Chapter 669

Zhao Mingke, the fat man's agility in wearing a dragon suit, makes Ren He doubt how many times he has played the corpse. He asks Jin Xiaolong next to him curiously, "is this the way it always is?"

Jin Xiaolong obviously has a little egg ache: "anyway, when I came here, Zhao pangzi was playing the role of corpse. Sometimes I could meet him all night in the Internet bar. The next day, I would like to go to a place to catch up with you... It's not just me. In fact, Zhao pangzi had already played the role of corpse when the oldest of our more than 300 people came to zhenbeibao, Who knows when he started acting... "

Seeing that Zhao pangzi had changed his clothes, he went to the theater with the same flattery and smile as the traitors in the Anti Japanese Drama: "director, do you think we have a chance today? They are all old actors in Beibao of our town. Many of them have played hundreds of plays..."

Poof, when Ren He was listening in the back, he didn't feel confident, and the group actors around him were a little embarrassed. If it means to play hundreds of corpses, they did play hundreds

Zhao pangzi didn't blush, and continued to have a relationship with changwula: "last time you came to our zhenbeibao, I invited you to have a meal. Give them a chance to have a try."

I'm a little unhappy on the floor. What's wrong with your meal? But finally said: "then you let them come to try, today can give the role of two, one is to lead the horse role, one is the orderly, no lines."

Zhao pangzi's eyes lit up and waved to Ren He: "come here, come here!"

This carefully selected more than ten people are similar in image. According to Zhao pangzi's idea, it should not be a problem to play an orderly, right?

However, the field affairs looked at it and shook his head: "no way."

Actually, I didn't even give the chance to try the play. I just saw the image and passed it.

However, just when Zhao pangzi was a little frustrated, Chang Wu suddenly saw Ren He in the crowd. When he saw Ren He, Chang Wu suddenly had a strange feeling. It was as if this man was out of tune with others and could not hide.

If you look at it carefully, it really seems different, mainly because of the temperament. It doesn't look like the people in the corpse team.

"What's your name, young man? Go ahead." the field staff are interested. They are responsible for choosing the right group performance. The director doesn't care what they have under them. Just choose the right person.

It's not like there's no pressure of competition in this job. How can you tell the director if you choose some crooked melons all day?

Ren He pointed to himself: "me?"

Zhao pangzi was suddenly relieved. He was right. Ren He's temperament is really different.

"Yes, it's you," said Chang Wu with a smile. "Have you ever been in a play?"

"Yes," Ren He said truthfully, "I have acted in drama in University, and I have won awards."

"Not in TV series or movies?" Field affairs frown. Drama is not acting. I have also acted in micro movies in University.

Now in any university, the drama club can arrange a not so good drama for self entertainment. Only the places like Zhongxi and Beiying are really playing drama. However, who can study in Zhongxi and mingle with Zhao pangzi? There is no gold at all in evaluating an award in one's own school.

How can this kind of performance be performed in TV series?

He probably never thought that Ren He was an alien. He not only performed in Chinese drama, but also won the prize in the Dutch international competition, and even won the honor of best actor

Besides, he started his own film and television company, and Jiang Wensheng, a big man in the entertainment industry, just had a positive wave, and then came to be a mass actor

"Have you never been in a TV series or a movie?" the manager asked

"No," said Ren He, shaking his head. To be honest, that's not true.

"That won't work," Chang Wu shook his head and passed Ren He.

In fact, there is another way to try Ren He's acting skills. However, they are here to film, not to open a charity. If you can't, you can change others. There's no time to waste.

When the field affairs left, Zhao pangzi took Ren He with a grudge: "do you think you can't do it? How does he know what he's played? Such a good opportunity is wasted by you

However, Ren He has no regrets. Today, he originally planned to experience what it's like to play a corpse.

Zhao pangzi and Ren He nagged all the way: "in this kind of place, we should learn to grasp the opportunity, do you understand? There are so many people in zhenbeibao, and there are so many opportunities. If you don't seize the opportunity, others will go. Today is lucky. When you first come here, you are taken care of by the court. What if you don't have any opportunities in the future? "

In the end, Ren he comforted Zhao: "it's OK. I'm sure there will be opportunities in the future. Why do you seem to be more sorry than me?"

Zhao pangzi has found a good place to serve as blood syrup to everyone, and then wipe it on his face and body. He immediately finds a place to lie down and get ready to sleep.

Ren hele was happy. He smeared two handfuls of syrup on his body and lay down beside Zhao Pang Zi. Not to mention, he was really good at picking places. He didn't feel very cold when he lay down.

Zhao pangzi was angry and ignored Ren He. Ren He said with a smile: "don't be angry. You are more angry than I am. It's hard to say." Zhao pangzi lay on the ground like a hill and opened his eyes: "what do you know? Do you think I want to be chased away all day? Do you think I'm willing to play in the group of three hundred? With your money, I have to try my best to win some roles for you, right? My life is the life of a corpse. I accept my life, but you are different. When I see you, I remember when I was young, I always wanted to play a role or something. At that time, when I was drinking, I always talked about my dream. As a result, the society was too realistic. If you have a chance, you should rush up, or I'll burn my hands with your money! " Ren Heling for a while, Zhao pangzi's words touched him a little. It seems that Zhao pangzi's character is not all philistine. At this time, Jin Xiaolong smeared the syrup and lay beside Ren He: "I've been here for three months. Last month, I left four old people. As a result, fat brother returned them 200 yuan each."“ Refund? Why return the money? " Ren He doesn't quite understand“ This is the rule of fat brother. If the group actors come to him, they will refund the money when they leave, "Jin Xiaolong explained." I used to think it was a joke, but I didn't expect it to be true. It's said that I invited four of them to dinner and paid hundreds of money... "Ren He was silent for half a day. No wonder the fat man had to play the corpse himself to make money. He was the corpse driving team. If all the people were gone, Maybe we can't get enough food... No wonder this fat man can't play a role for everyone, and 300 people still follow. Ren He looks at Zhao pangzi with new eyes.