Chapter 136

Many people set out to see the sunrise at night. Ren He later put all the things in three people's bags into his backpack because of the trouble!

The people who started with them were fascinated by Ren He's tender face and the huge backpack behind him. Can you really climb to the top of the mountain with such a heavy thing on your back?!

Starting from the Farmhouse Hotel, it takes five hours to get to the top of the mountain. The key point is not time. It's really hard to walk on the mountain road. At the beginning, several uncles laughed and advised Ren He not to be taken so many things. On the top of the mountain, there are people who rent clothes and sell food, so they don't have to carry them on their own.

Ren He said thank you with a smile, but still went on. Later, the uncles couldn't see it and said that it's better to let Yang Xi and promise help share a little. Promise and Yang Xi have been asking Ren He if he's tired or not and whether they want to help him carry it for a while.

As a result, Ren he refused.

Then along the way, Ren he climbed the mountain and ate chocolate. The speed of eating chocolate was as easy as Temo's eating melon seeds.

When they got to the middle of the mountain, many people were a little bit tired. As a result, the uncles turned to see Ren He. What's more, there was nothing wrong with them. They were not panting!

While eating chocolate, Ren He said with a smile: "come on! Come on

Add your sister, the uncles are drunk, how can this goods have nothing to do with it?! This is so unscientific!

Also, how much can you eat? I've seen you eat the fifth chocolate on the way, OK!?

Ren He said with a smile: "usually, we must pay more attention to nourishing. The kidney is the engine of the human body. When the kidney is deficient, we can't do anything!"

Who is suffering from kidney deficiency?! Uncles were green at that time. Who are you talking about!

But Ren He's just like the seed. The uncles all wonder if they are really kidney deficient. Why does the other party have nothing to do? Is it really because of their physical strength?

Promise murmured in the side: "did I lose my kidney when I was young..."

"You're not kidney deficient, you're just fat," Ren he rolled his eyes. He began to think about this kind of thing when he was old. He would bet that the game would really be done in the future, and let the little fat man have money. This product is definitely spent on women.

However, this is everyone's freedom. The money earned by the partnership can be spent as people want. It's good to be happy.

Ren He asked Yang Xi, "are you tired?"

Yang Xi said with a smile: "not tired."

It's false to say that she's not tired. In fact, normal people are tired when they climb Laojunshan, but she didn't say anything when she saw Ren He's carrying such a heavy backpack, so she was embarrassed to shout that she was tired.

"Don't hold on, I'll carry you for a while," Ren He said with a smile. "Don't worry, you can't crush me."

"No," Yang Xi twisted her face and continued to walk up.

As a result, Ren He directly put his backpack on his chest, ran to Yang Xi and squatted down: "come up, don't worry about me, it's OK to carry you up the mountain."

There was a little more unquestionable in his tone.

In fact, a girl who doesn't want to walk can have a boyfriend to recite when she is tired. Most of the girls who don't want to be tired just hang on, either don't want to be hypocritical or don't want to trouble others.

So when boys fall in love, they must avoid saying love with their mouths. When they want to carry others, don't say, "I carry you, right?"? I'll be polite to you, of course.

At this time, if you want to carry someone on your back, just squat in front of them and say... Come up!

Everyone will grow up, whether it is a boy or a girl, just say not to do things always lack a little sincerity, people are not stupid, you have sincerity can see at a glance.

Yang Xi hesitates a little, but finally she lies on Ren He's back. She feels warm on the warm and broad back. Yang Xi pillows her head on the bend of Ren He's neck, which seems to be just right.

She thought, let Ren He back for a while, also can't really put Ren he tired. Apart from Yang En and Su Ruqing, Ren He is the first person who has betrayed her. This kind of feeling is like a lonely soul who has found a harbor to stay in.

However, Yang Xi, who was only going to lie down for a while, fell asleep directly. It was too comfortable to lie down on Ren He's back. Her strong arms supported her legs and fixed her firmly.

It doesn't matter if she's asleep. Ren He doesn't have anything to do with it. Only the promise and the Three Outlooks of the uncles have been subverted.

Even if you climb mountains with a bag on your back, are you still human?! Donkeys are not as strong as you!

But it's nothing to Ren He. He bet that there will be bad weather to climb the snow mountain. That's the real pass of life. That's where he is.

But every time he walked, Ren He had to let promise take out a piece of chocolate from his bag and give it to him. His two hands were occupied by Yang Xi's legs. He couldn't free his hands, so he had to let promise feed him.

When he promised to put chocolate in his mouth, it was a pang of sadness. NIMA's family could be carried by others, and he had to wait and eat chocolate when he was panting to climb the mountain

But all of a sudden, he thought, is it because of eating chocolate? So he also took out two pieces and ate them while walking. However, apart from satiating himself, it was useless

Why is the gap between people so big! When climbing to the top of the mountain, the sun has not yet appeared. Ren he gently wakes Yang Xi up and sits on a big stone. Then he promises to send him to rent an army coat and buy instant noodles. He promises that the boy starts clamoring to climb the mountain to watch the sunrise from the middle of the mountain. If he doesn't eat instant noodles, his life is not complete! Even if he's full of chocolate, he can't change his obsession. Promise to open Ren He's wallet, lying trough, a thick stack of RMB, this special is simply a sense of happiness. He resolutely rented three of the best military coats, bought three more copies of instant noodles and went back with them. At this time, Yang Xi was still in a daze. She didn't expect that she had already reached the top of the mountain after sleeping. Yang Xi a little embarrassed asked: "are you tired?"“ Not tired, "said Ren He with a smile. She felt Yang Xi's soft body all the way, and it felt good... At this time, even Yang Xi felt that Ren He was a little bit inhuman. How could a normal person have such good physical strength? She watched Ren He carrying a backpack, and she climbed to the top of the mountain without any nonsense or sweat! As everyone knows, they were so tired that the uncles on the road were looking at Ren He. At this time, they still had time to pick up their younger sister. They wanted to die speechless! What kind of world is this? What do young people grow up on? It's terrible... The sunrise is coming, a red thread floats out of the clouds, and the whole sky turns red instantly! The sunlight in the distance is like a thin tidal wave, which surges upward one by one. The whole sky turns from red to gold again. It seems that a god city is hiding in the sky. Yang Xi, Ren He and Xu Xu crouch on the cliff wrapped in military coats. Yang Xi laughs when she hears the snoring of the promise to inhale instant noodles. She had imagined this scene before she set out. At that time, she thought it was a bad scene, but now she finds it interesting. There is no room for so much affectation in youth. What happens now is the best For the eternal D memories of the alliance leade