Since kolomir created the magic of absorbing life, his quest for soul and life has become more fanatical.

At first, klomir's discovery broke the tranquility of the whole magic association, and more people were excited and happy. This magic is tantamount to solving the biggest problem of human beings - life. Although there will be opposition, it is submerged in human desire for infinite life.

Kolomir refused the advice and study of countless magicians. He didn't want to disclose his feelings and experience of this magic. In his opinion, this magic still has great shortcomings and can't be perfectly understood by others. Firstly, the vitality of white mice is very weak. Secondly, the extracted vitality is absorbed and utilized, which is only a small part. If it can be solved, he firmly believes that human beings will become the most eternal existence.

In fact, what he fears most is that someone will use this magic on humans.

He never refused to come to ordinary people who needed help. In his opinion, it's worth exchanging white mice for the lives of other creatures, although it requires a large number of white mice.

In his hands, countless white mice died and countless lives were saved.

At the moment, a woman in red, about 30 years old, was holding a baby in her arms in the wooden house of kolomir. The baby looks blue and has been crying. It looks very bad.

"Lord clomir, I beg you, please save my child again!"

The woman knelt in front of kolomir with tears in her eyes and begged.

"Misha, get up first. Your child is too young. I used hundreds of white mice before and after, and only continued his life for ten days. Now I don't have so many white mice. Even if I catch them now, it's too late... "

Misha looked at kolomir with red eyes. "Lord kolomir, how long can my child last?"

"From the signs of his life, I'm afraid it's less than an hour... Misha, I'm not God."

"Lord clomir! What if I use my life to renew the child's life? "

Misha gently stroked the baby's face, and the baby's crying voice was weak. Misha looked at kolomir with firm eyes.

Colomir was shocked and absorbed human life for human body. He didn't think about it, but he was afraid to think and experiment. He tried to avoid the terrible idea.

Although he is not sure whether this magic can absorb life from humans, once it is successful, this magic is likely to become a forbidden law for everyone to avoid!

Kolomi's heart pounded. He looked at Misha and said nothing.

"Lord kolomir, don't worry. This is me, this is my consciousness as a mother..."

Misha gently shook the baby in her arms and said to kolomir with a smile.

Mother, cromir whispered.

"I have never learned from human beings. I can't guarantee success. Maybe you will die..."

Kolomir thought of his mother. He knew the pain of losing loved ones better than anyone.

Misha smiled, um,

Klomir didn't say much and began to work magic. He put his hand on Misha's forehead and absorbed life! This was his first experiment on human beings. This feeling made him very excited. Klomir quickly suppressed the abnormal feeling in his heart and absorbed Misha's life.

Soon the red flames of the arm's thickness Kwai formed, and a dark purple light of life came into his body. Kolo Mir felt very comfortable. Is this the real way to suck up life? At this moment, he had such an idea.

Kolomir shook his head, drove away the thoughts in his heart, and transmitted the red flame full of human vitality into the baby's body. A large amount of dark purple light scattered in the baby's body. This is different from the weak light of white mice. The light of life is full of vitality and power.

Soon, the baby's face gradually regained its color and stopped making noise. Looking at the lovely sleeping baby, clomir felt the magic of absorbing life magic again. If, if he had known the magic at the beginning, his mother would not die

But when kolomir looked at Misha, he was shocked! Because in front of Misha, where is he still 30 years old? The wrinkles on his face look at least 50 years old!

Here! This life sucking magic must not be used on humans. How to understand this magic must not be made public!

"Is it worth it?"

"I'm his mother..."

The old Misha, looking at her children with a happy face, thanked kolomir a few times before she left kolomir's wooden house.

Kolomir looked at Misha's figure and his hands. For a moment, he regretted discovering the magic. This is a glimpse of the law of life. This is simply a blasphemy against life.

Although kolomir wavered at that moment, it did not affect his search for soul and life. He firmly believed that as long as the life absorbed from other creatures was enough for human use, there was no reason for human beings to harm their compatriots. In the final analysis, this magic is not mature at all because I don't have enough understanding of life and soul.

In order to strengthen their faith and avoid these people who need help and magicians who constantly come to the door and hope to learn magic. With his brother Aaron and the white dog Anan, kolomir moved out of Luoyu city and lived in a cave outside the city“ Aaron, how are you practicing? " Klomir put down his white mouse soul and rubbed his head to look at Aaron“ Very skilled, brother, look! " As Aaron spoke, he put his hand on a white mouse. Before long, a dark purple silk thread was pulled out. The silk thread twisted back and forth like an earthworm. Coromir is very pleased, Aaron, this brother who is not related by blood. There is a talent for understanding the magic of life“ Brother, Anan, Anan's recent situation is somewhat wrong... "Aaron melted the dark purple light of white mouse life in his hand into Anan's body lying on the side. Anan licked his tongue and opened his eyes. His blood red eyes looked greedy. He only looked at Aaron and closed his eyes again and dozed off“ What happened to Anan? "“ It's very irritable. Once it doesn't give it the light of life for a period of time, it will show its teeth and roar at me, and even want to bite me... "Kolomir stared at Anan and fell into meditation. Is this also the disadvantage of life magic? Once you try the taste of the light of life, you can't give up? He suddenly remembered the light of life absorbed from Misha at that time. When he saved the little baby, he had a trace into his body. It was really an indescribable sense of comfort“ Aaron! Listen to me, don't release life sucking magic to humans! Brother, I'm afraid I realized a terrible magic. It's not a gift from God, it's a gift from the devil! " Aaron looked at clomir for unknown reasons. "Brother, you are the greatest mage. Absorbing life magic will make mankind the greatest and most eternal existence!" Colomir sighed, stared at his hands and hesitated again whether to continue to study the magic. Aaron shook his head, looked at his brother, picked up Anan and walked out of the cave. Kolomir has not touched these white mice for three days. He is thinking about where the magic should go and whether it is the gospel or the magic language. Just then, Anan suddenly ran in quickly from outside the cave, grabbed kolomir's robe and dragged hard outside the cave. Kolomir's heart suddenly jumped. Anan, an old dog who has been raised for ten years, is very human. Where is Anan taking him? Where's Aaron? Why only Anan came back? Kolomir's heart was anxious, and an ominous premonition climbed into his heart. He ran frantically behind Anan. Anan's footsteps stopped and kolomir's heart stopped. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation