The wretched old man in front of me, the old wretched old man, told such a story in his mouth, a story that was sad and untrue.

A story that I don't know how to evaluate, whose fault is it? Is it magic's fault, or is it the fault of this old man named clomir? No, I think it's human heart and humanity that are wrong.

Lanstya looked very sad, especially after hearing Aaron's call to God. The sadness in the heart of the waste goddess is definitely higher than three floors.

Kolomir's words aroused Ellie's memories. Ellie was also strong. At the moment, she leaned against Lina's shoulder, but her body trembled slightly.

Lina is always comforting Ellie, just like her sister.

The wretched old man seemed to be a few years old again. His hands were pressed on the mahogany staff, and his eyes were dull. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"Chloe, well, old rascal, although it's a little inappropriate, can I ask you a word?"

Clomir's muddy eyes looked at me, "I'm a sinner..."

"I'm not asking you that."

"I regret finding life sucking magic."

"I'm not asking you this. Can't you listen to me? I'm asking you, how many lives have you sucked me before?"

Kolomir threw his staff at me and became angry, "little shriveled calf! Lao Tzu told a story of six chapters, but you are still worried about how many lives you have been absorbed? I really regret not sucking you! "

The angry old rascal yelled at me. Out of human self-esteem, how can I bear it? Even if you told a six chapter story, even if you were sad in the past, it can change the fact that you suck my life, and the obscene expression that you have been staring at lanstya and Lina?

"You old Bangzi, I care about my life and death. What's the matter? Come on, you suck me to death. Sucking me to death, will you save Ellie? "

The old rascal looked at me and his momentum immediately dropped. Sighed and said, "I didn't suck your life. You know from what I said that sucking life is to extract the red light of life from your body, and I'm exploring you with my own light of life and sucking life magic. I'll never cast it again, never again..."

"If I can do it again, I hope I haven't found the magic at all..."

"Boy, I hope you can help me. I'm old and the use of magic is not as good as before. I need your help... "

Clomir's voice was sad. I think so. Anyway, he was the creator of the magic and the brewing of the tragedy. Colomir, who abandoned the life sucking magic, is just an old man. Even the flame magic, how much strength can he have now?

"Grandpa, no, I don't blame you, I don't blame..."

Ellie, with red eyes, came to kolomir again. Kolomir gently wiped the tears from the corners of Ellie's eyes, "Ellie, do you still remember the origin of your name?"

Ellie looked at clomir and smiled reluctantly, "the alikeya flower growing on the top of the snow mountain is the most beautiful and brave flower in the world..."

I sighed and wanted to ask lanstya and Lina to leave here, but the obscene old man smiled at me. This smile made me cold and couldn't help thinking: How did this kolomir change from a Madman of magic research into such a obscene old man in just more than ten years.

After he looked at me, he touched Ellie's head and nodded slightly at Ellie. Ellie knowingly asked lanstya and Lina to go out of the room. The waste goddess gave me a meaningful look when she left. The philosophical look made me inexplicably angry.

"What are you going to do, old rascal? Say it first. I'm not a casual person."

I looked at kolomir with some vigilance. He suddenly shook the mahogany staff in his hand to the ground. Behind me, there was a fire wall in front of the door they had just walked out of.

My heart became more and more uneasy. Although there was only an obscene old man in front of me, anyway, he was the one who created life absorbing magic. No matter how he experienced, he was also a soul wizard.

The wretched old man kolomir rolled his eyelids and said, "that girl, the girl with white hair, she is a God, isn't she?"

I didn't answer, but looked at the old rogue kolomir with vigilance.

The old rascal smiled at me, "boy, don't be nervous. God and devil are your secrets. I will keep them secret for you. The old man once said, "when I finish my story, I'll tell you how to resist life sucking magic."

The wretched old man looked at the mahogany staff, turned his eyelids up and looked at me, "ordinary soul wizards can absorb life by contact, and Aaron and I can absorb it in the space. I was conceited that there was no way to resist this evil magic in the world until I met someone, the first demon king! "

The wretched old man kolomir suddenly paused and stared at me before he continued.

"I don't know how he did it, but he is the only person I've ever seen who sucks life magic and has no effect on him. As if he had no life, no soul. I think you'll have a way, too, if you do. "

Kolomir looked at me again. I hurried away from his sight. Did the wretched old man still not forget the smell of the demon king he smelled on me? He deliberately stressed that if it were me, I was a little uncertain whether he had found my demon king identity. In order to show my composure, I deliberately buttoned my nose, flicked it casually and landed on kolomir's staff“ Old rascal, although I think I'm handsome and powerful. But I'm not a demon. Don't you look at my soul? " The old rogue kolomir shook his staff with a disgusted face, "is identity so important, human or demon king. You'll help Ellie, won't you? " He looked at me with a slight twitch at the corners of his mouth and a calm look at me“ What's more, it's too late for you to get away. " The wretched old man kolomir wiped the staff head and said without lifting it“ I heard from Ellie that there were soul wizards in the town. I once thought they were coming for Ellie and me. Now think calmly, I'm afraid it's not so. They should not know that Ellie and I are here. Moreover, even if they do, Aaron will not be stupid enough to send some small soul wizards to catch the old man. " I looked at clomir in surprise. "You mean?"“ Yes, it's the Pearl of soul in your hand. There is a feeling between the Pearl of life and the Pearl of soul, and it is not surprising that he can determine the approximate location of the Pearl of soul. I just have some questions. Has Aaron found a way to integrate the Pearl of soul and the Pearl of life? Otherwise, he has no reason to want this bead... "Kolomir once said that he developed two beads, one white and one black. Black is the soul bead that can revive the dead. White can give mankind infinite life. Unfortunately, this is not perfect, but it is still possible to increase the life span of a thousand years. The Pearl of soul was taken away by the early demon king. He lost the Pearl of life to his brother Aaron. If it's really like what clomir analyzed, things are really a little difficult to do. However, I have already promised that the old man will help Ellie. Even if the soul wizard does not aim at me or the soul pearl in my hand, I will destroy these evil mages. What's more, I have heard such a sad story“ Old rascal, since that's the case, we'll find out the soul wizard in this town first and solve him. You take me to that shit soul city. Young master, I'm going to a bloody town! " Clomir looked at me with satisfaction and nodded. "Do you know how to find out?" I shook my head. I don't know how to find these evil things. I can't rely on scolding. I let lanstya stand in the street and scold for a few days and nights. Maybe I can scold this soul wizard? Kolomir regained his previous look of obscenity. At the moment, he half narrowed his small eyes and wrinkled his face, just like looking at lanstya's eyes. He squinted at me, "your light of life is strong and plump, and your soul looks delicious." He said something and licked his lips. At this moment, my whole body was cold and my body was stiff. The obscene old man kolomir and the old rogue looked at me excitedly. Sure enough, are all soul wizards untrustworthy? Am I about to usher in my spring here and open the door to the new world. I twisted my neck rigidly, looked at the fire wall at the door, and fell into despair again. Just as I was about to shout, kolomir bullied me and covered my mouth. He looked at me with an evil smile“ Boy, don't shout. Let's play kitten fishing, shall we? " This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.