Chapter 557

Freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony

Killer slightly some egg ache of ask a way: "what is this, code?"

"I don't know," said Allen, shaking his head like a rattle. It's difficult for foreigners to understand the socialist core values, even if Ren he recited them for 20 minutes

At this time, Ren He is making an urgent promise. He didn't feel that he had more omissions before he got the master level investigation skills. Now, after he got the master level investigation skills, he feels that he still has a lot of tails to deal with.

Like the hotel surveillance.

In case the other party really wants to look for clues, it is sure to find Ren He and this Allen have a conversation in the elevator. You should know that there is a camera in the elevator.

Now what Ren He has to do is to blackout the monitoring system of the whole hotel and delete all the previous monitoring archives, which can be regarded as reducing some of his own traces.

However, within 2 minutes, promise suddenly told Ren He: monitoring has been deleted by others, and now the whole hotel monitoring system is in a state of paralysis.

Ren He Leng for a moment. Are these killers so professional that they even did things before themselves? It saves a lot of things.

At this time, Ren he heard the sound of footsteps outside... And the sound of pulling the bolt!

These two sides are not a group of people. Depending on the master level investigation skills, we can know that there are obvious differences between the two groups of people's steps, which is very easy to distinguish.

However, the question is... Who is Alan, and how many people beat him?

This time, Ren He looks at the cat's eyes with confidence and boldness, and his body is always tense. If he finds that the target outside is himself, he will get away immediately.

As a result, this time, the other party came to Allen's room, and this time, it was really CIA!

Mark Penn, born in 1976, is a major. He was stationed in the CIA branch of the Middle East region for three years and was transferred back last year.

About Mark Penn's information, Steve gave him three A4 pages, but it was very simple: this man, very terrible, cold-blooded, cold-blooded, wise, powerful!

What Ren he saw in the cat's eye was Mark Penn!

Ren he retreats quietly at the moment when he sees the other party. He is very worried that the other party is coming to round him up. Listening to the footsteps, he is also five people. He plays five by himself. He really doesn't know what the result will be.

If you really rely on fighting master, gun master and investigation master to win in the fierce battle, but if you get shot, it's the same result as not winning.

Ren He carries the sniper gun on his back and holds the pistol in his hand. This distance is more effective than the pistol.

However, an idea suddenly appeared in Ren He's heart. There is another hotel opposite the park building hotel, which is 43 stories high. Can you go out now, open a room there, and then kill everyone here?

This idea is crazy, but Ren He is very interested! Inexplicably, he began to miss the moment when he was in power on the tenth floor, that bloody night!

Steve's information to Ren he clearly shows that the CIA has issued an arrest warrant for him in the global CIA headquarters, which means that as long as Ren He leaves China and appears in the international field of vision, he will inevitably face the encirclement of the CIA.

In that case, why not preempt? He is not a lamb to be slaughtered!

Ren he quietly listened to the next door, but Mark Penn did not rush to knock or break the door, but let a team set up professional equipment.

At this time, the people outside the door don't know what's going on inside, and the people inside obviously don't know what's going on outside, and no matter inside or outside the door, they don't know that there is another person next door who wants to take them all in one pot

Ren he probably understood at this time that the reason why the heavenly punishment system would remind himself was that he would live next to Allen after he came to Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

And this Allen, who knows what he did, even provoked the CIA!

In fact, Allen didn't even think that he would provoke the CIA, Mark Penn. They just wanted to track down the hackers in the exposure prism project

In fact, Allen is the one who brought down Ren He!

At this point, Mark Penn motioned to the players next to him to knock on the door.

The killers in the room were all quiet and looked at Allen coldly.

Allen shook his head crazily to show that he didn't know what was going on. He really didn't know what was going on!

The assassin pointed a gun at Allen and signaled his response.

"Who is it?" Alan did.

"Room service, sir," the CIA combat team member said quietly outside, while the team member next to him, who had the equipment, whispered to Mark Penn that the voiceprint match was successful, was the target.

Poof, Ren He, who was eavesdropping, almost laughed and peed. Is it room service again? Why is it all the same?

As a matter of fact, Alan in the room is not very good... Again? He looks at the killer: your people? The killers separated a person to look at Allen, others began to slowly toward the door around the past, the gun has been carried up! The other party must not be a hotel employee, because when the hotel employee comes to consult room service, he will first check whether there is a "do not disturb" sign on the door handle. At that time, he will see that the lock cylinder on the door lock has an abnormal hole! However, the people outside the door didn't seem to notice it... At this time, Mark Penn signaled the team members to open the door. When his team members raised their guns to shoot at the door lock, they suddenly stepped back madly and gestured to the team members to disperse! He's found out about the lock! CIA is really a well-trained team, this time is just a few seconds of reaction time, everyone has scattered from the door! In a flash, the room rang out a dense gunshot, the killer in the room did not hesitate to shoot the door into a sieve! However, because the CIA responded ahead of time, there was no downsizing. Both sides are very smart, across the door of the hotel has been the first confrontation, after a round of strafing inside and outside the house are quiet, no one rash. Mark Penn frowned. He really didn't know that this would happen. This Allen asked so many helpers?! They also investigated Allen, but they only knew that the European Union was looking for him, but the style of these people in the house was obviously not the ability of the police. This Allen... Seems more complicated than I thought! Actually Mark Penn didn't know. Alan in the room was scared to pee. It's the first time he's seen such a fierce gunfight! At this time, a shadow next door, carrying a huge cello box, quietly jumped down from the third floor, and then frantically ran to another building hundreds of meters away. Strange night, no one thought there is a strange existence, has begun to look for the strong killing in the night. At this time, Ren He is still like the crazy chess piece outside the chessboard in the bloody night.