Chapter 108

Many people will be at a loss when they return to plain life after passion. As the saying goes, tears will flow down their faces after the feast. The plain life after passion will make people feel empty, which does not include Ren He.

I don't know why he didn't feel at a loss at all. Instead, he began to look forward to his future life, imagining the appearance of his sudden wealth and the unknown reward of the natural punishment system.

The time from the middle school entrance examination is not much, and there is less noise in the classroom. To say that one's life can be regarded as a hurdle. When one goes to primary school, there are examinations every year. After the examination, one has to go to junior high school. After the junior high school, one has to go to senior high school. After the senior high school, one has to go to university through the college entrance examination.

As a result, after college, the society happily told you that the ordeal of your life has just begun.

What's the matter? My first 22 years were warm-up?

But the actual situation is just like this, in school time, no matter how disgusted you are at that time, and finally enter the society, that will be what you miss most: sleep in class, novels passed between brothers, girls secretly liked, notes passed, or which basketball game, or a game played between classmates.

Renhe's class is quite good. Even he promised that the little fat man was studying hard. In Renhe's class in his previous life, several students had already given up.

Originally Ren He was in fact the same role as promise. Promise still felt that someone was with him. As a result, now, he was the only one who was flustered when his study was poor.

"Do you think I can be admitted to our school or not?" Promise is a bit flustered. The score line of our school was 490 last year. However, he only got 410 in the monthly exam this time. This is the result of his hard work. It seems that there are only three months left for the senior high school entrance exam.

"As long as you continue to work hard, it's no problem. At least when the score is close, your father is willing to pay for the score gap. I think the closer your score is, the more money he will save... Now he probably has the consciousness of paying high price. By that time, you will get a high score. He only pays a little money, If you say he's happy or not, maybe you'll be in the mood for programming! " Ren He casually said, while he was talking, he was coding words on his mobile phone. Now the mobile phone is a bit stuck. When is he going to change it for a new one. He didn't put his mind on study at all. Anyway, the senior high school entrance examination didn't put any pressure on him.

When it comes to programming, the promise immediately comes back to the spirit: "recently my cousin gave me a job, but I refused."

"What kind of work?" Ren He asked curiously.

"It's like they're making a game and giving me the development part of the game engine," he said.

game? I also want to play games. A game basically needs three parts in the formal process. One is planning. It determines the wonderful degree of the whole game. The plot, skills, game mode and so on have a concept from here, and then they are passed to the programming and model artists to complete the execution part.

The final merger is a complete game.

In fact, making games is a very simple thing, unless it is a very complex game, such as world of Warcraft, modeling alone requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

Ren He's idea of making his own games is actually very simple. First, he makes the crude version. While ensuring its playability, he makes patches one by one to make the game more and more full. He doesn't plan to make it in one step. That's too expensive.

The easiest part of the whole game is the planning part, because it's all in Ren He's mind: the model of the game hero, the game mode, and all kinds of skills are not problems, just copy.

What's more, he doesn't even have to worry about promotion when he chooses the first game to do, turret!

In fact, when the turret was on fire, did anyone promote it? No, It's too easy to spread and addict!

Heroes League and turret such a ten man confrontation game is simply toxic!

Of course, even so, it's not a simple thing to make the crude version of the turret, so it's not the time to implement it.

"Ren He, help me to see how to do this problem," he promised to put a paper in front of Ren He.

However, Ren He was stunned at the first glance. He asked curiously, "where did you get this paper?"

"This is the real question of last year's high school entrance examination. My father asked me to find it," he promised.

In junior high school, it is not popular to do real questions. Real questions are the papers that have been tested over the years. And the promise of the father can so painstakingly to promise to find the real problem is also very attentive, at the beginning of the old Ren also let people find their own real problem, as a result, the old Ren to Ren He, Ren He immediately on the exam.

At that time, Ren He was confused by Lao Ren. It was time for me to take the exam. Did you review the real questions for me? Why don't you wait for me to finish?

Lao Ren is also confused: aren't you just grade 2?! This is for the review of the third day of junior high school!

It has to be said that Ren He and his family have always raised their children in free range

But at this moment let Ren He was stunned because he had seen this paper!

At this moment, super memory began to trace the source of the exam paper in his memory. Two seconds later, he was even more confused. It was clearly one of the pile of papers given by Lao Ren before the high school entrance examination. How could it become the high school entrance examination paper of last year in this world? Two parallel worlds as like as two peas! Although the history of this world is similar to that of previous generations, and even some dynasties have no difference at all, the major historical direction is completely the same. For example, the people's Republic of China was founded in 1949, and even the specific date of October 1 has not changed. But he didn't extend this matter to other things at all. After all, the most profound cultural and entertainment events that he contacted basically didn't exist, so it gave him a feeling of "different world". But at this moment as like as two peas, he suddenly felt a pleasant surprise. He took a look at the other papers he promised, and the rest of the papers were exactly the same as those in his memory. So the same can be proved, this year's high school entrance examination paper, if there is no accident, is also the one he took in that year! Although how to think all feel very inconceivable, but it is true happened! It's as if there are still many brands in the world, and this track happens to be one of the ones that hasn't been affected“ Fat man, from today on, I'll help you study. If you don't get into our school, you'll settle with me. If you do, you'll do something with me! " Ren He said happily, this NIMA, if all the papers of the high school entrance examination can be matched, isn't it the same for the college entrance examination? What's the difference between winning 5 million lottery tickets in the student days I wish you a happy wedding on the 13th. I wish you a good result in the exam