Tianji city took off and crashed into the sea of clouds, lifting rolling clouds and waves, like long dragons shaking on the sky, shaking the eyes.

The Taoist Moon Fairy and Wei sobbed and frowned at the same time.

Yi Xiaofeng noticed their faces and asked, "does Peng phosphor fire already control Tianji city? So soon? "

Tianji city is not an ordinary magic weapon at first sight. It must take a lot of time and energy to recognize it as the Lord.

In the dangerous secret place, does Peng phosphor dare to let Tianji City recognize the Lord?

Not afraid of being attacked?

"No." The fairy replied.

Yi Xiaofeng frowned and became more confused.

LV Shuan cried in horror, "Tianji city seems to be flying towards us!"

Yi Xiaofeng looked up and saw that Tianji city was getting bigger and lower.

Obviously, Tianji city is rushing towards them.


The two mountains along the way were crushed by Tianji City, and the rubble flew in disorder. The wind was raging. The scene of destruction made everyone tremble.

Han Yuan shouted, "two big men, don't you do it yet?"

The Taoist Moon Fairy immediately waved her sleeve. A purple aperture flew out of her sleeve, quickly grew larger, rushed out of the woods, swept the sky for miles, and hit Tianji City head-on.

Let's hear it!

Tianji City trembled and the purple aperture was hit and flew back.

Daoyue fairy waved and caught the purple aperture. It was a jade bracelet. She followed it and put it on her wrist.

Wei Qixin raised his hands and got up with evil spirit. He rolled up Yi Xiaofeng and others and flew back.

Tianji city fell to the ground, collapsed the mountains, raised billowing dust and blocked out the sky and the sun.

In the evil spirit, Wang Yanran held Yi Xiaofeng's arm tightly.

She was not afraid. Her body leaned forward, holding a sword in her right hand, a posture to protect Yi Xiaofeng.

Yi Xiaofeng didn't take this detail into account. His eyes looked at Tianji city.

Tianji city rose again.

Yi Xiaofeng's pupil shrinks.

What did he see?

He saw a man!

This man carries Tianji city on his shoulder and is extremely domineering.

Under the huge Tianji City, he is like an ant. The ant carries the mountain. Can ordinary people imagine?

"Who is that?"

Han Yuan also saw the figure under Tianji city and asked in horror.

The Moon Fairy said in a deep voice, "Di Jiutian!"

Di Jiutian!

The crowd was shocked and their scalp became numb.

Since entering the secret territory, they have heard of the name of Di Jiutian, but they have never seen him with their own eyes.

Di Jiutian carried the huge Tianji city and continued to attack.

His speed was so fast that he flew over the mountains. The mountains and rivers were so small at his feet.

Wei Qixin kept casting spells, and the magic Qi surrounding Yi Xiaofeng and others became more and more, which soon covered their sight.

Even through the evil spirit, Yi Xiaofeng can feel the terrible momentum of Di Jiutian's rising.

He couldn't help crying for daoyue fairy and Wei.

How do you feel that they are not di Jiutian's opponents?

"Two elders, can you get rid of Di Jiutian?" Liu ruqin asked.

She asked the voice of everyone.

Wei sobbed and said calmly, "Di Jiutian is strong and can't be touched. But if I say to get rid of him, it's not difficult. Even the sword saint can't stop me."

This sentence is

Yi Xiaofeng smelled a strong smell.

That's great!

Yi Xiaofeng thinks that the sword saint has let the water out. Although Wei's heart is strong, it hasn't reached the point where the sword saint can't do anything.

Something suddenly occurred to him.

The childhood sweetheart of the sword saint has become a demon cultivation

Is it


Yi Xiaofeng thought of something and couldn't help taking a breath.

When they heard his voice, they turned and looked at him.

He coughed and turned away, afraid to say what he thought.

Everyone is worried about the current crisis, but he is thinking gossip, which is inappropriate.

The sense of oppression brought by Di Jiutian began to weaken.

Nine times out of ten, the distance between the two sides is widening.

Han Yuan couldn't help asking, "you can't seem to catch Di Jiutian?"

As soon as you see Di Jiutian, you run away and want to catch him?

The fairy replied, "not only us, but also people, wait."

Anyone else?

People are curious.

Yi Xiaofeng guesses that nine times out of ten are the characters of the five heroes of the devil's way.

After a incense burning time.

The evil spirit dissipated, and Yi Xiaofeng and others fell to the ground.

Here is the top of the mountain, surrounded by clouds, thunderclouds rolling overhead, and lightning can be seen faintly.

"Just wait here."

The fairy said, and then went aside and sat down.

Yi Xiaofeng also began to meditate, and Wang Yanran accompanied him.

Before he closed his eyes, Wei Qixin suddenly came.

Her right hand was raised, and there was a secret script in her palm.

She threw it to Yi Xiaofeng and said, "take a little basic skill."

Others don't think it strange. After all, the relationship between Yi Xiaofeng and Wang Yanran has been settled, and it is reasonable for Wei Qixin to send this basic skill.

Yi Xiaofeng opened the script and was ecstatic.

Jiuyou Prajna skill!

He only got the first level of mental skill before. Here is a whole book of Jiuyou Prajna skill.

"Thank you, master!" Yi Xiaofeng held back his excitement, got up and said with a fist.

Wei Qixin nodded slightly, and then went aside to practice.

Although Jiuyou Prajna skill is a magical skill, the cultivation threshold is very high. You can't practice it without nine ghost roots like Yi Xiaofeng and Jiuyou immortal.

Ordinary friars may have fantasies, but an expert like Wei Qixin must not dare to practice recklessly.

Yi Xiaofeng puts Jiuyou Prajna power into the storage ring, then calms down and cultivates well.

The audience had a heated discussion:

"Is it really a basic skill?"

"It must be Jiuyou Prajna skill!"

"Didn't some contestants say to the devil that Yi Xiaofeng is pregnant with Jiuyou Prajna skill before? Why didn't anyone grab it?"

"Oh, I want such a marriage, too."

"What does Di Jiutian look like and when can he see it?"


Yi Xiaofeng uses Jiuyou Prajna mental skill to absorb aura.

The aura here is really strong, which is much faster than cultivating at the foot of the mountain.

"Xianggong, you have reached the ninth floor of the Qi refining realm?" Wang Yanran suddenly asked.

Yi Xiaofeng opened his eyes and asked, "how do you know?"

After Wang Yanran passed on her merits to him, didn't she lose all her accomplishments?


Yi Xiaofeng finds that she can't see through Wang Yanran's accomplishments.

"I have achieved the foundation building. I have been practicing since I was a child. I only passed on the part that affected my body shape. Most of my spiritual power accumulated in the meridians and elixir fields. After returning to Suxin palace, I accumulated a lot and made a direct achievement in the foundation building."

Wang Yan Ran covered her mouth and said with a smile. After that, she took out a small white jade bottle.

"Here are two foundation pills. Here you are."


Others opened their eyes and looked at Wang Yanran in amazement.

So generous?

In the cultivation world, even if you become a Taoist couple, it is not resource sharing.

Yi Xiaofeng was stunned and subconsciously wanted to decline.

"Don't hesitate. I don't need to build a foundation Dan anymore. I don't want my husband to die in front of the foundation territory." Wang Yanran forced the white jade vial to Yi Xiaofeng and said seriously.

In this regard, Yi Xiaofeng wants to say a word.

Any more?

But he couldn't ask.

A thousand words can only be turned into one sound.

His eyes were full of moving, which made Wang Yanran happy and proud.