Chapter 628

Every time Ren's mother calls to urge her, she always asks if there is any news about the two man-made grandchildren. Ren He says that it's not that simple and is working hard.

As a result, now it is clear that he is cheating. Only when Ren Ma is not angry can he have a ghost. He really feels that he is a bit stupid. How can he expose this kind of thing at this time.

Their house is a simple 119 square meters, three bedrooms and one living room. One of them is Lao Ren's study, so they can live in two bedrooms. Ren Ma bought a luxury house in other places. She didn't even need to buy it. Luohe group was responsible for the development of the house itself. Just keep one.

It's like Ren Ma's house in Kyoto. If you take out any one of them, it's su Ruqing's villa grade. However, in Los Angeles, where the old president is in charge, he still keeps a low profile. Old Ren usually lives in the place assigned to him in the city, so it's convenient for his subordinates to find him in the middle of the night. It's just to separate his life from his work.

Now it's very embarrassing, Ren He explained: "I'm really trying... You can't because..."

Ren Ma just doesn't care so much: "no quilt, go back to your room to sleep!"

"Have a good talk..." Ren He felt his teeth began to hurt!

Bang, Ren's mother went back to her room and tried her best to bring the door.

Ren He had a little egg ache, which was unreasonable. He went back to the room awkwardly and said to Yang Xi, "cough, you heard me too..."

Yang Xi is looking at Ren He's photos when he was a child. He sits on the bed with his bare feet. He swallows. After Yang Xi heard Ren He's words, he looked up with a smile: "then sleep together."

understanding! How understanding! Ren He was overjoyed. Yang Xi was as sensible as ever!

After coming back from the United States, Ren He never had a chance to live with Yang Xizhen again. Before Ren He thought whether it was because there were too many rooms in the siheyuan. Now, it's true!

When Ren's mother said she didn't have a quilt, Ren He still had a trace of happiness in her heart... If not, is it still a man?

But to tell the truth, Ren He also knows that it is impossible to really happen at home. First, because Yang Xi is still here for the first time, this kind of place is not romantic enough. At least it should be in the spacious place like the big bedroom of the quadrangle instead of furtive?

Second, since it's still here for the first time, if you put something on the sheets, won't Ren Ma know the truth

Third, the sound insulation effect of this old house is not very good. It's really embarrassing to make any noise, isn't it?

Ren He thinks that as long as the head of the same bed is opened tonight, Yang Xi's defense is relaxed, and he can't... Hey, hey

"Don't look at the pictures. You've seen them several times!" Ren He turned off the light as soon as he collected the album.

Adorable way when you were young, "Yang make complaints about it." but it's quite sprouting.

"Hurry to sleep, hurry to sleep," Ren He directly pulled Yang Xi into the quilt.

The heating of this old house is always half dead. It doesn't achieve the effect of complete heating. It doesn't feel cold at home, but it must be covered when sleeping.

As soon as the quilt is covered, Ren He can immediately ask about the fragrance of Yang Xi's body. Yang Xi looks at Ren He's eyes in the dark and turns his back to Ren He as if he wants to put green light.

Ren He holds Yang Xi's waist with one arm in front of him. Yang Xi has had a serious body building class. The body building class in the entertainment circle really has the ability to turn decay into magic. As long as you are willing to work hard, it is possible for a circle leg to become a big straight leg.

Yang Xi didn't have any fat on his waist. He could feel a kind of waistcoat line vaguely. Then he went up a little... Up a little

How long has Ren he been living again? He hasn't tried it yet. This kind of environment is really unbearable. If you want to say that he is a young man who doesn't know anything, it's OK to say that, but Ren He Mingming is an old driver passing through

"What is it?" Yang Xi was surprised!

Keke, Ren He moves his butt to the back, which is really embarrassing. Now he doesn't care about the three reasons why he can't be at home. He just wants to rush up and fix everything immediately.

"What are you doing?" Yang Xi said suspiciously, "you're holding my hair down!"

"Watch my hair!"

"... hair, hiss!"

Finally, the sound of air-conditioning was really pulled off several hairs, but nothing happened. The sound was so loud that Ren He knew Ren Ma could hear it, so he had to lie back in frustration

Yang Xi in the quilt learned the arrangement of his pajamas: "smelly shameless!"

You wait! Ren He is cruel in his heart. He has to find a chance to go back to Kyoto this time

As a result, when Ren He was imagining the future, the next bedroom suddenly heard Ren Ma and Lao Ren's laughing voice: "ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ren He was lost when he was lying in bed. What are you laughing at?! Don't you know that the old house has poor sound insulation? I don't want face?!

It's not that you have to have grandchildren all day long! Hold the dog's eggs! It's so special... It's so good! As a result, the next door smile is 20 minutes, at the beginning, Yang Xi is still a little embarrassed, the result was also taken to start laughing, simply can't stop! Ren he almost thought that they had been given something called laughing potion. He was so laughing that his eggs hurt! Is there any public morality?! Ren He doesn't know when he fell asleep. Yang Xi's figure has always been very good. He has everything he should have. Tonight, Yang Xi doesn't mind Ren He taking advantage of it. Ren He falls asleep when he takes advantage of it. After waking up the next day, he just went out of the bedroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. As a result, Ren's mother began to laugh at him as soon as she saw him. Ren's face turned black at that time. Yesterday, he could comfort himself by saying that these two parents might not be laughing at themselves, maybe they were watching some funny video. But what's wrong with you laughing when you see me now!? Have you ever been such a parent?! Ren He was laughing, and he wanted to run away from home! However, there is one good thing when I come back home, that is, home is always the most reassuring harbor. Lao Ren is busy again, while Ren Ma seems not so busy. In the past, Ren Ma was a strong woman who had to do everything by herself. She couldn't do without the company at all. As a result, during the period when Ren He was in trouble, she left everything to her subordinates. Only major business decisions would continue to be decided by her. As a result, it was a blessing in disguise. Now Ren Ma finds that even if she is not so busy, the operation of Luohe group is not bad.