"It was just an accident. I wanted them to fight in another place, but they didn't listen to me, and they still had to fight me..."

"So you killed them?" Liu quanjun asked, covering his forehead.

"Yes! That's their fault

"Don't explain it to me any more, I know it all!"

"If only you knew!"

"It's not good at all. I wish I didn't understand!" Liu quanjun has a headache on her face. She feels that she is a nanny with a kind of super mischievous, super willful bear child. "I'll tell you the truth. Those two masters who are after you have the strength of supernatural power in the early stage, but we can't help you solve them now!"

"Well, I understand. Mr. Liu told me that if you make trouble by yourself, if you wipe your ass, you can't help carry everything. At most, you can send me a message from the side!" Deng Yifei nodded and said, "the message you sent me this time seems to be very timely!"

"Of course, it's very timely. If you leave an hour late, you may meet those two masters who will tear you in half and take half of the family back to pay homage to your relatives!" Liu quanjun frightened Deng Yifei for a while, and then continued, "we know what you committed, originally we wanted to hide your whereabouts, but later we found that a bounty hunter sold your information through our bee sting branch. Just later, not long after, just on the other side of the city, the AI family bought your whereabouts at a high price from our bee sting branch!"

"Are you trying to say Did you sell my whereabouts? "

"Yes, we sell it!" Liu quanjun said with a smile, "in order not to let people find out the relationship between you and us, we can only sell you. Anyway, even if we don't sell you, your whereabouts will be known sooner or later through other intelligence systems. Why don't we take care of our intelligence business? After all, we are all our own people! "

Go to TMD!

"We've sent someone to tell you that there are experts coming to kill you, haven't we?"

"Yes Deng Yifei rolled a white eye, "that you call me this time, should not just tell me, I was betrayed by you?"

"No, I want to tell you that your intelligence will continue to be betrayed by us in the future! In the future, every time you change places, remember to go to the local thorn bee branch to buy the information of the villain, and disclose your whereabouts to us, so that we can sell more money! "


Liu quanjun winked at Deng Yifei: "with your trouble making ability, there will be a lot of people who want to know your intelligence in the future. We sell your intelligence to them, and then tip you off so that you can escape. In this way, we should be able to make a fortune As long as we get your exact whereabouts faster than other intelligence organizations every time, we can stand out, and those customers will believe our efficiency more! "

"If you can be the enemy of the whole people, it will be better! Maybe at that time, the whole southern warlords will buy your news from us

Deng Yifei covered his forehead: "you are really There's a way to make money! "

That's all he can say!

In fact, he wanted to ask Liu quanjun, do they have a good conscience to earn such dirty money?

"What do you think?"

"Not so much!"

"But my aunt, Lord Liu has agreed!" Liu quanjun winked at Deng Yifei playfully, "my aunt means that this is to make the best use of things, she also praised me, said my idea is very good!"

"Since you are a troublemaker, and my aunt doesn't want to stop you, just make good use of your shortcomings To attract more customers

"Really That's great Deng Yifei raised his hand, "OK, I agree. Since it's Mr. Liu's request, I can't postpone it. As long as you don't fold me in at that time!"

"Don't worry, I have a sense of propriety. I'm sure I'll sell your whereabouts under the condition of ensuring your safety. It's a long way to go!" Then Liu quanjun added, "moreover, the more people come to us to buy your intelligence, the more your security will be guaranteed!"

"It seems that's the same thing!"

If all the people who pursue and kill Deng Yifei know his whereabouts through stinging bees, he will be safe!

After all, Deng Yifei can get information ahead of time before he is chased.

"Also, when those people spend money to buy your whereabouts information, we will give you half of the Commission. If they spend 10000 spirit stones to buy your whereabouts information, we will give you 5000 feedback. How about that?"

"I didn't expect that. It's a surprise! Of course I can't refuse! "

Liu quanjun explained: "you are satisfied. We are not short of money. We are short of customers. We are short of popularity. After all, we have only been in CAI state for less than ten years. Our foundation is a little shallow!"


"The two men who have just ascended the city are going to the west of Yuyang city. You can't tell me which way to go.""Goodbye, then!"

Deng Yifei said hello to Huo sining and left.

Looking at the direction of Deng Yifei, Huo sining asked in a low voice: "Captain Liu, do you think Deng Yifei will be in danger?"

"Why, are you worried about him?"

"Well, a little bit!" Huo sining did not hide, "when I first heard about Deng Yifei's ideal, my first reaction was that he was naive, immature, and too taken for granted Even now, I haven't changed my point of view. I just think that there should be more people like Deng Yifei. The world is short of such people. "

Liu quanjun said with a smile: "I thought you were missing spring!"

"Miss spring? I think sister Liu is more like spring? I always feel that you care more about Deng Yifei than me! "

"Yes! I just agree with his ideas and opinions! "

"Kill all the villains?" Huo sining surprised way.

"No, all lives are equal, whether they are civilians or warriors, regardless of their strength, life is equal!"

"Why do you think that?"

Through the broken window, Liu quanjun looked out into the wilderness and said, "maybe it's because I think of my mother! My mother, in fact, is a civilian. Recently, I always dream of her and her smiling at me In my memory, she is a very kind woman

"What about her now?"

"Dead, she's just a civilian. She was killed by my father's enemy. She didn't even have the ability to resist So I said, I agree with Deng Yifei's idea. If it wasn't for Deng Yifei, I almost forgot that my mother was a civilian! "

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