Chapter 140

Knight's name is equal to money, fame and fortune in Yuan Peng's heart at this moment, so he doesn't care to blow his nose. He resolutely catches up with him. As long as he can stop him, tomorrow's headlines will belong to him!

However, Yuan Peng suddenly found a problem... He could not catch up with each other!

Nima, this is in the downtown area. Although there are no cars on the road near 10 pm in Los Angeles, you can't ride so fast!

Yuan Peng took a look at his dashboard. It's 60 kilometers per hour, but he still can't catch up! How fast does the other side have to ride?

He rolled down the window and yelled, "Knight!"

However, the other party didn't even look back. Yuan Peng felt provoked. OK, let's see if it's you who ride fast or Laozi who drive fast!

Basically, this idea is what the anti party protagonist in the TV series said: look at your fist fast or my gun fast, but it turns out in the end

Yuan Peng still can't catch up!

Seeing that the speed on my dashboard is already 70, I can only keep parallel speed with the other side.

This is the city. People who have driven cars basically know that it's a good road condition to drive 50 kilometers per hour in the city!

Yuan Peng was so angry that he was crushed by his bicycle. He felt like he had a stomach full of fire, but he had to catch up!

A car and a bicycle started a race in the center of the city. Miraculously, there was a green light all the way!

The bicycle is very easy to move forward on the road because of its petite figure. It doesn't slow down at all, but the car behind is suffocating. We must catch up

But what Yuan Peng didn't know was that Ren He didn't notice that there was a car chasing him behind him. He was wearing headphones

At this time, Ren he suddenly took off his hands and completely controlled the balance of the bicycle with his speed and body, and the speed was still as fast as the wind on the road, surpassing one car after another!

But in Yuan Peng's eyes, he felt as if he had been insulted

Even if a bicycle is faster than yourself, you can take off your hands... Who do you despise! It's like a fight between two people, when the other party suddenly says, "if I beat you, I can give up my hands.".

Ren He took off his hands completely for the sake of perfect evaluation. He thought for a long time that if he wanted to achieve the perfect evaluation in the task, he must do something extraordinary, that is, force himself to improve the difficulty of the task, so that he can hope to get the perfect evaluation!

So he came up with this method. First, the speed should be fast enough on the premise of ensuring his own safety. Second, he should play with some difficult things!

But Yuan Peng didn't know! The anger in Yuan Peng's heart suddenly rose. He stepped on the accelerator with one foot, and the speed instantly soared to 90 per hour. In less than a minute, he completely caught up with Ren He's bicycle and surpassed the past!


Yuan Peng's whole car body is obliquely inserted in the direction of Ren He's progress. He intends to force Ren He to stop in this way!

The idea is right. Ren He was directly forced to stop, even a little too fast to stop. Ren He was angry about how NIMA drove! Who says cycling can't lead to road rage?

Generally speaking, drivers are prone to get angry, which is called road rage. Road rage, as the name suggests, is driving with anger. It refers to aggressive or angry behaviors of drivers of automobiles or other motor vehicles. Such behaviors may include: rude gestures, verbal insults, deliberately driving in an unsafe or threatening way, or threatening

Ren He's face turned black at that time. When you look together, you don't think you're a four-wheel vehicle, so you don't think you're going to get angry? Today, NIMA will show you the meaning of rude gestures, verbal insults, deliberately driving in an unsafe or threatening way, or threatening... When I bring my own crying buff, is it true?!

He didn't even know why the other party had parked his car in front of him. Ren He listened to his bike and Yuan Peng got out of the car and just wanted to talk. As a result, he... Cried

Yuan Peng only felt that his lacrimal gland suddenly seemed to be detonated by something and began to shoot towards the outside. He was very sad!

Then the next second, he felt a blow on his stomach, and the whole person was suddenly not good!

"It hurts!" When Yuan Peng fell down, he saw Ren He's face with tears in his eyes. Although it was extremely fuzzy, the face had a very familiar feeling in his mind!

He must have seen the knight, he must have! I'm sure!

Ren He knocked Yuan Peng to the ground and rode away. Yuan Peng finally thought of each other's identity at this time. His eyes blurred with tears were finally put together like a jigsaw puzzle!

He not only saw it, but also saw it twice. The first time was in front of the breakfast shop. He wanted to interview the teenager who was doing push ups at that time, but he threw up for no reason!

The second is marathon! Yes, marathon!

Although the pain on his body is hard to disappear, Yuan Peng suddenly wants to laugh. The knight's identity is finally found. Class 2, grade 3, No.13 middle school, promise! This is the original information left by the other party! Ha ha ha, I finally found it! Think about it. When I saw each other twice, they were doing sports. One was an extremely fast push up, the other was a marathon champion. All this information was consistent with each other's ability to play extreme sports. Yuan Peng was happy as if he was going to take off! That's right, it's the promise of class 2, grade 3, No.13 middle school! Finally found you! At this time, Yuan Peng doesn't know how much trouble will be caused by the information he gets... He just wants to expose the other party's information as soon as possible, and fight for the first-hand news exposure opportunity. This blow can't be in vain. Don't you want to keep your identity information secret? I'll expose it to you! At this time, passers-by came around and whispered to each other, "what's wrong with him?"“ I don't know. I saw him cry when he was punched by a child... "" well, I saw him too. I cried miserably... "I cried for your sister. Yuan Peng was going crazy at that time. I had a cold, OK? Yuan Peng didn't realize at this time that he was crying because of some unscientific factor. He only thought it was his own cold. After all, he was also willing to have a runny nose and tears before. In the eyes of passers-by, he was beaten and cried by a child... At this time, Ren He didn't know what was going to happen. He completed the task again, and got the perfect evaluation again in the case of high speed and taking off the handle“ The host gets the perfect evaluation to complete the task, and can specify the reward direction! "“ Painting Ren He said“ "Professional painting skills will be rewarded." Gee, you just gave me the specialization level? It's a little interesting. Does the system of natural punishment think that the last time I gave myself 0.1 physical fitness was a little too much, so make up for it? Anyway, it's a good thing, but his painting skills don't need to be too high. In fact, a foundation is enough. He wanted this painting technology because of the upcoming game development project. He had to draw all the hero's personal designs by hand, and then teach the artists to make 3D models. If he could not provide the sample, I'm afraid that no matter how he dictated it, the artists could not understand what he was talking about. Instead of wasting time on communication, it's better to draw it yourself Ten thousand rewards plus more