"The driver who caused the accident?"

Chen Hansheng said that the old professor was really naughty. Her feelings were in her heart. I was mainly responsible for the car accident just now.

Yes, proud women are always right.

"Why doesn't the old lady go abroad and live with her children?"

Nie Xiaoyu asked in the back, "aren't you afraid of an accident like today when a person lives in China at such an old age?"

"This is where Professor Sun is respected."

Xiao Rongyu said with admiration: "she said that her children have their own choices and pursuits, but she won't go abroad. The domestic legal system is not perfect. She wants to give back to the motherland as much as possible and train more academic successors. Secondly

The little fish glanced at Chen Hansheng.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Chen Hansheng was driving and muttered.

Xiao Rongyu ignored him and explained to himself: "secondly, Professor Sun's husband is buried in pujue temple in Yuhuatai. Professor Sun said he rarely leaves his husband in his life. Now, even if Yin and yang are separated, he can't leave his husband to go to a country thousands of miles away."

"This is the so-called mutual help, life and death."

Kong Jing also sighed behind.

"Yes, sister Jing summed up very well."

Xiao Rongyu said to Kong Jing.

Kong Jing also smiled and actively showed a kind attitude.

This is the mature mentality of the imperial sister. It was originally a gentle string. After seeing Xiao Rongyu's face clearly, Kong Jing suddenly realized that she was a little strange in her previous "competitive" mind, and she could immediately adjust her mentality to face it.

In other words, I really appreciate Chen Hansheng, a proud, sweet, beautiful and invincible girlfriend.

Only Nie Xiaoyu, who has never been in love, still focuses on the event itself: "there must be a lot of moving love stories between Professor Kong and his husband."

"Of course, you know, Professor Sun has a nice name. Her name is sun Biyu."

Xiao Rongyu talks about his mentor's story. He is very excited. He turns and lies on his chair and speaks to Kong Jing and Nie Xiaoyu.

"There's nothing to talk about other people's stories."

Chen Hansheng said, but quietly changed the lane from overtaking lane to traffic lane. The speed was much slower. Xiao Rongyu wouldn't feel wobbly when chatting.

"Professor Sun and her husband met when they were educated youth, but Professor Sun is a talented girl at school. Her husband is just an ordinary student."

"They had different family backgrounds and suffered a lot at that time. Professor Sun used to have four pairs of ancestral bracelets, but later they were sold. The day before the last pair was sold, Professor Sun asked her little daughter to sleep with the bracelets all night, and took them down quietly the next morning while her daughter didn't wake up."

"Both Professor Sun and Mr. Sun like dancing. There are black-and-white photos of them dancing in the chronicle of Dongda. I went to see them. Professor Sun's husband really looks natural and unrestrained."

"Professor Sun has a little girl's mind and likes to eat the horseshoe cake in Xinghua building. Her husband has to run far to buy it every time. They are old and often walk hand in hand in school."

"On the old lady's 60th birthday, senior brothers and sisters invited a pair of ink to give her. It said 'ambition is accompanied, the world is sunny'. I think everyone envies such feelings."


At this time, the winter outside the car was cold and the carriage was warm. The three female compatriots talked about the love stories of that era, so they didn't feel far from this two-hour journey.

After entering Shanghai, Chen Hansheng found that the eyes of the three girls were red. He thought not. Why did they cry like rabbits.

"Why are you like my mother?"

Chen Hansheng sighed: "every time my mother watches the family search program on TV, she is urged to cry by the hosts and scripts. When the actors cry, she also cries. The key is that she is willing to be abused. As soon as the time comes, she turns on the TV."

"That's not over."

Chen Hansheng thought of these past events and felt that it was also a hindrance in her growth: "after she cried, she looked at my father and scolded him for having no conscience. When she saw me, she said I was not sensible. What did you say about a middle-aged woman watching a TV program with so many feelings?"

Originally, Xiao Rongyu was still immersed in his mentor's great love. In this way, she stirred up Chen Hansheng, and the atmosphere disappeared. She hated Chen Hansheng: "you say that, aunt Liang, I'll call her later!"

"Xiao Chen, please follow me to see Professor Sun later."

Xiao Rongyu thought for a moment and said, "she likes me very much and will like you."

"That's not necessarily true. In her old man's impression, I actually hit her."

Chen Hansheng said in his heart and said, "Professor Sun is a big winner in the industry. I feel hot when I go to her house and sit on the floor."


The little fish asked: "she lives in the teacher building of Dongda. You must take time to accompany me in the future!"

"Yes, first solve the matter in Shanghai, and then I'll go!"

In order to appease Xiao Rongyu, who has a small temper, Chen Hansheng immediately agreed, but this guarantee has no restrictions on him. Even if he swears, it's useless.

For a scum man, he can't be a scum man if he swears to be effective.

This is not the key to the problem, because after the girls investigate, the slag man can always find a clever way to not only break the oath, but also let the girls forgive themselves.

For example, to visit Professor Sun, if Chen Hansheng made up his mind not to go, he would say, "I didn't say at that time. I'll go after the business of Shanghai city is solved. It's still under discussion.".

In fact, as long as the rocket 101 has not been sold, the entanglement between Chen Hansheng and Shentong company will probably continue, so the initiative has always been in Chen Hansheng's hands.


It's almost 5 o'clock to arrive at the hotel. It's not appropriate to visit Shentong company now. Besides, Chen Hansheng has to prepare again in the evening.

However, when arranging accommodation, Chen Hansheng thought Xiao Rongyu would have a room with him, but she refused.

"It's not that I haven't lived. There's nothing to be shy about."

Chen Hansheng whispered.

"I'm not going."

Xiao Rongyu shook his head firmly: "I will meet sister Jing and Nie Xiaoyu in the future. I don't want them to laugh at me."

Chen Hansheng said, "in that case, I can only live with sister Jing."

Xiao Rongyu picked up his slender eyebrows: "dare you!"

"It's expensive to open three rooms."

Chen Hansheng persuaded him from the perspective of economic saving: "now the rocket 101 has just been established, and money is used everywhere."

"How much is the three rooms?"

Little fish directly handed his wallet to Chen Hansheng: "I don't know that rocket 101 has financial difficulties. You hide everything in your heart. In the future, you will leave me 500 yuan for living expenses every month, and I'll give you all the other money. If you can't do it again, I'll sell the computer."

"In fact, it's OK. I'm not so short of money."

Chen Hansheng returned his wallet: "mainly facing negotiations, I'm a little nervous. I'm worried about insomnia tonight and want to find someone to accompany me. Little fish, I promise I'll just hold you and do nothing else..."


The little fish interrupted crisply: "you cheated me to the hotel last time. My father was so angry that he couldn't eat for several days. He kept me away from you."

"Are you far away from me?" Chen Hansheng asked.


Xiao Rongyu raised his chin and said, "I can't bear it!"

