Chapter 277

In the middle of the night, people are stealing tombs. First, some people jump out to install zongzi to scare people. Then a group of people run out to cheer with instant noodles. Square faced men and skinny people really start to doubt the world. Who are these people?!

Ren He and his colleagues are also very attentive to the fact that they have not disclosed any of their identity information. For Jiang Haoyang, it is really a super happy thing for them to suddenly find a few barrels of instant noodles at this time.

Ren He said with a smile to the grave: "OK, I'm not going to straighten you. Throw up the rope."

The square faced man and the thin man look at each other. They can see the ecstatic look in their eyes. This is the meaning of pulling them up?! They quickly picked up the hemp rope on the ground and threw it at the pit. Ren he grabbed it and pulled it out.

"Hero, you are a kind man. I will repay you when I go up!" The man with a square face yelled. In fact, what he wanted to do was to go up and avenge himself for the plot, but he was not stupid. He knew that he had to go up first. This revenge is to revenge. When he couldn't work in the casino, he robbed two girls. The girl said she had no money on her. As a result, he found out 800 yuan. In a rage, he scratched her face.

How can this kind of person look at Ren He Keng and not revenge himself? He also wanted to stab his fellow villagers, but he didn't dare because of the large number of people.

However, Ren He took away the rope and took Jiang Haoyang with him

The square faced man listened to the sound of footsteps, and immediately became anxious: "hero! good person! Where are you going? "

Ren Heli ignored him. Let the two goods stay in the pit for a night. Let the police clean them up after they go to the county to call the police tomorrow. Ren He knows that they are not good people, but the problem is that he defines himself as an ordinary person. When ordinary people encounter this kind of thing, of course, they have to leave it to the state to deal with it.

He doesn't like the cultural relics in the pit, not to mention that the cultural relics have not been stir fried yet. Even if they are stir fried, how can he make money by himself?

Several people happily went to the village. Behind them were two stupid thieves shouting: "don't go, hero!"

Jiang Haoyang asked in a low voice, "is this not good? I always think they are miserable."

"It's not miserable. If you pull him up and he stabs you, are you miserable or is he miserable? Although I let you understand that there are still such poor places in the world, I also want you to understand one thing: cherish yourself and don't put yourself in danger. Think about it. If you are stabbed by him, what will your parents do? The white haired people give the black haired people away. In the later half of your life, you can only see your face and voice with memories, Your tombstone says, "I'm 16. How are you?"

"Bah," said Jiang Haoyang to the bad luck, "then put them inside and starve to death?"

"I'll go to the county tomorrow and find a landline to call the police uncle anonymously. Naturally, someone will come to rescue them," Ren He said. We can't think of it if we don't sit for a few years.

Ren He is not interested in understanding how hard their lives are, nor does he have that obligation. In his previous life, tomb robbers killed villagers in Mangshan, Luocheng. He doesn't think it's wrong to call the police and arrest them.

In that incident, seven grave robbers went to Mangshan to steal tombs and were found by villagers. As a result, they killed three villagers in order to kill them. They were extremely cruel.

In fact, most of the tomb robbers are ruthless people like Xie Lianhuan and Wu Sansheng, rather than handsome men like Zhang Qiling, Wu Xie and Hu Bayi.

After returning to the school building, a group of people excitedly ran to boil water. Fortunately, Ren He went to fetch water again in the afternoon, otherwise he could only eat instant noodles now.

When firewood is added to the stove, the water boils quickly. Jiang Haoyang and others are holding instant noodles bowls one by one, waiting for Ren He to separate the water for them like a treasure. Even Liu Jiamin is like this. The seasonings have been put, and the ham sausage is also placed on the top of the cake.

Liu Jiamin was so hungry that she couldn't sleep in the middle of the night. She heard Liu Bing clapping the door excitedly and calling her to get up for supper. Then she knew that these people were going to fight with the tomb robbers at night. In fact, it's not a fight of wits and bravery. Ren He went to pit two stupid thieves very smoothly

Ren He looked at the hungry children with green eyes and said, "are you picky about food in the future?"

"No choice, no choice," everyone shook their heads.

Ren He took a big spoon to scoop the boiling water from the pot into their instant noodles bowl. Several people carefully covered the layer of wrapping paper on the bowl, and then they just stood on the edge of the stove and waited. One person moved a little Maza to sit.

"Regret coming here?" Ren He asked. He looked at the children carefully. In fact, they were not old enough. It was not easy for them to go through all this in advance. Because of the water source, they didn't wash their faces for two days. Jiang Haoyang's faces were gray and blue.

After everyone was silent for a few seconds, Liu Bing said with a smile, "I don't regret it. What do you regret? If you can help these children, I think this winter vacation is the most meaningful one in my life."

"Well, if I didn't come here, I would have gone to Thailand with my family for the new year, but I still think it's more meaningful here," Li said.

"That's good. I wish you all have something to gain this time," Ren He said with a smile. "Well, instant noodles should be made. Let's go!"“ Ha ha, I've begun to drool! " The whole kitchen is full of stewed beef noodles. Ren He, holding a bucket of noodles, sits on the stove and purrs. In his previous life, although he went to a short time to teach, the conditions there are much better than here. It's not so bitter. At least he can have one meat and one vegetable every day. However, when he came to the most barren place, Ren He was a little greedy. Jiang Haoyang looked up and said, "this instant noodles is really delicious. I didn't think it was so delicious before. Can you bring some more instant noodles when you go to the county tomorrow?" He thought about Ren He's going to the county town tomorrow. Compared with here, the county town is already a world of flowers... "No way," Ren He said, glancing at him. It's definitely not good to eat instant noodles, but Ren He will add some rice and vegetables. He doesn't have to think about meat. He just wants to drain their oil and water, and these people have to go with him tomorrow. After all, when we arrived here, we didn't report the safety of our family because of the lack of mobile phone signal. Maybe in two days, our family was in a hurry, so we had to let them go to the county to talk to their families. In case the other party's family calls the police, it's not fun... I don't know how their families will react when they see their embarrassed appearance when they return home... They won't come to school to settle accounts with themselves, will they?