hard for a man with glasses to say enough about his boss.

Other people's angels can fly by flapping their wings. They

No, they can fly too!

Looking at the mess around, the man with glasses said immediately, "boss, go, there are helicopters on the roof!"

At this time, people from the old president's side are all around the downstairs, and they must not be able to walk from below.

Mustache had to nod.

He didn't know how he came back from catching two children this time?

"By the way, you haven't talked about children yet?"

"At this time, don't worry about the children." The man with glasses is speechless.

The two men left at once.

This time, even if they have not been completely destroyed, they have also suffered heavy losses. I'm afraid it will take time for them to confront the old president next time.

Not to mention, this time things have become like this. The people on the black angel side will definitely not give them weapons.

Black angel

Shen Xiyan looked at the woman with short hair in front of her eyes. Her eyes were full of anger, "who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. The point is," Guo Rou lit her gun and said, "why did you set fire?"

"You're wrong. I didn't set the fire." Shen Xiyan has already stood on the terrace leading to the roof on the sixth floor. As long as she takes a few more steps, she can leave here.

This time, he made such a mistake. He couldn't save Lei Qing, which made Shen Xiyan very depressed. His soft facial features were slightly distorted at this time.

Guo Rou said with a smile, "don't open your eyes and tell lies. I saw the fire you set on the fifth floor with my own eyes. Otherwise, how do you think I ran from the fifth floor to the sixth floor?"

It turns out that after Guo Rou separated from Gu Yan at that time and knocked down the members of the organization, she was also hit on the head by the last thing hit by the other party and fainted.

However, she was in good health. After fainting for a while, she woke up and saw the woman setting fire. Then she ran after her.

In fact, without Guo Rou's pursuit, Shen Xiyan might have already run away.

Shen Xiyan has seen a lot of big scenes after all, she still said very calmly, "you say so much, but don't shoot, is it because the bullet is gone?"

"No, it's because I don't kill innocent people indiscriminately," Guo Rou said bluntly. "So, you go out with me obediently. If you are a member of the organization, you will be handed over to country B to deal with it. If you are... "

Shen Xiyan lowered her eyes slightly and gathered the light from the bottom of her eyes.

She said, "OK, I'll go out with you. Put away your gun. Don't let it go. I'm afraid."

Guo Rou didn't believe what she said.

After all, there was no sign of fear on the woman's face.

The people who appear in this building are most likely from this organization, but Guo Rou feels that if this woman belongs to this organization, why did she set fire just now?

Because of doubts, so intuition let Guo Rou not let this woman go.


Guo Rou suddenly felt that this woman had seen her before. She asked casually, "what's your name?"

Shen Xiyan paused, then said, "my name is Laura."

This is a very common name, common to the whole world, it is estimated that there are hundreds of Laura.

But Guo Rou won't let her guard down. She said, "OK, Laura, if you cooperate, I won't shoot."

As soon as Shen Xiyan took a step forward, she saw the oncoming shadow.

The corner of her mouth, a touch of indifference.

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