Chapter 601

For the entire entertainment industry, December 17 is a day of great attention, because "Crazy Stone" is released today.

Every week, new films are shown. They sell well or they don't sell well. There are only a few ways to go. Therefore, there is nothing to pay attention to when new films are shown. The people who pay attention to the films are the investors and the crew themselves.

But crazy stone seems to be a little different. The overwhelming publicity before this film is enough to shock people. In addition, it can be imagined that Luohe film and television is inclined to crazy stone resources. This film can at least earn back.

They just want to see how much the hooligans of Qinghe group want to play the film and what tricks they can play?

Some people had set a file on the day before the release of "Crazy Stone". As a result, Qinghe group jumped the ticket and postponed it to January 17, hoping to avoid the edge of Qinghe group for one month.

They say they disdain it. It is said that the total investment of crazy stone is only 9 million yuan. What kind of good movie can be made in this way?

In this era, many people are superstitious about the investment in movies. It seems that the greater the investment, the better the special effects, and the better the movies.

What's the result? It's not a lot of bad movies? It's not like Ren He has never seen a mess of big movies that cost 300 million in his previous life.

However, even those who are waiting to see jokes in the circle will not choose to have a positive relationship with Qinghe group at this time. This propaganda posture is a little too shocking! When we eat and drink, what are we afraid of in the face of Qinghe, a capital tycoon? Can the film market be occupied by it? Results on December 17, half a month before and after the release time, almost a vacuum!

The mouth says no, the body is quite honest.

Ren He didn't worry about the box office of crazy stone at all. In his previous life, without good publicity, it won the domestic film box office champion. At that time, not many people went into the cinema to watch the film. Many people watched it on the Internet or DVD, but even so, it was still the champion of that year.

In this world, the entertainment economy is more developed, and there is overwhelming publicity. Countless people are looking forward to its release. It's really hard to say what kind of achievements crazy stone can achieve, at least not bad.

On the day of the crazy stone show, we all peed when we saw the film arrangement rate of each courtyard line. First, the film arrangement rate of Luohe film and television was as high as 64%! Play NIMA. What is NIMA doing? You want to be shameless?

Over the years, even if imported blockbusters come in, the highest film arrangement rate is only 54%. As a result, you directly give 64%!

This is especially so. If you count six to nine theaters in a cinema, the theaters that play "Crazy Stone" alone account for more than half of the total!

If you look at the attendance rate, the attendance rate of Luohe film and television was 91% by 10:00 p.m. that day. With such a high film layout rate and such a high attendance rate, it's no different from full seats!

Only the entertainment industry knows how terrible this is.

And that night, crazy stone swiped the screen on the microblog, and everyone was basically praising crazy stone. Now, even the high praise rate burst, with word-of-mouth, film arrangement and strong publicity. This movie is not popular.

After listening to my friend's Amway, countless people went into the cinema to see the film, and few said it was not good after they came out.

"I really like the role of Heipi. It's not as overbearing and silly as Daoge. It's like the tragic life in this era. It's a good performance!"

"Ha ha, the plot is reasonable and ingenious. I laughed at the whole scene. It's so interesting!"

"Director Zhang Ming's transformation work, director Zhang has never directed a comedy before. I didn't expect this comedy Virgo to be so successful. I'm looking forward to Director Zhang's next film!"

"After the burst of laughter, there will be some reflection on the way out of the cinema. That's what I think is the excellence of this film. The little people have the sadness of the little people, and they also have their persistence. You and I are just such little people."

"Is the role of real estate boss a newcomer? It's really a good performance. I played the role alive. Before, I thought that director Zhang's use of new people would affect the viewing experience. I didn't expect that they all performed so well. The son of the factory owner and the killer were all very good. "

There is no doubt that Liu Er Bao's black skin is really on fire. It can't be on fire any more. This is a typical supporting role counter attack movie. Li Shuaizhen's role as Xu Zheng in his previous life has also been recognized, as well as Zhang Jinglin's role as a killer and Yang Runrun's role as the son of the factory owner.

The four outstanding characters of this film in the previous life are all very popular, such as Xu Zheng and Guo Tao, who are famous themselves, and Huang Bo and Liu Hua, who are not famous themselves. Liu Hua, an actor who has been in the film for so long, seems to have really started from Crazy stones. Ren He is a little uncertain. After all, he doesn't pay special attention to these things.

However, if a movie gets to this point, it's already a success.

Li Shuaizhen three people are very excited. As the main actor, it's the first time for them to appear on the big screen, and the praise is so high. However, one of the more painful things is that the deputy directors and investors Li Shuaizhen has contacted before, when congratulating Li Shuaizhen, they don't mention the appointment of the film at all, and there is a bit of weird inside and outside of the words. Congratulations to Li Shuaizhen holding his thigh. Li Shuaizhen suddenly realized that although no one in Qinghe dares to provoke him now, it's still a bit irritating to use capital and forces outside the entertainment circle to touch the interests in the circle. Of course, people at Li Shuaizhen's level still don't know how influential Jiang Wensheng is in the entertainment circle. It is this group of people who talk to Li Shuai Zhen the most. But Li Shuai Zhen suddenly has a feeling of indifference. Indeed, he has already reached his thigh. Director Zhang has shown himself the next script called "no man's land". This time, he is No.1 man, and the script is better than crazy stone. Qinghe group has money, people, resources and good books. The big boss is still his brother. Do you still need to run hard on the set? No, not at all. After spending such a long time with Chen Da, he also knew that Chen Da had been beaten. Although he didn't know exactly what was going on, director Zhang said: it's good for everyone to have peace of mind. In Qinghe, as long as you don't eat, drink, whore or gamble, you don't have to worry about being beaten or banned.