Watching Lina rush to the dragon, I was worried about her accident. I followed her closely and did a good job of covering at any time.

The Dragon saw me coming again and tried to bite me with a big mouth full of sharp teeth.

"You beast, don't you see the female knight? Just love to mess with me, don't you? "

I accelerated and passed through the dragon's mouth before I had time to bite. A foul smell came to my face.

When I saw the play, the Dragon seemed to instinctively ignore Lina.

"Ellie! Prepare your most powerful attack spell. I shouted, "attack Lina at the beginning, no, attack the dragon!"

Lina actually went straight through the dragon and imitated into a no man's land.

Lina stood at the foot of the dragon and kept attacking the dragon's thigh.

There's a play, there's a play! This attribute is simply the attribute of the strongest protagonist! It turns out that the low sense of existence is such an amazing thing.

Lina's attack didn't hit the dragon. I looked at Lina with some embarrassment. Sure enough, God was fair. If others don't attack you, you can't attack others. Doesn't that mean they don't exist?

"Bah, waste." I couldn't help yelling.

"Bella, fiola, savy, you three attack the Dragon head-on, creating opportunities for me!"

I picked up Lina, who was still waving her sword, and she looked at me with a flushed face.

I picked up Lena and flew to the dragon's weakness without hindrance.

He turned back and smiled at Ellie.

"Ellie, shoot at me!"

Ellie understood, but looked at me suspiciously. But I did.

The huge fireball hit me, much smaller than the dragon's spit.

Seeing that the fireball is only a little away from Lina and me, I'm afraid it will hit us in the next second.

I quickly stabbed the long sword into the weakness of the dragon's neck. It was easy to stab it in. The Dragon ate pain and raised his head. Weaknesses are exposed.

Seeing that the fireball was about to hit, I quickly accelerated and avoided downward.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the fireball exploded at the dragon's neck.

The long sword completely pierced into the dragon's body, and the blood gurgled out, fell to the ground and lifted the steaming smoke.

Just as I wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, the fireball behind me hit me again.

"This facial paralysis!"

I hold Lina and fly to the neck of the Dragon again. Lina's use is like adding an automatic tracking system to Ellie's fireball. These two teasers are really useful at some times!

The Dragon seemed to be a little confused by the fireball attack. For a time, he was unprepared and attacked by Ellie's fireball at his neck again.

After several attacks, the dragon's neck was blurred. But such an attack doesn't seem to kill it. Moreover, the dragon was seriously injured. Once it had breathing and fell asleep, the dragon who woke up again in a thousand years would be a disaster.

The Dragon uttered a cry of sadness and helplessness.

For a time, I had some heartache. Unspeakable emotions filled my heart.

I shook my head and looked at the bloody dragon's neck.

"Bella, fiora, you wait for several people to continue the cross attack!"

Put the flushed Lina on the ground and I flew up again to help people fight the dragon.

"Something's wrong! The Dragon gave up resistance. It's running away! "

The badly wounded dragon was bleeding. It vibrated its wings, ignored the attacks of Bella and others, and let it cut its neck with a knife.

"It's running away! Stop it! "

Fidro yelled.

"No, its direction is not the nest! That, that's the direction of Capua! "

"Stop it!"

I was stunned to see that it seemed that I had burned my last life in exchange for this extremely fast flying dragon. Some unknown emotions surged up in my heart. Maybe it was sadness.

"It's no use. We can't fly it. Besides, I don't think it can fly to Capua."

I said to fidro.

"Maybe it just went after the black cloak who stole its dragon eggs."

"It's over. Leave the rest to fate. The fate of Capua is no longer in our hands. "

This dragon Crusade, anyone with a clear eye can find, since I changed. The Dragon didn't want to fight. Maybe it was just looking for its own children from the beginning.

Did it attack Capua thousands of years ago because it was stolen dragon eggs?

"Let's go!"

"Stupid brave man! From then on, you and I are enemies rather than friends! "

I spoke to federo and others.

"Devil! I think you... "

"I am the great devil! Foolish brave men! From then on, you will meet me again. I will feed my magic sword cream with your blood... "

"Ah, where's my magic sword?"“ Lord devil, it's still stuck in the dragon! "“ Grass! "“ You take lanstya back to the devil's castle first, and the king will chase the dragon. " At the moment, the sky was completely bright, and a red sun seemed to be stained with blood. I closely followed the dragon. Although I couldn't catch up with it, I could feel its speed slowing down a little. Not far from Capua, I had caught up with the dragon. Flying with it, I don't know if it's an illusion, but I feel that its eyes are full of sadness. I didn't pull out my sword. In fact, this sword is not a good sword. The waste goddess lanstya lied to me with an ordinary long sword that it was the sword of victory. Later, I became the demon king. She fooled around with my sword and became a powerful blue long sword. In fact, it is an ordinary sword. The reason why I came here is because I want to confirm one thing, what is the purpose of the dragon!? Is it the counterattack before death or the reluctance and nostalgia before death“ Why don't you go back to your nest and sleep for thousands of years. If you fly down like this, you will die! " The dragon was obviously stunned, and his eyes flew firmly towards the city of Capua. The dragon was slower and slower, but still flapping its wings. Outside Capua. It is only 100 meters away from the city of kapua. The guards on the city wall have already seen the flying dragon. They are in full readiness. Flying crossbows and stone catapults are parked on the city wall. The thick and thin crossbows and huge stones are being urgently filled. Less than 50 meters away. The Dragon flapped its wings more slowly. The guards began to attack, and crossbows and stones rained like rain. Hit the dragon's body, it didn't even cry, but still flew towards the town. The guards were shouting. I couldn't hear what it was. Another wave of attacks hit again. Only ten meters away from kapua City, the Dragon couldn't hold on any longer and fell straight from the air to the ground. At this time, a roar full of sadness rang through the sky. Then came the celebrations of the guards, which I heard very clearly. They are celebrating the killing of the legendary dragon that destroyed the town. I stood in front of the dragon and looked at its huge faucet. Its eyes stared hopelessly in the direction of Capua“ Save my children! " There seems to be some ethereal words in my ears. Maybe it was said by the dragon. The Dragon closed his eyes. Maybe I was dazzled. There were some water marks in the corners of the dragon's eyes“ Um. " I promised, as if to myself. In the celebration of the guards, I pulled out the long sword inserted in the dragon's neck. In the hostile eyes of the guards, I turned and flew towards the castle. Just some unknown emotions in my heart. Human beings are just human beings. Devil's castle. I sit on the throne“ What's going on? How could you Li be unconscious? " My angry voice rang through the hall“ Devil, Lord devil, sister Youli was unconscious when we found her in the forest. "“ What about the brave man of mankind? "“ Dead! "“ Killed by lily? "“ When we found out, Sister Li held the human heart in her hand. " The demon clan is still the demon clan“ Is lanstya awake? "“ Lord lanstya is awake and is looking after sister Julie. "“ Lord devil, sister Youli can't kill. She has never killed a human in more than 1000 years. "“ Because sister Youli said to her, "she, she's afraid of killing!" This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.