Chapter 31

Ren He looked up, but it was only two layers away. He had some magnesium powder on his hand to encourage himself and continued to climb up. Sometimes this kind of exercise is much more fierce than indoor fitness. Although indoor fitness can produce tendons, it can't enjoy the pleasure of challenging life. When his hands touched the edge of the roof of the 7th floor, his feet suddenly gave up all the fulcrum, and only tightly clasped the roof with his hands. Ren He didn't go up immediately. Instead, he turned to look downstairs. The height of the seventh floor was already very high. If it was a previous life, Ren He would feel nervous when he stood on the seventh floor and looked down. However, he began to enjoy the quiet moment of life and death in the dark night. What do people pursue in their life? Everyone has their own different answers, some people like beauty, some people like to be with their families, some people like stability, some people like extravagance. At this moment, Ren He felt that he had found his own pursuit. His hands were in vain, and his whole upper body moved to the roof, then turned over. The task is over here. Ren He is quietly waiting for the reward from the punishment system“ The host completed the task of climbing the stairs with bare hands on 1-7 floors and rewarded the singing skills. " Sure enough, the orientation is more reliable. For a time, the skills of breath, voice, oral resonance, and speech were instilled into his mind by the heaven punishment system. At this time, he realized how much better he used to sing... Ren He tried to sing two lines of the brightest stars in the night sky again, and his singing suddenly became foreign, I didn't run away either. I just felt that I was singing with a local flavor. That's all for a reason. However, he doesn't need to study this. He doesn't want to sing well now. He can sing in front of Yang Xi. It's just that after the targeted reward, if there is no urgent need, it's better to use less. Otherwise, two rewards will become one. He really feels a little distressed. Even one more vomit potion will do. It's not very useful, but it's very interesting. He is now looking forward to and resisting the task of natural punishment. Although it's a great feeling to play with his life, he can take off after playing too much! Just like last night, Mingming didn't plan to continue to do the task recently. As a result, he was calculated by the heaven punishment system because he hummed the first pair of truncheons! It's better to be careful in the future. But this kind of thing is really hard to avoid even if you are careful. Most people have the habit of humming casually, and Ren He is no exception. Sometimes when you hum a song, you are unconscious. What's more, this kind of unconsciousness is not just a song... The tense day is over. Today, he has climbed a total of 15 floors, and his muscles are a little tired. However, Ren He knows that he can recover as long as he has a rest night! Ren He has carefully observed that there are only two gods on the monthly ticket list, namely "journey of the wind" and "biography of strange swordsmen". They can open their monthly tickets. However, to be honest, Ren He has never paid attention to these topics. He wrote them just to make money. He can't have both fish and bear's paws. How can he not understand this. If you write a few articles for the sake of public praise, it will not be worth the loss. If you want to be famous, the Three Character Classic is enough for him, and he also chose to let Zhou Wumeng keep secret for him. So when the hot discussion of literature forum made him attack completely, a strange phenomenon happened: the book of God was updated on time, the achievement of the book of God was still rising steadily, and the author still had no movement. It's like... The author doesn't care about the criticism of the divine book at all. However, they don't know that Ren He doesn't care, he doesn't see it at all... After the big push, all new readers will first read the 240000 word free chapters in front of him. When the free chapters are finished, it's time for him to start growing again! In addition to taking a good bath after running in the night, Ren He has been holding his mobile phone to refresh his data. He feels that he may break through the ten thousand order barrier today! And Shenshu has reached the 11th place on the monthly ticket list, only one step away from entering the list!