Chapter 87

In front of the elders, Ren He and the bear children are just family members who love each other. They are very happy.

After dinner, bear children usually don't watch the Spring Festival Gala. They all go out to the yard to shoot. The four bear children in the family go out happily with their lucky money. Ren He sits on the sofa with a smile and watches the Spring Festival Gala with everyone.

He really misunderstood the previous Spring Festival Gala. Before, he thought it was the worst variety show, but now

In the world under the cultural and entertainment level, even the Spring Festival Gala has lowered the level. It can be seen that in the process of improving people's living standards, the corresponding increase in the demand for the spiritual world is how urgent.

Some people may think that in such a world, we may not have formed the consumption habit and pay attention to the habit of entertainment. It's like a person who didn't have the habit of eating mustard before and usually won't eat it in the future.

But this analogy is wrong, because the human demand for spiritual life is a natural and rigid demand!

The less you need, the more you want!

Because it's rare, I will be more excited and willing to pay more money and energy when I see good works. This is the reason why songs, Kunlun and Shenshu are popular.

Ren He is more serious when watching the Spring Festival Gala, because basically, the Spring Festival Gala can more or less represent the trend of the current fashion. He certainly won't sing, but Yang Xi wants to sing.

But listen to the next aunt uncle to Ren Ma Ru Min said: "these years the economic development situation is relatively good, sister-in-law have any good suggestions?"

Ren he found that his relatives were very good. He didn't mix up in his mother's company. Instead, he did some small businesses. Of course, when he started, he borrowed some money. Later, he became Ru min's stock. This is already very good. In his previous life, he met his friends' relatives. After his friends developed, they all wanted to live on him, drink blood, open a small hotel, and deduct a few yuan to buy onion, ginger and garlic. That kind of relative Ren He always disdains. What do you want to do? Keep it for the new year?

"The economic situation is really good, but there's nothing particularly suitable for you to carry out for the time being. Catering is a very good direction. Forget about the rest," Ru min thought for a while and said, "what I'm focusing on now is real estate." Said, Ru min also glanced at Ren He, continued: "in fact, real estate has been heating up, but in recent years there is a trend of acceleration."

"It's said that tourism has a bright future now. I read in the newspaper," said Ren He's uncle.

"This is even more unsuitable for you. Tourism has a long investment cycle and a low rate of return. It's OK for the government to engage in it, but the people have to pay for it," said Ru min, shaking his head.

Ren He is very sensitive when he hears three words about real estate. It's one of the most expensive projects in this era, but he doesn't get in the way. After all, he doesn't know much about business. It's funny to talk too much about it.

And the money is enough. He doesn't expect to inherit much property. Now he is self-sufficient. After listening to their chat, Ren He also understood that the aunt's family owned a hotel, a chain store, and the aunt's family owned an Internet cafe. They also made a lot of money. The two uncles made several fish ponds in partnership. They are not short of money, but they are not rich.

At this time, there was a knock on the door and the cry of the bear child

Ren He ran to open the door, just saw the bear child, who was the leader, was black and crying like cinders, and went into the room

The whole family was shocked: "what's the matter with you? Where did you make it so dark?"

It's really black. It's black from head to toe. It's black! Only eyes are a little white!

Bear child's mother on the spot on the fire: "how do you do it, big new year's day to get so dirty, told you not to go out to play, you want to go!"

Ren He nodded beside him: "yes, it's not safe outside!"

As soon as bear heard the cry, he looked at Ren He with blurred tears, and then cried: "there's something wrong with the gun salute my cousin gave me. It just exploded when I lit it. There's no time to hide! That's what happened after the salute

Hehe, I almost laughed, but I couldn't smile at this time. Ren He was surprised and said, "didn't you specially watch the long lead at that time? What's the matter? Did you buy the firecrackers from the stall without permission? The quality is not good!"

At first, people believed what bear said, but when Ren He said that, they realized that they had subconsciously looked at the lead at that time. It was a long time, so they were relieved to let bear children play with it.

The mother of bear child was angry. She twisted bear child's face and scolded: "you dare to pour dirty water on your brother, and you dare to lie!"

"Aunt, don't blame him. I don't mind. Let him go to the bathroom to take a bath. My family should have my childhood clothes for him to put on first, and those who celebrate the new year can't have a black face," Ren He said happily.

What's the matter with the world?! However, we still think Ren He is really sensible after listening to what Ren He said!

However, Ren He knows... This thing can't be washed out

Two hours later, at 10:00 p.m., the bear came out of the bathroom with a black face. His mother forced him to take a bath three times. The black look on his face didn't abate at all, so he had to change into new clothes. When taking a bath in the bathroom, you can hear her mother roar: "where did you buy that gun? I'm going to settle with him! "“ I didn't buy it. I really didn't buy it. That's what my brother gave me! "“ How dare you pour dirty water on your brother! Tell me where I bought it“ My brother gave it to me In the end, we had no choice but to make do with the new year. Everyone thought that the child's mouth was hard, but he didn't change his words. He insisted that it was Ren He who gave it to him... Bear child was sitting on the sofa with a face of lovelessness. This Spring Festival, he swore that he would never forget it. Ren He broke a banana and handed it to him: "destiny, It's just so impermanent... You must be a little stronger in the face of setbacks, right? " As soon as he finished, Bear cried again... Hahaha, Ren He was really happy. Even if he thought that he would have to buy a new computer tomorrow, it didn't matter. If he wanted to die, we would continue to fight next year! Ren He bought a keyboard of nearly 1000 yuan when he played video games in his previous life. He went out on business during the new year. As a result, when he came home at night, he found that a bear child had cut half of the 100 keys on his keyboard. As a result, their parents said, "Oh, it's just a keyboard. It's OK. My aunt will give you another 100 yuan to buy a new one.". Buy you a dog's egg! From then on, he swore that he would never tolerate the bear boy again PS: I recommend a new book written by a powerful author. The author is too hanging. There is a fire at home and he is coding. He has a fever of 76 degrees and he is coding again after flooding his computer. New book: I build a city in the sky: do you know that there is a city in the sky above ten thousand meters? hear nothing of? That's because the protagonist is under construction... The above is 23333 that Baoju asked me to copy and paste directly