Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

Luo Jiutian was completely confused. She realized that she could not keep up with the progress of the All-around class.

Or rather… She couldn’t understand what these two people were talking about!

Just as Luo Jiutian was wondering if entering the All-round class was the wrong choice, Zhang Xuan’s next words caused her to sink into deep thought.

“Xiang Xiaowan, this idea of yours is to completely avoid the limitations of your profession. It’s true that the effect of a Praying Seeker’s amplification technique is much better than other professions. However, no matter what cultivation technique one chooses, one should not only specialize in one direction.

“Just like a wooden barrel. No matter how high your longboard is, it is your shortboard that ultimately determines how much water the wooden barrel can hold.”

Xiang Xiaowan nodded thoughtfully and said:

“In other words, if I only know how to increase my cultivation technique, the wooden bucket will only have one wooden board. The other parts will be empty. Therefore, it can’t hold a drop of water at all!”

“That’s right. You can’t guarantee that there will always be teammates who will help you fill in your shortcomings. There are times when people need to face difficulties alone.”

People always had to face difficulties alone! When Luo Jiutian heard this, a ripple appeared in her heart. She was beginning to realize that Zhang Xuan seemed to be completely different from the other teachers!

During Combat Class One’s lesson, Shi Yunsong’s teaching method was the complete opposite. His teaching was very simple and crude. It was to let all the students continuously strengthen the content they were good at. Then, he would let the students cooperate with each other.

No, it couldn’t even be said to be cooperation. Shi Yunsong was merely asking some of the support-type students from Combat Class One to assist the combat-type classes!

At this moment, she finally realized something: In battle, students with support-type jobs were always inferior. What should these support-type students do after leaving Combat Class One? As for those combat students, how would they deal with themselves without any support?

Countless thoughts attacked Luo Jiutian’s soul, and at the same time, she slowly changed her opinion of Zhang Xuan’s All-rounded class.

Two hours passed, and the class was soon over. Zhang Xuan gave countless examples in class, all of which were to guide Xiang Xiaowan to think about how she should respond when she encountered various situations alone, as well as what kind of effect it would have if she mastered a certain cultivation method at this time.

Xiang Xiaowan had indeed learned a lot. Even though she had been listening to theoretical knowledge for two hours, she did not feel bored at all. It even felt like it was not enough!

At the end of the class, Zhang Xuan left a book and a note on the podium and said to Xiang Xiaowan,

“Today, you will continue to cultivate as you did a few days ago. At the same time, you will begin to learn this cultivation technique. I’ve already pointed out all the problems in cultivation for you. It’s enough for you to reach the ninth stage.”

After saying that, Zhang Xuan left the classroom.

Luo Jiutian looked at the podium curiously. She couldn’t see what was written on the note because it was folded. However, she had seen clearly what the cultivation technique was:

[Full Arm Fist Technique]

Luo Jiutian was once again confused when he saw these words. He really made Xiang Xiao learn lethal cultivation techniques!

However, wasn’t the Full Arm Fist just a trash green-grade cultivation technique?

She vaguely remembered that when she was young, she had seen her third brother, Luochuan, practice this basic boxing technique. However, it only took him five days to completely give up.

It wasn’t that this Full Arm Boxing was difficult to practice. In fact, it was the opposite! This fist technique was too simple! It was so simple that Luochuan had no interest in cultivating it!

Such a trashy cultivation technique and Zhang Xuan was teaching it to Xiang Xiaowan?

She thought that Xiang Xiaonian would be dissatisfied with the game. Unexpectedly, she looked as if she had found a treasure. She excitedly put away the Full Arm Boxing technique and the note, then walked over and held Luo Jiutian’s hand.

“Senior Sister Luo, let’s go to the practice room to cultivate!”

Luo Jiutian smiled awkwardly and nodded, but he felt a little weird. She felt that she had gained a lot from this lesson. It also seemed like she hadn’t learned anything.

In the next seven days, Zhang Xuan’s classes were basically still talking about some basic theoretical knowledge. He also did not give Xiang Xiaowan a new cultivation technique.

After class, Xiang Wan and Luo Jiutian went to the practice room to cultivate. One was practicing swordsmanship while the other was practicing boxing.

However… During this week, Luo Jiutian had been secretly observing Xiang Xiaowan while practicing her sword. She found a problem that she was not sure about.

Finally, when there was no one around tonight, she could not help but ask,

“Xiaowan, I have a question to ask you. Don’t think too much about it.”

Xiang Xiaowan retracted her fist and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She smiled and nodded.

“Sister Luo, what do you want to ask? If you’re asking for Mr. Zhang’s cultivation advice, he said that he can’t tell you.”

Luo Jiutian was speechless. Who would want to learn that trash green-rank cultivation technique?

She coughed lightly and asked: “I actually wanted to ask, what level have you reached in your Full Arm Fist?”

“The first stage!”

Xiang Xiaowan replied with a smile as if she didn’t think there was any problem.

This time, Luo Jiu was once again in a state of confusion. A trash green-rank cultivation technique, and you’re still at the first stage after learning it for seven days?!

Suddenly, a terrifying thought appeared in Luo Jiutian’s mind: Could it be that Xiang Xiaowan’s huge improvement a few days ago really had nothing to do with Zhang Xuan?! Could it be that it was purely because Xiang Xiaowan had practiced hard for two years that she broke through today?!

Once she had this thought, Luo Jiutian began to doubt herself again: Could it be that she had really made the wrong choice?

Luo Jiutian’s mind was still running wild. Xiang Xiaowan wiped her sweat and took out the note that Zhang Xuan had left for her again, reading it carefully. After confirming it over and over again, Xiang Xiaowan revealed a smile.

“It looks like there are no problems. I should be able to break through to the ninth step in one go.”

Luo Jiutian was speechless: Didn’t you just say that you were at the first stage?!

Just as he was in a mess, he saw Xiang Xiaowan holding her breath and taking a horse stance. After getting into a stance, her aura changed slightly.

Luo Jiutian was stunned. She felt as if she had seen this scene somewhere before. Wasn’t this the scene when Xiang Xiaowan and Luochuan fought?

The only difference was that this time, Xiang Xiaowan did not use the Mortal Divine Chant.

“Body and mind as one, press forward with indomitable will.”

“Using force to break through the technique, opening the sky with one punch!”

The next moment, she swung her right fist.

This seemingly ordinary punch hit the wooden dummy in front of Xiang Xiaowan. There was not even the sound of the wind breaking through the air.

Just as Luo Jiutian thought that Xiang Xiaowan had failed and was about to go forward to comfort her, however, the protective array on the wooden dummy began to crack.

Then, after a short delay, it exploded!


The wooden dummy, the protective array, and the wall of the training room behind the wooden dummy actually exploded on the spot!

Luo Jiutian was dumbfounded.

Even my purple-rank sword art couldn’t break the wooden dummy, but you destroyed it with one punch.

How could this be a green-rank cultivation technique?!

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