Chapter 78

In a somewhat tense atmosphere, Aiden made a tribute to the goddess and then the emperor made a tribute to the founders and the first emperor, God’s son, who returned to his side.

Next, came the hymn of the temple children. Children in pure white robes began to sing in line. Elisha, who was looking at the children with a solemn expression, suddenly realized.

‘As expected, Leon isn’t up there.’

No one would be able to recognize him if he used a wig, but Aiden seemed to have arranged for Leon to stay in the annex just in case. The children of the choir sang a total of three hymns and then left through the side door.

Next up was a play. After organizing the stage for a while, an actor from a professional theater company came out to greet his audience politely and start the play. The play was about the heroic stories of the four lords who contributed to the founding of the country, it was a play befitting the founding festival.

“In the distant past, the time when this land was ruled by the Demon King. During the reign of the devil, demons ruthlessly ruled over humans. The goddess, who felt sorry for them, gave her power to the three children and commanded.”

When the word ‘three children’ rang, three children appeared one after another and stood in front of the statue of the goddess.

For easy identification of each one, the child symbolizing Rubellin wore a black wig, the child symbolizing Serriot wore a blonde wig, and the child symbolizing Aster wore a silver wig.

“You must drive out the Demon King, find peace and save the poor people of this land.”

The children grew up and began to fight against the tyranny of the Demon King. However, the Demon King hardly showed any openings, and the three heroes began to grow tired. Just then, a man appeared from one side of the stage and reached out to the three. The man symbolized Kairot.

“In the end, Kairot, who inherited the power of the red flame, appeared and decided to help them.”

The three lords took Kairot’s hand. They teamed up to defeat the Demon King and imprisoned all the demons in the soiled land.

Elisha looked at the scene with skeptical eyes.

‘Is this all true?’ History is, after all, written by the victors. The current Emperor of the Empire was a descendant of Kairot, so there was a high probability that this play was adapted to also represent Kairot as a hero.

“Peace came to this land for the first time. Humans rejoiced and worshiped the four heroes. They decided to build a new country for everyone.”

Among the four Lords, Lord Kairot was crowned. But at the same time, demons and beasts trapped in the soiled land escaped and started killing humans.

“But the peace did not last long. The demons trapped regained their strength, and the barrier of the soiled land began to weaken.”

Arien, the head of the Serriot family, who watched the scene sadly, stepped forward.

“Serriot’s Lord, Arien, who loved the first king, Roxion Kairot, sacrificed herself for this country and created a lake of purification in the soiled land, and the demons and demon beasts calmed down.”

Arien collapsed on the spot and died.

Elisha, who was watching the scene, blinked blankly and looked at the dying Arien. For some reason, it felt like her heart was being squeezed.

‘Zenne- id…”

Elisha was surprised by the names that came to her mind inadvertently.

‘Zenneid? Whose name is it?’

As she was puzzled by the unfamiliar name that suddenly popped up in her mind, something ran down her cheeks.


It was then that Elisha realized she was crying. It seemed that her empathy had deepened due to her pregnancy. Richard, who was watching the play, was surprised as he looked back at her, perhaps sensing something was going on with her.


“Oh sorry. I guess I immersed myself in the play too much.”

Elisha hurriedly tried to wipe away her tears but Richard’s hands were faster.

“It’s just a play. It’s okay.”

After wiping away Elisha’s tears, Richard held her in his arms and comforted her. As soon as she felt his warmth, the tingling sadness that remained in her heart quickly dissipated. She wiped away her tears and concentrated on the play again.

“The three Lords mourned Arien’s sacrifice–”

As the narrator continued speaking, the temple door suddenly swung open. People’s eyes instinctively gathered there. The Holy Knights, including the commander of the Holy Knights, were hurriedly entering the temple.

“Everyone evacuate! Monsters are coming towards the temple!”

People were puzzled by the sudden news that struck them like lightning. Monsters could only be seen by going into the forest, which was forbidden. Occasionally, when passing through the forest road on the outskirts of Akaroa, one would appear and attack, but they had never stormed into the village. But now monsters were invading the temple. It was an unbelievable story.

When everyone, including the emperor, was looking at the Holy Knight Commander in disbelief, the Imperial Knights Commander rushed to his side.

“Your Majesty, I will take you to the Imperial Palace!”

It was then that people began to rush out of the temple in confusion.

“Elisha, let’s go.”

