Chapter 401

Ren He was still thinking about what he should say when he was standing on the stage. The significance of this annual meeting is extraordinary. It is the beginning of the spread of Qinghe faction. Chengshan is close to success, and others are waiting for Ren He to give them the best answer.

When Ren He finished the first sentence, everyone's heart had been burning. They had foreseen that the big boss would make a big decision.

Ren He stopped for a moment and said, "what do you think of the future of the Internet? Where will it go? What is the core meaning of its existence? "

He threw out three questions in a row and asked the hearts of all the people present. As employees of Qinghe game, all of them think they are far sighted in the Internet field, because Qinghe game is already at the forefront of the Internet field.

But these three questions are so big that few people can answer them when they are suddenly asked.

At this time, Shi Yan, one of the 21 bigwigs of Qinghe faction, stood up and said, "I think the core significance of the Internet may be its information dissemination."

Shi Yan uses the word "should". When they go out to give lectures, they are all full of support and confidence. But when they come to Ren He, they can't help but feel a little uncertain, because they subconsciously feel that their understanding may be too short in front of Ren He, so they are hesitant to answer.

Ren he calmly said: "information dissemination is only one of its functions. If we only take this as our philosophy of Qinghe, we will not go far. The idea I want to convey to you today is what kind of Internet truth we Qinghe group should believe in in in the future."

Qinghe group, this is the first time that Ren He uses the word "group" to describe Qinghe. Ordinary employees don't feel much after listening to it, but the senior executives are different. Their thinking is very sharp, and they have noticed a clue from the words of the big boss!

Ren He continued: "what is the meaning of the Internet? What are we going to do? What we have to do is change the world, change life. "

"How to change? First of all, we need to make the life of our Chinese compatriots more convenient. This is my understanding of the existence of the Internet. Next, I will talk about my views. "

"A lot of people know about the project that the general assembly is working on. This is the first project of Qinghe. I won't talk about it any more. Now I'm going to talk about the second one. I'm going to talk about the Qinghe search engine company that will be established. Now the network is very convenient. The major portal websites are constantly updating their own content, and many navigation websites are emerging one after another, We can find the website we want to open on the navigation website. Is it convenient? You may think it's convenient enough, but I don't think it's convenient enough! "

"Some people will ask, how can it be fast? What I imagine is that Qinghe has such a website. It has no navigation. After opening the page, it will be a clean page with only one search bar. As long as you enter a keyword in it, the search engine will present the information of the whole network containing the keyword to users. "

This is Ren He's so-called first step to facilitate people's life. All the major search engines in his previous life are advanced enough. You don't have to go to the library or find the corresponding website to search for information. You just need to find Du Niang!

Is this convenient for people's life? Why can search engines become popular? Because they are so convenient!

The bosses of Qinghe are lost in meditation. Now the Internet is still in the era of navigation web pages, and the major navigation web pages are competing for users. Some people have thought about whether Qinghe should set foot in this field before, but it's hard to imagine. It's not that we can't do it, but we all have the same content. Why can you do better than others?

Now is not the same, big boss has put forward a new concept: the whole Internet coverage of keyword search!

In the past, when people were looking for things, they need to open a website first, and then enter the website to search according to the classification.

But this new search engine will directly omit these steps, you just search keywords!

is it convenient? It's convenient to think about it!

In fact, in this world, there are always things that no one thought of. The idea of making money only by breaking a layer of window paper, but it's just that other people think of it first and put it into practice.

Ren he glanced at the reaction of the big guys and continued: "now the third one is Qinghe Mall... It doesn't mean that we are going to march into the entity, what we are going to do is online mall! Let's imagine that you can buy what you want online at home without leaving home. Is that convenient

"For buyers, we are convenient for everyone in the country. For example, I can search the mall at home to buy a pile of daily necessities, or buy clothes, shoes, home appliances, and deliver them to the door. After you buy them, you wait at home, and then the express brother calls you downstairs and says, your express has arrived, go downstairs to pick them up, is it convenient? Of course, we need a strong logistics system. We'll wait until the time is ripe. "

"This mall will also be very convenient for sellers. Where is the convenience? He can also do business at home, no longer need stores and physical costs, his home is the warehouse, he is the delivery, customer service, boss! If you want to do business, just register an account on our website. We want businesses to come together and face customers directly. We are the largest shopping mall in the world. "

Ren He said with a smile: "we Qinghe group want to let the world have no business that can't be done." This is Ma Yun's original words in his previous life, and Ren He was quite excited when he thought that one day he would be able to say it with confidence. He can even foresee that a huge online shopping empire will stand in the center of the Internet. With its own influence, it will create countless employment opportunities, countless people will earn their first bucket of money on this platform, and countless physical stores will be impacted by an online store. What a glorious empire that was? Ren He went on. He not only put forward this concept, but also perfected it: logistics system, store evaluation mechanism, fake report mechanism, user experience mechanism, and resisting single machine system. He talked about it for more than an hour alone“ What if businesses sell fake goods? Refund! report! Give it a bad comment, and it's a bad comment that businesses can't eliminate themselves! Finally, if you look at the credit of this store on the Internet, you will know whether the store is selling well. Of course, there will be malicious buyers, so we need to have a strong customer service group to deal with disputes between businesses and customers. " In the past more than an hour, Ren He had no manuscript to talk about. The big guys of Qinghe were immersed in the huge Internet empire and couldn't extricate themselves. This was something they had never imagined before. When Ren He was talking about it, those things seemed to exist in front of everyone, which made people feel breathtaking! What shocked the big guys most was Ren He's sensitivity to the Internet. All his ideas seemed to be in his mind. As soon as he said it, we should believe that these things will really come true!