spring city -- Kunming.

The whole city is surrounded by flowers. There is a faint fragrance of flowers in the air. The streets are clean as if they have been carefully cleaned. Pedestrians come and go with smiles on their faces. They wear their most beautiful clothes. When they see people, they are happy to fight.

"Oh, thank God, Maria, you look more energetic in the new year."

"Not bad, thanks to God. This morning, Janet gave birth to a little angel..."

"Oh, then she'll have the same birthday with God?! I'm so lucky to call on me when I'm baptized... "

White pigeons hover over the city, they seem to be affected by the atmosphere, even the call is more beautiful than usual.

Liu Yu walked on the most prosperous street in the city. The bright red silk on her body mixed with the crowd, which suddenly became less conspicuous.

However, the people around him -

when they saw the white robe on his body, they all stopped to salute him.

Both of them have changed into ordinary appearance. In addition to each other's view, they are still the same. In the eyes of other people, however, the temperament of this pair of young people is particularly outstanding.

"Were you what you are now when you were born?"

Liu Yu has a lot of curious questions.

"When I was born Already a teenager, "he looked at the crowd," you've seen it. "


"Yes, that's about it."

There is no childhood.

Liu Yu thought.

But it's not very interesting to think about my childhood No regrets.

The buildings on both sides of the street are small, with pointed roofs, straight chimneys, and the walls are painted with colorful colors, like the cottages in a fairy tale town. There were all kinds of strange things selling in the hut, and occasionally there were waiters outside.

She was taken into a silk shop.

"I..." unwanted.

Before she refused, Liu Yu saw a familiar cloak.

Snow white fox hair without a trace of impurities, with dark silver embroidery on the edge

She had a guess in her heart, and the man had already said, "Mr. God, what can I do for you today?"

He seems to know him.

"Anything new?"

The voice of other people is rare to relax and kind.

Liu Yu couldn't help but take a look at God. Standing in the jelly like shop, he was unexpectedly harmonious.

The man has cleverly seen the girl beside Mr. Shenguan. She is wearing a red skirt. Although her facial features are not beautiful, her temperament is very outstanding, and she looks very well matched with Mr. Shenguan.

"Oh, of course! It's a coincidence that Mr. Shenguan is here. Our store manager has just come back from stork district. He brought back a piece of special cloth. You must have never seen it. The cloth will change with the weather. On a sunny day, it is pink, just like the tender peach blossom. On cloudy days, it turns grey, like misty fog. If it rains, it turns green, like Fresh green leaves. Snow, it has become pure white, as white as the snow in Alpi mountain... "

"The kingdom of God, it snows only once."

Liu Yu believes that he is lying.

Man, it's not upset.

He said with a smile, "yes, this cloth is so strange I'll bet that only our shop has It was dyed by a master Fu of stork district. The water dyed was the snow that fell that day I don't think there will be any more. "

"Take it out and have a look."

Liu Yu didn't speak, but the people around him began to speak.

The man "pedaled" and went inside. After a while, he carefully took out a piece of cloth. As if he was afraid of being damaged, he carefully placed it on the counter. The color of the cloth was really as pink as cherry blossom. Moreover, she had never seen pink and pure edge, but this cloth was able to do it.

"But there are few cloudy days in the kingdom of God except sunny days, and there is less rain or snow..."

It seems that the girl didn't believe me, so the man laughed:

"don't worry, beautiful lady, stork district is a piece of land specially left for us by God. There, you can experience the four seasons of the year and experience the sunny and rainy days, but it's a pity It snowed only once before. If you take the cloth with you, you will know if what I said is true

"How to sell it?"

Liu Yu immediately forgot the previous unhappiness and asked happily.

She had to admit that she was particularly superficial.

"There is only one piece of cloth..."

"Mafar, I'll take this cloth!"

At this time, from the door into a beautiful girl, she wore riding boots, red riding clothes, long hair high in the back of her head, the whole person looked lively jump off. Behind him was a handsome young man with short blue hair and brown eyes. His sword on his waist was shining with red agate.

The man named Marvel obviously knew the girl:"Miss Agatha! Mr. dart

“…… It was the first one that the magistrates saw. "

The kingdom of God has a vast territory, no country, only a free Federation composed of numerous cities.

In the free Federation, there are twelve City owners.

Under each city master, there are different numbers and sizes of cities. Miss Agatha is the largest city owner, the Duke of caston, and the most beloved duchess. The master of caston, who has mastered hundreds of cities, is regarded as the overlord of the powerful side.

Mr. dart is the youngest son of the second city owner.