Richard pulled her into a tight hug to protect her from those who were busy pushing one another out of the way. His solid body became a shield that perfectly protected Elisha. Thus, they both made it out of the temple. The two hardened their expressions when they saw the scene in front of them. Monsters had already occupied the area surrounding the temple.


“Save me!”

The screams of people from the slums near the temple, which were already attacked by monsters, echoed everywhere, but the knights of each household were busy leaving with their masters.

The Emperor, Christian, the Empress, and Rose were heading to their carriage, escorted by the knights under Marquis Dion. At that time, a person from the slums caught up to the knight who was paving the way for Christian and asked for help.

“Hel- help me! My child is still inside the house–!”

“Insane! I have to live for this country to live, don’t I? You save your cub yourself!”

Christian pushed the woman holding onto the knight and quickly got into the carriage. The carriage departed immediately as soon as it picked up the imperial family. The knights of Marquis Dion followed, covering them from behind.

The woman, who was left behind, stomped her feet while looking at the house, and tried to enter the house the monsters were destroying. At that moment, the Holy Knights stopped her and entered the house instead. After seeing that, Elisha patted her chest in relief.

Suddenly, a familiar voice was heard.

“Sir! Madam!”

Thompson and the other Rubellin’s knights approached, holding swords stained with the nearby monsters’ blood. It showed they were fighting against the monsters.

“You must hurry up and leave. There aren’t that many troops here, so they’ll break through soon.”

“…I get it.”

Richard hurriedly tried to take Elisha to the carriage. At that moment, she grabbed his arm.

“Richard. Save those people.”

It was a desperate voice.

“You can do it.”


“The Holy Knights are not enough. If we go like this, those people…”

Elisha, who couldn’t finish her speech, had her eyes become blurry with tears. At that plea, Richard hesitated for a moment, but then answered with a firm voice.

“…Your safety comes first to me.”

“I have Sir Thompson. I’ll go to the village first. If you block them here, the monsters won’t come into the village.”

“Madam, I will risk my life to protect you.”

Thompson agreed with Elisha. Richard, who looked alternately between them, sighed. Then he gently stroked Elisha’s cheek and answered.

“As the Madam commands.”

Elisha smiled at the answer she had been waiting for and wrapped her hands around him.

“Be careful.”

Richard left Elisha in Thompson’s care and turned around, heading to the place where the monsters were clustered. However, even before he could take a few steps, he heard the screams of people nearby. At the same time, he felt a huge shadow above his head. Richard looked up at the sky reflexively. Giant bird-shaped monsters were attacking people.

‘Onyx? Those guys don’t usually come out of the woods…’

At that time, Thompson’s urgent voice came from behind.


An Onyx was charging with sharp claws towards Elisha. The moment the claws were about to attack her, Thompson quickly wrapped her with his body and fell to the side.

Other knights protected Elisha by raising their swords to the sky in preparation for the second attack.


Light disappeared from Richard’s eyes, who had witnessed the scene. Looking up, five or six Onyxes looked like they were ready to attack.

Those things would hardly survive the murderous light that flashed from Richard’s eyes. At the same time, black energy slowly rose from his body and engulfed him. The black energy that spread out from him at a frightening speed engulfed the group of onyx in an instant.

“Madam, are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Thank you, Sir Thompson.”

Thompson examined Elisha’s condition as she nodded to him as if she was okay. Thanks to his protection, it didn’t seem like it was a big problem for the baby either. As she got up with Thompson’s support, Richard’s face came into sight.


His figure was engulfed by dark energy. The black energy emanating from him dropped the Onixes to the ground. Seeing him like that for the first time, she had an ominous feeling for some reason. Elisha instinctively approached him, not knowing the reason for her anxiousness.

“Richard, no!”

Upon hearing Elisha’s voice, Richard halted. His strength also faltered for a moment. She hurriedly approached him and hugged him.

“I’m okay.”

As her warmth touched him, the black energy emanating from him disappeared. Instead, he felt a great pain in his back.


Richard groaned and staggered.

Just in time, Aiden, who came out of the temple late due to being pushed back by the people rushing out, felt ominous energy from a very close place and turned around. What his eyes witnessed was the figure of Richard using black energy.

As well as the figure of Elisha calming down that same dark energy.

The moment Elisha hugged Richard, a faint light leaked out of her seeped into her husband, and disappeared. At the same time, the black energy faded as well.

Aiden’s eyes fluttered at such a scene.

‘Just now, that…’

The light that came out of Elisha was definitely divine power.
