
Chapter 75

If there was the worst father on earth, it must be him.

“Do you even love Rere?”

“Isn’t that obvious? Just because I made a mistake before…”

“A mistake, huh? Then why don’t you notice that something bad happens to the child everytime you make the same mistake?”

It’ll be okay today. I’m sure nothing will happen today. She always plays there, anyway. What could go wrong?

Because of such complacency, I lost my younger sister in the orphanage where I grew up.

She was an adorable girl who followed me everywhere like her real sister.

However, as a child who also grew up in an orphanage at that time, I couldn’t afford to take care of all the children.

Even the child who followed me around.

As usual, she played in the parking lot of the orphanage, so I left her alone thinking that she would be just fine.

But I lost her that day.

The person parking his car didn’t see the child squatting down.

“Why are you getting so worked up?”

“Because you’re so frustrating. I can’t tell whether you love your child or are indifferent to her.”


“Be clear about your intention. If the child is more precious than your life, then treat her preciously.”

“That’s why I always treat her nicely, but the problem is…”

I felt I was talking to the wall. No, more than that. It felt like we were always in a constant loop.

“…That’s not what I meant. Ha…what else can I say? I don’t think I’m in a position to talk either. Do as you wish, Your Excellency. It’s not like anything I say will get through to you anyway.”

I wanted to say that I won’t let him slide if he made Rere like this again, but as someone who was like a parasite to this family, I couldn’t give him a piece of my mind freely.

This damn power. I want to have power, too. I want the power to trample on this ignorant Duke.

“Your eyes seem like you’re thinking of doing something to me.”

“…Isn’t that natural? If it wasn’t for the fact that I had a worthless existence without you, I might have kicked you in the crotch with all my heart.”

“How funny.”


Actually, I wasn’t even sure if there was anything to hit between his legs, but I held myself back from saying that.

“Ha. Did you just say I’m funny?”


“Then why don’t you learn about parenting instead of making fun of me?”


“Luca is doing all your work anyway. It’s not like you’re busy.”

His forehead furrowed at my words.

“I will do my work from now on. I will order him to return to his knight duty.”

I couldn’t believe he said that after he finished using Luca to his heart content.

“Since when has Luca been by your side? Don’t you feel strange keeping someone who looks exactly like you by your side?”

Normally, people would be perturbed if they saw someone who looked exactly like themselves.

Not only did he put Luca next to him, he also let Luca handle his work.

“…What’s so strange about it? It’s the duty of a Lord to have outstanding people next to him, regardless of their appearance or background.”

I looked at him silently. The face that worried about Rere had disappeared. Rather, the Duke puffed up his chest proudly.

“Ahh. I see.”

“Yeah. Is that all you want to ask? Then, I also have a lot of questions for you, Leona.”

“What are you curious about?”


“Keep that curiosity for later and be more curious about Rere, please.”

In the meantime, Rere’s little body moved restlessly.


I changed the towel on her forehead and patted Rere’s chest gently.

“It’s okay, Rere. Mom is here.”


“It’s okay. I’ll stay here next to you.”

“You’re acting like a real mother.”

He still had to make noise even when the child hadn’t fallen asleep.

“You’re really acting like a fake father.”


“You’d better leave now if you’re going to keep talking nonsense when the child needs to rest.”

He heaved a deep sigh instead of answering. Nevertheless, I didn’t even look at him as I was busy taking care of Rere.

When I heard him leave the room, I lay down next to Rere and mumbled.

“Rere, I’ll protect you.”

Whether I was a fake mom or a real mom. My heart for Rere was real.

The nanny came to the bed after he left and put a cold wet towel on Rere’s head until she fell asleep.

I looked after the child until dawn, and eventually fell asleep only after the child’s fever went down.

In the dark room, I felt like a hand was touching my head.

I wasn’t sure if it was a dream, but the hand felt so warm that I unconsciously held it.

The next day.