It is said that the two city owners intend to marry.

But in any case, he was subordinate to the palace, not to the city.

Mafar looks a little embarrassed.

Agatha couldn't help but look at the genie standing quietly beside her. He was slender and ordinary, but she didn't know why. When she looked at her, her heart jumped up.

"Ten crystals!"

Agatha threw out a cloth bag and couldn't help looking at the Oracle again.

Shengjing is an extremely high-end item. In barter, it only exists in the high-level, and ordinary people can't touch it at all.

Mafar's balance began to tilt.

"A hundred crystals."

Said the LORD God.

His voice was so beautiful that it fell into the ears of mafar, like the beautiful sound of the jingling of holy crystals.

"Miss Agatha..."

Marfal looked at the noble princess in embarrassment. He knew that she could not produce so much. Even if the city owner took out a hundred holy crystals at once, he would be green. After all, the crystal represents the purest power.

"Monsieur God! What do you want this cloth for? It's a girl's thing. "

Agatha never looks into other people's eyes.

What's more, the girl next to him looks so ordinary that she can't compare with herself. She doesn't believe that Mr. God's vision is so bad.

"Oh, of course, it's a girl's thing. So, I have to buy it for my girl, too. "

Liu Yu looks at Gaia.

He did not know when to look at her, the green eyes are staring at her, there is a pool of gentle lake.

Her heart tightened quietly.

My Girl?

It's been a long time since I heard such a name.


But soon, she came to her senses.

Memory of this kind of thing, is such an egg, whenever you relax, will quietly run out to disturb you, shake you.

The only thing you can do is ignore it.

Gaia, too, takes his eyes back, and without expression throws mafar a bigger sack:


Mafar was immediately happy. He had never seen anything so precious, and his face turned red with excitement:

"one, two, three..."

Agatha stares at Liu Yu angrily - she has to admit that she is taller than her, she has a good figure, her chest is full, her waist is slim, her skin is whiter, but her face is plain

She can't believe it!

There are still men in the world who ignore her charm --

especially, compared with that kind of woman.

Look, what is she doing?

She was staring at dart.

Liu Yu is really looking at dart.

As she looked back, she saw a faint blue line on dart. The thin line was crooked, and it was like a net over him. At a node on the net, she seemed to see

Dart stabbed a man who looked like him with a sword.

The man looks older. Call him younger brother?

She felt a wonder.

It is like touching the vein of a person's life through the blue weaving net.

And the network disk root crisscross node, it seems as long as she gently pull, will loose.

"Belia Fergus."

At this time, a voice interrupted her meditation.

Liu Yu turned her head, with long golden hair and a white face as clear as snow, with a trace of confusion:


"Your cloth."

The cherry blossom cloth was pushed over.

When touched the silky cloth surface, just came out from that mysterious feeling.

At this time, she was acutely aware of the displeasure of the man's calm face: "you What's the matter? "

Without saying a word, he went out.

"Wait a minute." Liu Yu chased out and stopped as he passed dart.

"Did your brother just die?"

DART's Brown pupils contracted in an instant, and his lips showed intense displeasure and refusal.It was Agatha nearby who answered her in a loud voice.

"No one knows about it! Uncle Harry has only one child, dart. He is the first successor. Why, do you like him? Then I can exchange it with you! " She pointed to the tall and straight man outside the door, "I want Mr. God!"

Liu Yu stares at her:

"you want to be beautiful."

Finish saying, holding cloth to go out of the shop.

The young man with silver hair stands at the door, and his white robe is flowing down, which shows his meaningful and holy.

He waited quietly, as if without a trace of impatience.

Liu Yu rudely threw the cloth to him:

"a gentleman would never let a lady carry such heavy things."

His beautiful eyes were bent like a gentle crescent moon. In Liu Yu's loss of consciousness, a palm, the cloth disappeared in the palm.

"A lady would never stare directly at a strange man."

He said, reaching for her.

Liu Yu carried his hand behind him, but he was still caught. He held the small, delicate hand tightly in his palm.

"Bella Fergus, it's my birthday."

He told her.

"I know The world is celebrating your birthday. "

"I'll make this cloth into the most beautiful skirt for you."

He told her again.

"How can you make a skirt?"

The girl seems to have discovered the new world, but when she looks up to him, her voice gradually drops down Oh, thank you

He stopped talking.

Under the silver long hair, the tight lips became the mussel shell completely. His side face was cold and hard, and even his hands were pulled back.

Liu Yu took the opportunity to look at his fist quietly.

There, a blue character was changing, and she finally knew what it was.

