Looking at the blue puzzled eyes, Lu Ye said slowly, "because they are my comrades in arms."


"Cang LAN, if I don't go back in time to send Yanyan back home, can you help me escort their mother and son back home?"

Lu Ye handed a piece of paper to canglan.

On that paper, it's an address.

Rainbow Town.

Blue suddenly raised his head, his mouth opened, finally, silently nodded.

Five minutes later, they parted ways. Lu Ye stepped on the gas and rushed to the address where the twins were about to move.

He almost drove all night, anxious, and this time, whether it is twins team, or Bai Changle Liao Yun team, did not respond.

Lu Ye's heart sank.

Have they already begun to act?

It has to be said that Lucifer's mind is really deep. He knows that what he has done will not be accepted by other countries, so he simply takes the initiative.

If not, people from several countries have folded here.

Lu Ye squinted.

Anyway, first of all, we have to ensure the safety of our comrades in arms.

Fortunately, when Lu Ye was about to arrive at his destination, his cipher finally made a few beeps.

Lu Ye immediately parked the car aside and took out the cipher.

An hour later, Lu Ye and the twin brothers successfully joined up.

Minnan said, "we were going to take action, but before us, two agents from other countries took action first, and then They die and they get hurt. "

Ming Bei frowned, "I wanted to continue to act according to the plan, but Ming Nan Pian said let's contact you to have a look, and then we received your message."

Lu Ye nodded, "since it's the trap prepared by the other party, then we can't be too aggressive. However, it's not like giving up this task. I've confirmed that the other party really has a person and knows the map, so next, we still need to be careful and find that person! "

The twin brothers nodded in perfect agreement.

Mingnan frowned and said, "there is no reply from Bai Changle and Liao Yun?"

"Get in the car, we're going to their mission target right now," Lu Ye frowned. "What I'm worried about is that they've already taken action."

In the process of operation, the special code device will be closed. After all, if it is a latent task, the password device will ring suddenly, which will affect the task.

The twins also changed their faces.

Without delay, the three decided to go to Bai Changle immediately.

Lu Ye's inference is correct. Bai Changle and Liao Yun have already taken action, because they happened to see the man named aljie in their mission location.

A member of the former helllight mercenary Corps.

As long as you catch this man and take him back, there will be no way to find the treasure without Lucifer's map!

In fact, it's not Bai Changle and Liao Yun who are the first to take action. Although Bai Changle is out of character, he will never venture forward when he should be calm.

Otherwise, he would not have been selected into the snow wolf team.

But Bai Changle calmed down, but the three agents of G country who bumped into each other by mistake, the three agents were the first to expose the target.

The sound of the gun suddenly rang out, and then it seemed to merge into a symphony.

No matter Bai Changle or Liao Yun, they have no time to check the code device.

And then Liao Yun was shot.

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