In this way, in Ellie's worry, time passed day by day. Three days later, Ellie sat in the room with an uneasy heart, but ya frowned and stared at the black door not far away.

"Creak." The door was pushed open, two soul wizards followed by a dozen children.

"Come on, let's have an adult ceremony today. After today, you will become one of us and be free."

The words of the soul wizard aroused the loud approval of several children behind him. Among them, two boys came and pulled Ellie and Keya excitedly.

These days, Ellie and Keya are waiting for kolomir every day. They hope that this grandfather can come. No matter whether the ceremony is really out of here or dead, they all want to see kolomir at last.

But they were disappointed. Coromir didn't come, but the soul wizard came first.

Ellie and Keya follow behind the soul wizard. Ellie, who is usually like a swallow, is worried and can't say a word.

This is a long dark downward staircase. On the wall of the staircase, there are fireballs hanging, which can be regarded as illuminating the whole staircase.

Under the light, the shadow under the stairs is like a beast with its mouth open, waiting for the giant beast that devours such a group of children.

Ellie and Keya didn't know how long the stairs were, but they held hands and their palms were full of sweat. Ellie clenched Keya's hand a little uncomfortable.

In the light of the fireball, Keya's face was not quite right.

Soon, in the laughter of other innocent children, the party finished the long stairs. Led by the soul wizard, they came to the dark square.

"Hoo!". A sudden burst of flame broke the air.

Dozens of flame lamps light up at the same time, illuminating this area as bright as day. The figure of the soul wizard mysteriously disappeared.

In this light, everything is seen. But Ellie would rather not see clearly. The playful children stopped laughing and the panic on their faces suddenly came.

This is a circular square. In fact, the platform is more suitable than the square. Two deep circular gullies divide the original circular square into three areas. Inner ring, middle ring and outer ring. And in the light of the fire, these gullies can vaguely see dry bodies

At the moment, these children are standing on the inner platform. Ellie no longer thinks about how they cross these bottomless gullies to come here. Because, at the moment, she has been swallowed by despair. She knows what she will face and can no longer escape.

"Ke, Ke ya..."

Ellie's voice trembled, and she held Keya's hand tightly.

"Don't be afraid, Grandpa clomir will come and save us."

But ya comforted Ellie softly, even though she didn't believe it herself.

The children are in a mess. At the moment, even naive children understand their situation, especially on the gully on the edge of the platform, there is a dry arm.

Some brave children could not hold their breath and tried to jump into the abyss.

Ellie was frightened and stopped, but her voice was drowned by the child's scream in the fall.

Screams, screams of despair, screams of despair swallowed up by darkness.

Helplessness, sadness, fear. Here we can find all the emotions that human beings should have when facing the unknown and danger.

Ellie looked at Keya. Keya looked sad. Ellie also wanted to cry and shout. But at this time, Keya always held her hand tightly.

In this darkness, Keya gave Ellie a strength called courage.

"Shut up!"

Suddenly, there was a roar on the outer ring of the platform. A man in white appeared in the outer ring.

At his feet, an ice bridge appeared with his steps. The man in white robe walked on the ice bridge and came to the inner platform.

Naturally, Ellie knew this man. This was the white robed man who once called brother kolomir and prohibited all going out.

In an instant, the children crying in despair and howling in fear rushed to the white robed man. At this moment, the white robed man seemed to be the only Savior and God here.

Not as these children imagine, the white robed man does not bring salvation. With disgusting eyes, the man in white kicked away the children around his feet one by one.

He didn't stop. With a gentle wave of his hand, white snow fell in the dark.

This is Ellie's favorite snow. Her favorite is winter. In that case, it will turn this place and the city of the soul from darkness to white. Pure white, holy white.

But now the snow, Ellie just wanted to avoid. She held Keya's hand tighter, and her fingers gradually turned white. Ellie doesn't want to let go, but ya doesn't want to.

The snow fell on the children. The children's blank faces were fixed at this moment, and everyone became ice sculptures.

Ellie held Keya's hand and was frozen like this. They looked at each other. The firmness in their eyes was self-evident

Ellie and Keya were still conscious. They saw the man in white walking around in front of the frozen children, muttering something in his mouth. They saw the white robed man put his hand on the ice. Soon after, a dark purple wriggling snake in the child's body was pulled out and put into his mouth by the white robed man. Then there was a black shadow, which was also sent into the belly by the man. With the man's action, the frozen child turned into a dry old body. One, two, three. At the moment, Ellie and Keya are like cherries waiting to be eaten. Death is only a matter of time. Soon the man came to Ellie and Keya. After a few rounds, he just nodded and went straight to the other children again, sucking life one by one. The frozen Ellie looked at Keya, Keya smiled, as if she was not afraid of death. Due to the angle problem, Ellie could see that Keya's other hand was shining faintly, and the ice on her hand was getting smaller. Ellie looked at Keya in horror. Keya was still smiling. It was a fearless smile. Before long, only Ellie and Keya were left in the whole broken platform. Only these two young people are waiting for the life of death. The white robed man stood in front of her, looked back and forth, and said something. Just when Ellie was curious, the white robed man's hand fell, and he put his hand on Ellie's ice... Ellie looked at Keya with an anxious face, and gradually closed her eyes, dizzy and collapsed, attacking the young Ellie. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stopped our translation