Chapter 228

This is the first time that Croatian Rhapsody appeared in the hearing of the whole school. Only Liu Jiamin heard it when he played it last time. So when Liu Jiamin posted that this song is very good, we didn't really feel how good it is?

Now when the Croatian Rhapsody is playing in the whole complex, countless people are immersed in the music.

Many people know that the music came from Qinghe club, so the piano player should be Liu Jiamin, right? The old headmaster has been to the newly decorated headquarters of Qinghe club. To tell you the truth, when he saw the piano, he was a little surprised. Liu Jiamin also knew about his family, but he didn't have a good way. He can't ask others not to use the piano room, can he?

No.4 Middle School respects every student's personality, so Liu Jiamin can't get more preferential treatment than others even if he has the best piano skills.

Now she finally has her own piano, and the old headmaster is also very pleased. I didn't expect that Ren He would consider this matter when he started the club, but is Qinghe Club making money now?

In fact, in addition to the design fee of 20000 yuan, the decoration uses the income from board games and cards. The money making ability of the killing game has begun to show, and it is more than enough to set up a club. Moreover, the killing game began to rise in the last century in the previous life, and it has been enduring until Ren He passed through.

Everyone thinks that Liu Jiamin is playing the piano, but why hasn't he ever heard this song?

At that time, most of the complex buildings were still teachers, but some students still sent a post in the forum asking, "what's the song Liu Jiamin played in Qinghe club this afternoon? It's very nice, but I don't know the name. It seems that I've never heard it before."

No one can answer him, until this time someone began to guess, is this a new tune?

However, Liu Jiamin honestly replied: "I didn't play it."

This reply directly casts a mysterious veil on the song. Who else can play the piano? Liu Bing? Jiang Haoyang? Li Yifan? None of them.

Because the three of them are local students, there are always many old alumni who know their roots. Liu Bing knows how to play drums and Li Yifan knows how to play drums, but they have never seen piano.

When someone asked Jiang Haoyang if he had any special skills, Jiang Haoyang's old classmates came out to reply: "he can whistle..."

Poof, whistling, what the hell.

Then there's only one person left, Ren He?

Ren He's guitar is really nice, but it's a little scary to say that the other side has such high attainments in piano! It turns out that this is a music expert?!

In the student days, when a person really dazzling, there will be many people around him, this is the most common phenomenon.

When you were young, you were usually unprepared. At that time, you would run two kilometers to buy two pairs of chicken wings for the girl you like, and you would also stack a thousand paper cranes for her. It seemed that everything was still romantic in that era, and every move meant that you would not turn back to fighting the fire with moths.

At that time, people were still very simple, like is like.

When you grow up, sometimes you don't have to say that you like someone, because you're afraid that the other party doesn't like you and that the other party will refuse you. If you can't get a response, forget it.

It seems that the more you grow up, the more face you will love and the more utilitarian you will be. Then you will wait for others to be brave on the other side of the river, and you will only give yourself empty disappointment.

At this time, when Ren he founded the Qinghe club and won the unimaginable honor in the school, some people secretly fell in love with him, which was inevitable. He was not ugly, and he also had three charismatic attributes.

Even the senior two students will occasionally discuss: Oh, the president of Qinghe club in senior one seems very good.

At this time, some people will think that if there is such a talent in NO.4 middle school, is it possible to win Yang Xi? But no one will really say it, and those Xueba second generation who have some ideas about Yang Xi are a little impatient.

The competition between clubs is the prestige among students. Under the stimulation of Qinghe club, there are many club activities in the school, all of which are competing to hold activities.

Some of them will send invitation cards to Ren He to invite them to get together with Qinghe club, but Ren He doesn't have the time now.

However, some local tyrant associations also make some fruit plates or cold meals when holding activities, which makes Qinghe Association and others feel very convenient

No. 4 middle school is not allowed to order takeout, because some students once ordered unclean takeout and had a bad stomach, so they ordered to ban ordering takeout after the incident.

So sometimes when Ren He is out of school in the afternoon, he will find an opportunity to grab some food from other club activities, and then continue to go back to the studio on the comprehensive building to do the killing game. The new online system will inevitably have various loopholes, and they will be busy patching, and they will have to develop new functions.

The local tyrant associations are fascinated. What kind of urine is it? At the beginning, we were very happy to see Qinghe group come to join us. As a result, the group of goods left after eating every time. It seems that they regard this place as a canteen!

The cold meals and fruit plates in these club activities are all made by local tyrants in the school. Although the upper class activities look like they have, they actually taste ordinary. The most excessive is Ren He. While eating other people's food, he comforts others: "in the school, the conditions are hard. Let's make do with it. At the weekend, we'll take club funds to go out to restaurants and improve our life." While eating, they also dislike it. Except for Ren He, no one can do this kind of thing... Qinghe club has gradually become something different in school. They don't like to socialize with other clubs. They seem to be very busy and laugh wildly from time to time. But sometimes this kind of alternative sense of distance will make other people have a unique sense of awe. The most difficult club to invite must be the most powerful one, and the most independent one must be the most interesting one. It is precisely because the independence of Qinghe Club reminds us of Qinghe club. There will be a different feeling when we think of Qinghe club. Some people even begin to laugh at it in the Forum: there are two kinds of clubs in NO.4 middle school, one is Qinghe club, and the other is other clubs outside Qinghe club. It was at this time that Lin Zhichen and Su Tiexi, the senior three, led the team back from Africa. It was nearly a month since the beginning of the school. In fact, most people have such a kind of person around them, even if they don't have such a person around them, they have heard that others are studying hard in senior three, and most of them are ready to go abroad. Most of them have even got the admission notice of top universities abroad. They will never experience the hardships of senior three, but can enjoy life more. Lin Zhichen and Su Tiexi are all the seven people who went out to participate in the construction of Africa this time, and they are all going to the top universities in the Ivy League of the United States. Before Qinghe club, youxueshe was always the first club in NO.4 middle school except the student union. Now the ranking is a little vague in the students' mind.