David felt a strong sense of murder!

He looked up at Gu Yan.

At this moment, David believes that if he really gets in the way of Lu Yan, she will kill herself!

At this time, with these words, Gu Yan turned and left.

I don't know why. David was relieved to see her go.

But at this time, Gu Yan stopped again.

She asked without looking back, "so David, what do you think of me as the leader of the camp?"

David helpless, "of course, there are opinions, I can also raise it."

"Oh, no, keep them all." With these words, Gu Yan strode away.


Seeing that the two men came back one after another and didn't fight, Roland said to little Lucy, "Lucy, when you do things in the future, you must reason with each other. You see, if you understand the truth, you will understand."

"What if they don't understand reason?" Asked little Lucy curiously.

Gu Yan came over and touched little Lucy's curly soft hair. She said gently, "then give him to the police."

"But now there are no police on the island."

"Then you can give him to sister Lu Yan."

Little Lucy nodded heavily without hesitation.

In her heart, sister Lu Yan is very powerful!

David's trouble was solved. After dinner, the crowd dispersed. And tonight is the second night on the desert island. Of course, we still need to watch in turn.

Before the break, Francy went to Gu Yan and asked curiously, "how did you make David think it through?"

"No, I didn't let him figure it out. In fact, it's very simple. David hides his strength. If he really fights, he may not be weaker than any bodyguard."

Gu Yan said that, in fact, he was conservative.

After all, how can people who can enter the hidden world be poor?

Francy suddenly realized, "so before that, when you heard that David was missing, you didn't worry at all. You knew that he would come back safe and sound. So, when you left him to fish here, you actually considered the value of his force, right? "


Francy nodded again and praised seriously, "Lu Yan, you are amazing."

"Uncle Francy, you're the real one." Gu Yan refers to Francy's political attainments.

Needless to say.

We know each other.

Francy smiles, but with a firm eye, "for the people."


Shen Xiyan, who is not far away from Gu Yan, is losing her temper. She throws the roast fish on the ground.

"Do you exchange things with others just like who owes you money? That's why they don't trade with you! How many times have I eaten fish? Now I smell fishy and itchy. I'm really bored! "

Shadow of the eyes inside, flashed a sad, but soon disappeared.

He quietly picked up the roast fish that Shen Xiyan had thrown on the ground, then blew off the sand and ate it bit by bit.

He murmured, "I'll come back tomorrow and talk to them."

"Why don't you go straight into the woods and look for food for me? I'll go directly to their camp tomorrow and explore with them."

"Don't you mean to wait another two days? If those people attack Francy... "

Shen Xiyan suddenly is a burst of irritability, "I don't want to eat fish any more!!"

Shadow of

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