I guess because my mind was filled with Rere, I woke up so early that even the nanny hadn’t arrived yet. But there was a flower crown next to me.

It was the one that Rere made for me.

A flower crown that was slightly damaged as if someone stepped on it. There was also a small flower crown next to it.


I gathered the flower crown gently with my hand. The flowers were so fresh as if they were just newly made.

Just in time, the door opened and the nanny came in.

“Madam, are you awake?”

The nanny walked to the bed quietly and whispered. Perhaps she was worried that Rere would wake up.

“I just woke up.”

I put down the flower crown and touched Rere’s head. Fortunately, Rere’s complexion was much better as her fever had diminished.

“I think Rere is alright now.”

“The first day is usually the worst.”

“That’s a relief. But please don’t let anyone enter the room so she can rest today.”

“Yes, Madam.”

I gently swept back Rere’s sweaty hair.

“By the way, Nanny. Did anyone else enter the room?”

“No. No one came to the room except for a few of the night duty maids.”

Was it just my imagination?

“I’m pretty sure someone was here.”

I held out the small flower crown to her.


“It’s a flower crown that Rere made for me, but I dropped it while I was running.”


“I think someone left it here.”

Hearing that, the nanny shook her head with a serious expression.

“Really, no one came in.”

The nanny just tilted her head as if confused.

Then there was only one person in my head.


There was no one else other than him who would do that. Moreover, that warm hand…

I thought it was the nanny’s hand at first, but it clearly was a man’s hand….

My heart ached for a moment. I wanted to face him and ask him in person.

Whether he was the one who left this flower crown here and stroked my hair. But I couldn’t search for him when Rere was lying sick in bed.

“Do you want me to look into it?”

“No. I guess an angel visited and left last night.”

I put down the flower crown with a smile.

The nanny tilted her head as if she couldn’t understand, but I got up from bed and stretched my body.

“Rere perspired a lot last night. Let’s change her clothes first.”

“Yes, Madam!”

The nanny quickly left to bring some fresh clothes. Now that her fever had broken, I wiped her body with a warm towel before changing her clothes.

I was planning to feed her soup when she woke up, but the Duke came to visit.

“Is Rere okay now?”

“She can’t be better in just one day.”

“…You’re still as ferocious as a wildcat.”

“…You’re the one who made Rere sick. Last time you said I was the cause of Rere’s sickness, and now that you’re in this situation, what kind of excuse will you make? Even what happened last time wasn’t entirely my fault.”

“…You’ve always thought negatively of me.”

“Because you’re a bad person. So tell me, why did you come today? Rere is still sleeping.”


He took a watch from his sleeve and nodded.

“Princess Arvida is scheduled to arrive in an hour.”

At that moment, I almost asked him whether he had lost his mind already.

“You should get ready.”

“…I did say that I would meet her, but do you want me to meet her when the child is in this state?”

At my sharp question, he sighed and mumbled quietly.

“…I didn’t know this would happen.”

“Then you must cancel it. You know that Rere is anxious when I’m not around, but do you really have to keep the appointment?”

“Noble families are like that. We have to keep the promises that we made. It’s not like you’re sick, and there are nannies and maids to take care of Rere. It will be hard to cancel the appointment.”

All I could hear was a dog barking.

Seriously. Whenever I talked to him, I boiled with intense anger.

“Then I guess you’re not a noble. Since you never keep your promises.”

I wanted to curse him so earnestly.

If Rere wasn’t sleeping, I wouldn’t be able to hold back and would spew all the anger I felt.

Of course, he stared at me like a fool.

“Fine. I’ll go because it’s a promise that you value so much. But there will be no next time.”


Gosh, I couldn’t believe a single word he said. I was sure he would go back on his word again.

“I hope you also keep your promises as a nobleman. Nanny, I will leave Rere in your care. I have to get ready soon.”

“Yes, Madam.”

The nanny looked anxious at the fact that I was leaving Rere, but we couldn’t really act contrary to the Duke’s words.
